CSC Minutes 6-16-14

University of North Florida Student Senate
Constitution and Statutes Minutes- June 16, 2014 - Senate Chambers - 5:30PM-6:30 PM
Chair: Shomari D. Gloster
Call to Order
 Meeting is called to order at 5:32PM
Roll Call – Vice Chairwoman Meghan Cunningham
 Quorum is established with 3 voting members
Student Remarks-none
Approval of Minutes – May 19 , 2014
 Sen. Watkins: Motion to approve the minutes for May 19th, 2014. Second. No
objections. Moved
Approval of Agenda
 Sen. Tunjic: Motion to have our speaker Ben moved under guest speakers.
Second. No objections. Moved
Guest Speakers
 Ben Jaeger (Associate Chief Justice): “On May 30th Attorney General Matthew
Harris filed a judicial review on statute 504.5 which stated that upon instillation.
Justices may serve on a 2 year term for a maximum of 2 terms. The review was
heard on June 10th, AG Harris claimed that it violated article 4, section 3, sub
section A of the Student Government constitution, which states that justices may
serve as long as they remain qualified. The council unanimously agrees with AG
Harris and voted to overturn statute 504.5 We recommended to the Senate that
they include language that is congruent with the constitution or the constitution be
amended so that it reflects the term limits for justices.”
Remarks of the Chair –
Old Business-none
*Sen. Tunjic: Motion to suspend Roberts Rules. Second. No objections. Moved.
New Business
a. Review of How to be Committee Member
Decisions are made by you all, unless I see that there is a grey area. I am
just the overseer of the committee.
 You all can kill bills-if it can’t get passed this committee it won’t go to
 We can table things; we tabled a bill in the end of the spring semester.
 We can amend portions of bills
 We really need to know the Constitution and Statues; disregard Titles 12
and 13, just know an overview of them
 Make sure we ask questions; we are the committee that is supposed to
know the constitution, you need to know the overview of all of them
 Mid-Summer B I am going to have meetings with you all so we are an
efficient committee.
 Make sure we respect one another; everything I have said applies to
Senate as well.
 Your vote is only your vote, if someone wants you to vote a certain way;
don’t, unless you agree with them.
b. Overview of Roberts Rule of Order
 In our next meeting, this will be one of the biggest things we go over. We
all need to be on the same page. Our parliamentarian sits on this
committee, to make sure we are in compliance with it all.
c. Chair Expectations
i. Committee Goals- This committee shall review the Constitution and Statutes
and recommend any changes to the senate that they see necessary. In our next
committee we will be going over 504.5, what was presented by Ben Jaeger. A
lot of times we get recommendations from our Attorney General or our
Judicial Branch. Rarely do I see any coming from the CSC committee. SO,
that is one of my biggest goals, to make sure that we are reviewing the
Constitution and Statues and to make sure it doesn’t always take someone
from the Exec branch or judicial branch so say what needs review. We have
at least 4 people in here, always. So, we are very much capable. We won’t be
meeting again until July the 14th. I will be sending an email to be fixing this in
the constitution.
ii. Committee Expectations- I would like to hear what your expectations are, I am
not here to force anything on you. I am just the overseer. If you have a problem
writing legislation I have no problem helping you
Sen. Cunningham: I think it is a great idea that it would be good to have
meetings that are longer than 10 minutes. Even if we don’t have a bill
coming to us. Just getting more of an understanding of the constitution.
Sen. Tunjic: I would like to see us talking more about bills and asking
questions. A lot of times we stay quiet cause people are too scared to stand
up and state their opinion.
Sen. Watkins: I want to get the opportunity to learn how to write bills and
have an understanding of what we are reading.
Sen. Gloster: I am going to go over what Sen. Cunningham said; we really
need to go over the constitution. That is what we are here for. There are
always things we can fix in the constitution. That is where this committee
is going to go, that we do more of those things. It is important the
constitution is where it needs to be, and we can get there.
*Sen. Tunjic: Motion to reinstate Roberts Rules of order. Second. No objections. Moved.
 I will email you all with the changes the AG recommend to the Judicial Branch.
o Point of information (AG Matt Harris): The judiciary has changed the
statute. They have also issued a recommendation that you all recommend
new language because the old language is nonexistent. So the purpose of
his report was to inform you that is not existent anymore and you can get
formal copies, I’ll make sure you get them before the 14th.
 Our next Senate meeting isn’t until July 7th
 If on Mondays you are all available to meet in 15 minute slots I will make sure I
am here on Mondays for that. I will email you about those.
Final Roll Call – Vice Chairwoman Meghan Cunningham
 Quorum is reestablished with 3 voting members
 Meeting is adjourned at 5:52PM.