Emergency Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes July 7th, 2014 from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM in the Senate Chambers Chair: Katherine Savage I. Call to Order Meeting is called to order at 5:06PM II. Roll Call—Vice Chair Lauren Kontol Quorum is established with 3 voting members III. Approval of Minutes—June 30, 2014 Sen. Culberson: Motion to approve the minutes from June 30th 2014. Second. All in favor. IV. Approval of Agenda Sen. Culberson: Motion to approve the agenda. Second. All in favor. V. Student Remarks Danny Powers: I just want to say we have a nominee for tonight for judicial, John Solar. Please be sure to ask him any questions you have. Collin Waychoff: I would just like to talk to the committee about your authority and how you can use that authority throughout your time in student government. This is a particularly great committee, and you have a lot of authority. Matthew Harris: I would like to say for the committees, I have had the privilege of sitting with both candidates that are going before you tonight. John solar thinks the way a justice should, he holds himself very well. True Rains have a very difficult job ahead of him. He is very prepared. We sat in a very long interview. I think he will be able to do the job successfully. VI. Guest Speakers-none VII. Remarks of the Chair—sgagoc@unf.edu I do not want this meeting to be silent. I want relevant questions to be asked relevant to their positions. Try to ask questions to gain information and we can make a confident decision. VIII. Old Business IX. New Business a. Judicial Appointment of John Solar President Turner: Tonight we are here to have a preliminary appointment for John Solar. John went through a rigorous pre appointment interview process. We gave him a couple different scenarios. Matt, Collin and I think he would be a great addition to the branch. John Solar. Senior. Political Science. I have had a lot of classes that are law based, which I think can help me a lot. I am the treasurer for Phi Alpha Delta. I just want to do the best I can along with my fellow justices. o GO Chair Savage: Pres. Turner had mentioned that you interned? -I have interned for Marco Rubio. o GO Chair Savage: What do you aspire to do after college?-I hope to go to law school after graduation. o GO Chair Savage: Do you think you have the time management skills to hold this position? - I have four classes in the fall with no job, so I will have plenty of time. Sen. Harvel: Motion to approve John Solar as an associate justice. Second. Disscusion he is a great critical thinker. Roll call vote: Sen. Culberson-yes, Sen. Harvel- yes. Sen. Kishek-yes, Sen. Kontol-yes. Motion passes, 4:0:0. b. Office of Elections Appointment of True Rains Emergency Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes July 7th, 2014 from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM in the Senate Chambers Chair: Katherine Savage President Turner: True went through a similar process as John. This person is going to have the responsibility for running elections. He will also have the task of proposing things to this committee. True is in touch with what an election should be. I am 100% confident that true is what this government needs. We will have rigorous elections. o True Rains. Sophomore. I never intended to come to UNF. I was told that I needed to apply for back up schools. I came and I toured it and I fell in love. I could really see the potential of the school. When I came here last fall I saw the down falls and what the campus was struggling with. I joined the swoop squad. I didn’t know anything about the SG elections. I think that is really disappointing. So that was on my list of things I wanted to improve at this school. My passion for the school really made me want to change this. I want people to know when the elections are and where they are. I actually ran for senate last spring, and I think the process just wasn’t clear. Qualified students should be running. My ultimate goal is to see that the elections are very competitive. This will force them to come up with better ways to improve the school. Sen Kontol: Do you believe that being involved with other organizations will interfere? - I have pledged a fraternity, swoop squad, honors program, and still maintained good grades. So I don’t think that time management will be a problem for me. Sen Harvel: Do you have prior experience to elections? - Other than running last spring I do not have prior experience. Sen. Culberson: How much have you studied our past? - Not a lot. But that is my first task when I start. GOC Savage: You are in charge of the policies and procedures, have you thought about what you are going to do with that? -One thing I have thought about is online voting. When I was applying for the position, that was the first thing that popped into my mind. It is a great way for more students to vote. GOC Savage: we didn’t have elections these past two cycles due to the lack of marketing. What tactics do you see yourself using? - I still have two more orientations, so I can talk that up with them. Being out and talking to people is a lot more personal way. Also things like flyers and signs. So people see a date and that sticks in their head. Sen. Harvel: Motion to approve True Rains as elections commissioner. Second. Discussion--> I know that he will be able to perform the duties of this position well. I think he is exactly what we need. Roll call vote: Sen. Culberson- yes, Sen. Harvel-yes, Sen. Kishek-yes, Sen. Kontol-Yes. Motion passes, 4:0:0. X. Announcements I will see everyone at 6:30 for Senate. XI. Final Roll Call—Vice Chair Lauren Kontol Quorum is reestablished with 4 voting members. XII. Adjournment Meeting is adjourned at 5:30PM. Emergency Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes July 7th, 2014 from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM in the Senate Chambers Chair: Katherine Savage