CSC Minutes 5-19-14

Constitution and Statutes Minutes
May 19th, 2014
Senate Chambers 5:30 PM
Chair: Shomari Gloster
Call to Order
 Meeting is called to order at 5:31
Roll Call – Vice Chairwoman Meghan Cunningham
 Quorum is established with 3 voting members.
Student Remarks-none
Approval of Minutes – April 7th, 2014
 Motion to table April 7th minutes. Second. No objections. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
 Motion to strike Senate Chambers from 5:30 to 6:00.Second. No objections. Moved.
Guest Speakers -none
Remarks of the Chair –
 Tonight we will hear OB-14SA-2771 and CR-14SA-2772
Old Business-none
New Business
a. OB-14SA-2771(Sponsor: Sen. Pro-Tempore Gloster and E&A Chairwomen Savage)
 (Presented by AG Matt Harris): This bill was the result of an Ad hoc committee. Title 3
would have an addition which would allow the elections commissioner to be appointed
by the executive branch. There would also be an addition of a senate liaison. The
elections and appointments committee would no longer be a part of the elections process.
Word change from Elections and Appointments chair to Election Commissioner. Judicial
branch would have an imposed timeline for a judicial complaint. The new 506.4 section
gives the judicial branch authority in the elections process, for candidates who violate
something. Title 6 will be changed for the new office of elections. These changes would
mean that upcoming senators would only have to fill out a declaration of intent. They will
no longer have to collect the signatures. Also, there will not be any mandatory forums.
There will also only be one round for disqualifications, rather than multiple rounds from
past election processes. The new Title 6 has 4 chapters while the old one has 18 chapters.
This position would run all of the elections. Since we have not had an election in the past
2 years, we felt this would be the best way. Parties will also be formed by a declaration of
intent. All violations are handled as judicial complaints. The assumption of office is
generally the same as it is now. Currently we have no independent offices, if this goes
through this would be the first independent office. They would also have the authority to
issue subpoenas. Title 13 creates the government oversight committee; this will create an
arm for appointments. Executive appointees will also go through this committee. The
change to appointment is that this committee will form an application. The committee
will establish this application. The appointee is still required to announce themselves at
senate and attend two committee meetings.
 Motion to approve the friendly amendments. Second. No objections. No discussion.
Roll call vote. Motion passes 2-1.
 Motion to approve OB-14SA-2771. Second. Objections, Sen. Tunjic: I feel as if this
bill is adding too much, and just over-complicating things. Sen. Gloster: We haven’t
had an election in the past 3 cycles and this bill would make it easier and help us to
have an election. *President Turner: point of information, there can’t be discussion
when there is an objection on the floor it needs to be brought to a vote.
 Motion to vote for OB-14SA-2771. Second. Roll call vote: Motion passes. 2-1.
b. CR-14SA-2772 (Sponsor:Sen. Pro-Tempore Gloster and E&A Chairwomen Savage)
 (Presented by AG Matt Harris): This is what will change the senate seats from 52 to 40.
 Motion to approve CR-14SA-2772. Second. No objections. No discussion. Roll call
vote: 3-0. Motion passes.
 I would first like to thank you for coming, without you coming we wouldn’t have been
able to establish Quorum
 Senate will be back in session June 9th.
Final Roll Call – Vice Chairwoman Meghan Cunningham
 Quorum is reestablished with 3 voting members.
 Meeting is adjourned at 6:07PM.