CSC Minutes 7-14-14

Constitution and Statutes Minutes
July 14th, 2014
Senate Chambers 6:00 PM
Chair: Senate President Pro-Tempore Gloster
Call to Order
Meeting is called to order at 5:56PM
Roll Call – Madame Vice-Chairwoman Cunningham
Quorum is established with 4 voting members
Student Remarks-none
Approval of Minutes – July 7th, 2014 Emergency Meeting; June 16th, 2014 Committee Meeting
Approval of Agenda
Sen. Cunningham: motion to add Chief Justice Powers to Guest Speakers. Second. All in favor.
Guest Speakers
Sen.Cunningham: I move to approve the minutes from July 7th, 2014. Second. All in favor.
Sen. Watkins: I move to approve the minutes from June 16th, 2014. Second. All in favor. Moved
Chief Justice Powers: For a JD, Essentially what happens is the attorney general reviews the
constitution periodically, and maybe he sees some issues with statute he can submit a judicial
review form. Then we review it, if I like it then it goes to a meeting and we review it. If we find a
conflict with a statute or in the constitution we can strike it. The minute we strike it no longer
exists; that has happened twice so far over the summer. One specifically pertaining to the judicial
branch and the other to the executive. The constitution can’t get changed too often, the statute
can. We review everyday policy. Every decision we make is brought to us by students, more
times than not it’s the attorney general. You all are welcome to file a judicial review as well.
Remarks of the Chair –
“Investing for the poor requires participation from the entire community” this is a quote from Bill
Gates. What I am going to take and use it as for this body is that investing for the students
requires participation from this body. It would be a great detraction from the truth if I said that I
cannot stress the importance of your voices, the importance of you all making motions, and the
level of things of you as senators and committee members can do. Participation is defined as the
act of taking part as in some action or attempt. Everything we do depends on your participation.
We need your voices heard for the students and we need motions to be made for the students.
And we need your ideas to be implemented and to be put on paper for the students. Everything
we do depends on your participation. If you do not act or attempt to act, then you are not
participating. If you do not know what questions to ask or if you do not know something, ask a
question. There is no such thing as a stupid question. Every question that is presented before this
body will be taken seriously. If you do not know, simply ask for a point of order.
Old Business
*Sen. Tunjic.Motion to allot two minutes to read JD-14SA-001 and two minutes to read JD-14SA-002.
Second. All in favor.
a. Review of JD-14SA-001
b. Review of JD-14SA-002
New Business
a. CR-14SB-2776 (Refinement within the Judicial Branch) Sponsored by Senator Hartsfield:
Sen. Gloster made some changes to Article 4 which makes the Judicial Branch run more
 Sen. Gloster: *reviews track changes up on the screens* There was not a
term limit for the judicial branch; there were conflicting things within
our statues. It would only be fair to state that it would state 6 years. We
changed JR to Judicial processes. In section 1 we changed Judicial
Council to Supreme Court. We are also changing the number from 9 to 7
for justices who can serve. There is one change that status the judicial
council that says MAY consult. Those were the big changes. If you find
any others please let me know.
 Sen. Tunjic Motion to approve CR-14SB-2776. Second. No
discussion. Roll call vote: Sen. Gloster-yes, Sen. Hartsfelid-yes,
Sen Tunjic-yes, Sen Watkins-yes. Motion passes: 4-0-0.
b. SR-14SB-2777(Senate Policies and Procedures)
Sen. Ramirez: *reviews track changes up on the screens* We switched purpose
and mission. We took out a qualification out. And we added another duty of
amending. The senate president must file all relevant information. Pro tempore
must keep records on O:drive. Our workshops now take place in senate
orientation. Ongoing Chaplin training from the interfaith center was added.
Website files now got moved to senate secretary. We also change chair from
chairperson to keep it consistent. The duty will remain with senate president but
can be delegated to a cabinet member for senator orientation. O:Drive and 3
business days for the minutes. Make sure all documents are being placed in the
right place and the right time. Chairs are responsible for minutes/ voting records
in absence of senate secretary. Change CSC to C&S. New language for the GOC
committee. There are a few grammatical errors. There is a new redemption
process for senators who have completed involvement requirements, by
volunteering with one of our agencies. There needs to be a form picked up at the
Rotunda to be filled out and turned in after 3 business days to the senate
president. You need to notify Senate President and Senate President Protempore.
If a senator fails to show up, they will be accessed 2 points.
? Question-Sen. Tunjic: by events do you mean tabling?-No, this would be anything an agency
 Sen. Tunjic Motion to approve SR-14SB-2777 with the current
amendments. Second. No discussion. Roll call vote. Motion for
unanimous consent. Second. Approved.
I would like to thank you all for serving this summer in our committee. I hope you all come back
we have much work to do.
We will meet again on September 8, time TBA.
Senate is next Monday at 6:30.
Final Roll Call – Vice Chairwoman Cunningham
Quorum is reestablished with 4 voting members
Meeting is adjourned at 6:30PM.