GOC Minutes 7-14-14

Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes
July 14 , 2014 from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM in the John E. Sapp Conference Room
Chair: Katherine Savage
Call to Order
-Meeting called to order at 6:04PM
II. Roll Call—Vice Chair Lauren Kontol
-Quorum is established with 4 voting members.
III. Approval of Minutes—July 7, 2014
-Sen Culberson: Motion to approve the minutes from July 7, 2014. Second. All in favor. Passed.
IV. Approval of Agenda
-Sen. Kishek: Motion to change the location of the GO committee meeting to John E. Sapp Conference room.
Second. All in favor. Passed
-Sen. Harvel: Motion to add the legislative appointment of Shaneice Byrom to new business. Second. All in favor.
- Sen. Kontol : Motion to add the Judicial appointment of Kate Sanchez to new business. Second. All in favor.
*Friendly amendment to remove “emergency” from the title.*
-Sen. Kontol: motion to approve the agenda as amended. Second. All in favor. Passed.
V. Student Remarks
- Attorney General Harris: I would formally like to ask the committee to call for an emergency meeting on the
21st to occur before the senate meeting that evening. So that the committee may review the elections policies
and procedures that commissioner Rains is preparing.
VI. Guest Speakers-none
VII. Remarks of the Chair—sgagoc@unf.edu
- We have three appointments tonight, please ask questions that will get the most information for us all.
VIII. Old Business-none
IX. New Business
a. Legislative Appointment of Akash Brahmbhatt- (sophomore. Public Law and Advertising)
- I feel like the best way to help students is to be active on campus. I really wanted to join to try and create a
bus stop at the crossings, and that has already been done.
o Sen. Culberson: which committee do you see yourself apart of? - seeing that the CSC committee
deals with the laws and I am majoring in public law I can see myself in that one. I also think that
helping with the elections would be cool in the GO committee.
o Sen. Kontol: do you happen to know all the committees? - I know that there is the CSC committee,
B&A committee, the GO committee, and the general senate.
o Sen. Harvel: have you held any leadership positions? - Currently I am our social chair, and I also work
directly under the PR committee.
o Sen. Kishek: with being in school and being a part of a fraternity, do you think you will have enough
time to be a part of student government? – I plan to make time. If I take on a responsibility I make
time for it.
o Sen. Kontol: aside from your classes do you have any other obligations, such as a job? – Not
currently, I just left my job.
o GO Chair Savage: if you are appointed to senate are you open to or interested in in taking on any
leadership positions and any in particular? Always, and I think I would have to learn more about the
positions. I would say that the CSC would be my number 1.
Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes
July 14 , 2014 from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM in the John E. Sapp Conference Room
Chair: Katherine Savage
Sen Harvel: you mentioned you are a Public Law major, do you have any experience with student
government in the past?- I lived in India for a small period of my life and there in high school we
have a city wide student run organization, and I joined that in my free time
o GO Chair Savage: what do you aspire to do with your degree? – after graduating I want to go to New
York City to work as an advertiser and pay my way through law school. I hope to get into either NYU
or Columbia for law. Then I hope to go into corporate law.
 Sen. Kishek: I move to approve Akash Brahmbhatt for legislative appointment. Second.
Discussion. Roll call vote: Sen. Culberson-yes, Sen. Harvel-yes, Sen. Kishek-yes, Sen. Kontolyes. Motion passes 4:0:0.
b. Legislative Appointment of Shaneice Byrom (Senior. Construction Management, Business Minor)
I agree with title 6, making college liaisons so students who are actually in that college can have a word. I am
from the construction department so someone from the English department would not know our problems
or worries. This is something different for me; I am stepping outside the boundaries. I want to get the word
out for my college and letting students know about student government. My first 3 and half years I didn’t
really care about it, it is just good to inform the students what they are paying for.
o Sen. Culberson: which committee do you see yourself apart of?- The Budget and Allocations
committee, just because it’s really good to see where the money is going and it’s also good to know
that you helped someone out.
o Sen. Kontol: what is your major?- Construction Management with a minor in Business.
o Sen. Kishek: what other leadership roles have you had in the past?- I am the president of a sorority,
this is my 3rd semester. I am also a co-founding of a business fraternity on campus. I used to be a
Resident Assistant with the housing department.
o Sen. Kontol: are you familiar with all of the committees we have?- I am not.
o Sen. Harvel: you seem like a busy woman, do you have any other obligations that would hinder your
ability to come to senate/committee meetings and other events? – Nothing would hinder my ability
to come to senate meetings. First school then it’s everything else; class would be the only thing that
would ever hinder it.
o Sen. Harvel: you were required to fill out a student poll for the appointment application, did you
learn anything from it and would you gage it as a good requirement for an appointee? – I do think it
is a good requirement so that you all can get more information about what the students know about
the student government. What I did learn about is that they really don’t know anything, it’s sad.
o GO Chair Savage: what do you aspire to do with your major?- right now I am currently an intern at
CSX,I plan on doing the management program there. It’s not really a girl’s field work, so I like
pushing the boundaries. If you tell me I can’t do it, I will prove to you that I will. It’s hard for women
to get into it.
o GO Chair Savage: if you are appointed into senate, are you interested in taking on any leadership
roles?- I would like to be a liaison for my college, so we will see how that goes. I can relay messages
to everyone else.
 Sen. Kishek: I move to approve Shaneice Byrom for legistlative appointment. Second.
Discussion. Roll call vote: Sen. Culberson-yes, Sen. Harvel-yes, Sen. Kishek-yes, Sen. Kontolyes. Motion passes 4:0:0.
Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes
July 14 , 2014 from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM in the John E. Sapp Conference Room
Chair: Katherine Savage
*Sen. Harvel- Motion to extend the adjournment time to 7:00PM. Second. All in favor. Roll call
vote. Motion for unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Passed.
c. Judicial Appointment of Kate Sanchez (Junior. Criminal Justice and Spanish major)
- I really love UNF and I want to be involved. Policy making and determining the budget has never really been
my thing, but I have always been attracted to the law. I have read the constitution and statutes along with
the judicial branches policies and procedures several times. I understand how sunshine law and FERPA work.
I am also familiar with judicial reviews.
o GO Chair Savage: what are the everyday duties of your positon? - Mainly parking appeals. I was told
that when elections come around that more things might come in. There are two meetings a week.
o GO Chair Savage: what is the most interesting part of the position? - parking appeals are pretty
straight forward. I am looking forward to seeing what random stuff comes up.
o GO Chair Savage: during your lengthy interview process what was the most important thing that you
learned along the way?- The importance that we are the highest court, so whatever decision we
come up with is the final decision. So you need to be super sure of what you decide.
o GO Chair Savage: Do you feel like you are an independent enough thinker to come up with your own
decision? Yes according to sunshine law you aren’t ever allowed to discuss with others, and I am not
easily swayed.
o GO Chair Savage: what are you going to do after graduation? - I am not sure if I am going to go to
graduate school or law school.
 Sen. Kishek-Motion to approve Kate Sanchez for judicial appointment. Second. Discussion.
Roll call vote: Sen. Culberson-yes, Sen. Harvel-yes, Sen. Kishek-yes, Sen. Kontol-yes. Motion
passes 4:0:0.
X. Announcements
- I will schedule an emergency meeting on Monday the 21st at 5:00PM, in the John E. Sapp Conference room.
XI. Final Roll Call—Vice Chair Lauren Kontol
- Quorum is reestablished for 4 voting members.
XII. Adjournment
- Meeting is adjourned at 6:42PM.