USA Minutes 7-17-14

University Student Affairs Committee Minutes
July 17, 2014
Senate Chambers 7:15 PM
Chairman: Chase Baker
Call to Order
- Meeting called to order at 7:18PM
Roll Call by Vice Chair Matejka.
-Quorum is established with 2 voting members
Approval of Minutes
-Sen. Matejka: Motion to approve the minutes. Second. All in favor. Moved
Approval of Agenda
-Sen. Kontol: Motion to change the location to the Senate Chambers. Second. All in favor.
-Sen. Kontol: Motion to approve the agenda. Second. All in favor. Moved
Chairman Report and Remarks-
-This is our last committee meeting. Our last meeting will determine our two osprey voices for
this summer and how fall will start. It is very important that we come up with good ideas to get
osprey voice moving in the right direction, because right now it’s not doing so dandy.
Student Advocate’s Report-none
Guest Speakers-none
Student Remarks-none
Old Business-none
New Business
*Sen. Kontol. Motion to suspend Roberts Rules. Second. All in favor. Moved.
A. Osprey Voice
a. Location
- Starbucks, Clubhouse, Chick-Fila, Student Union, Library, Café.
- We can keep track of the numbers and see where the high traffic area is.
- Student Union on Wednesdays and Library on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
b. Questions
- Asking the freshman how their summer was and what their favorite
thing was.
- The discount on the cups. (with more information about the cups)possibly for next week.
- Our next Osprey Voice needs to be the first week of school, so we could
ask them if they know about the SG free prints (and to explain about the
- We can ask what they like to on the weekends.
- How many of you had your professors provide scantrons this summer,
and if so did you know why?
- What’s your opinion about the requirement for freshman to live on
campus? And do you think it was beneficial.
c. Tabling Times
- Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays. 10:00AM-3:00PM
d. Ideas for Improvements
- Transitioning to tabling will make a huge difference.
*Sen. Kontol Motion to reinstate Roberts rules. Second. All in favor. moved
Senate next Monday at 6:30.
Final Roll Call
Quorum is reestablished with 2 voting members.
XIIII. Adjournment
Meeting is adjourned at 7:36PM.