Senate Minutes 7-21-14

University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Minutes – July 21st 2014 – 6:30 to 8:15 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order
Meeting is called to order at 6:37PM
Pledge of Allegiance-Sen. Culberson
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Shomari Gloster–
Quorum is established with 13 voting members
Approval of Minutes – July 7th 2014
 Sen. Harvel. Motion to approve the minutes from July 7th, 2014. Second. All in favor. Motion passes.
Approval of Agenda
Sen. Kontol: Motion to add True Rains, Elections Commissioner, to guest speakers. Second. Discussion. All in favor.
Motion passes.
Sen. Rotella: Motion to add SB-14SB-2784 as the third item under new business. Second. Discussion. All in favor.
Motion passes
Sen. Hartsfeild: I move to add Mrs. Victoria Shore, Student Government Advisor, to guest speakers. Second.
Discussion. All in favor. Motion passes
Sen. Savage: Motion to approve the agenda. Second. All in favor. Motion passes.
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
 None.
Student Remarks (3 minutes per Student)
 Katherine Savage. Sophomore. Fine Art Photography Major- I first would like to thank all of the senators who
severed during the summer term. There have been how many emergency meetings and a lot of legislation to revise.
We have all stayed pretty busy, and I can attest to how hard it has been to balance all of the components of my hectic
summer on top of this new position that I was elected to. So in saying all of this, effective August 1st, I resign as my
positon for Government Oversight Chair. I will remain a senator until my term is up in the spring. However with
much talk with my co-workers and speaking at length with Kaitlin I have come to the realization that I will not have
enough time to dedicate for this position in the fall. I will be taking 5 courses in the fall, and that is a lot for me, and I
know I won’t be able to dedicate the time. I don’t think that is fair for all of you. I am not trying to run away I want
the next person to be prepared. When I was nominated and ran for it, I really wanted it and I have enjoyed it. I just
know that right now I will not have the time. It has been disappointing to me that I have been rushing, and I don’t
think that is fair to anyone.
Guest Speakers
a. Hana Ashchi: Interfaith Center Intern, and Founder and Former President of Better Together @
(5 minutes)
 Our mission is to engage the UNF campus around religious pluralism, support the religious and nonreligious identities of students, and provide distinctive programs and services to students. Pluralism
means to engage with people who are a different religious or non-religious identity from you in a
positive way. At the Interfaith Center we are all about learning how to communicate with others in a
way that makes everyone feel comfortable. This is why we will be having the Safe Space training this
week. While you’re on campus you will meet with other students or even work with other students
who do not have the same beliefs as you. Sometimes it’s our tendency when working with others
who are different religious or non-religious identities to try to convince them that they are wrong and
we’re right or just not talk about it at all; we think there is a better way. Maybe you’re an Atheist but
you might have to share a cubicle with a Muslim who prays 5 times a day. Maybe you’re a Christian
and you volunteer at a local shelter with a Jewish person. I also want to make you aware of the
different opportunities that the Interfaith Center has. We have coffee and conversation where a
student comes and talks about their beliefs. Tech studies once a month, which is students and faculty
and staff come and talk about four different religious techs around a certain theme. We have I
Dinner once a month, free food and trivia/prizes. Better together at UNF which works around the
Interfaith Centers mission. Then finally we have interfaith week every spring, to align with the United
Nations World faith harmony week. Some opportunities that I have had, were leading through Better
Together, I had an internship at the Interfaith Center, I was also a student assistant at the Interfaith
Center, I attended three interfaith center institutes and I have also had the opportunity of being a
Better Together coach. So please be sure to come to Safe Space training Friday, here.
b. True Rains: Elections Commissioner –
(5 minutes)
 I just wanted to update everyone on everything that has been going on. Tonight about an hour a half
ago the Policies and Procedures went through the GO committee, and I would like to thank them
for meeting with me today. I am going to outline some of the core points that we included in the
elections policies and procedures. A lot of the financial requirements have remained. As a candidate
you will no longer have to attend the senate forum meetings, there are optional candidate forums.
The point of this is to increase the amount of candidates. While it is easier for them to announce
candidacy, with the competition my goal is to have at least 75 students put in declaration of intent.
They are going to have to work hard to win a senate seat, to prove their dedication. Another thing
included in the policies and procedures is the ability to vote online, not on campus, even on a mobile
device, like an iPad. This allows students to vote from their home/dorm, anything with internet
connection. I have worked with the IT department, I have the upmost confidence that it will work as
it should. It also allows distant learning students to have a voice in SG. Just to give you an update an
update on the status of the P&P’s, Senate President Ramirez signed it today, so it is just waiting on
President Turner to sign it.
c. Victoria Shore: SG Advisor(5 minutes)
 I just have three things to say to you tonight. This senate has been very active. Our senate president
has been learning more and more about Roberts’s Rules of order. Last week I did go to a conference
for the American Student Government Advisors. One of the courses I took was how to teach
Roberts Rules. The woman that presented has a whole business wrapped around this. It costs $695
for the program, or $85 for the video. The cool thing is, I get it for a week for free. Wednesday from
5-6 in the John E. Sapp and Thursday 3:30-4:30. There are two things I want to talk to you about,
remember that when you are here that no one talks as fast as John Chwalisz. Please slow down when
you are making motions, adopting the minutes, or adopting the agenda. And remember people want
to hear you. Your vote is very important. You represent the students and you need to make informed
decisions. Lastly, the whole reason you debate is to sway people. So, repeat your motion, state your
opinion, and then tell people why you are voting the way you are voting. For Example: I am Senator
Shore and I say I move to have Student Government build a dog park. So it’s seconded and then
discussion starts with me because I motioned for it. I would say I made this motion because I love
dogs and they lessen the stress for UNF students, and I would strongly urge you to vote yes. You
know the motion, you know what my opinion is and you know how I am going to vote. Take your
time, repeat the motion, and know what you’re voting for. I look forward to working with you all
next year. My office is always open, come see me anytime you want to.
Judicial Branch Report
a. Chief Justice – Daniel Powers (5 minutes)
We have a judicial nominee going before you tonight. I sat in on her interview and she did very very well. She also
passed through the GO committee, and impressed them. I worked a little with Pro-temp Gloster on the CR, if you
have any questions my door is always open.
Executive Branch Reports
a. Osprey Productions – John Chwalisz (3 minutes)
This past weekend we had OP training, Andrew and I trained our 5 coordinators which sounds kind of boring but it’s
actually really fun. Our coordinators are very excited to start the year and get everything going. Please come by our
office and get to know them; I would love for you all to meet them. For week of welcome we are helping with two big
departments events. We are hosting the Rally along with Ryan Hennessey athletics, which is a giant pep rally the first
week of school. Make sure you come out to that, Coach Driscoll will be talking as well as President Delaney. There
will be free food. The second one will be the SG block party which will be that Saturday. Everyone will be there; it is
going to be a big party. It is also Andrews’s birthday party.
o Senate President Ramirez: What was the event called with President Delaney? - That is called the Rally on
August 25th at 8:00PM in the UNF Arena.
o Senate President Ramirez: Just for clarification, the block party is that Saturday? - Yes, the 30th.
b. Club Alliance – Katie Jackson(Assistant Director) (3 minutes)
We are pretty busy even though it is summer; we have re registration going on. So for the summer we have 44 clubs
that are re-registering right now. We are also getting ready for the Luau which is August 24th and it is a part of Week
of Welcome. There are 50 spots for clubs at this Luau, and right now we have 38 filled up and we foresee all of those
filling up. We have a general body meeting this Friday in the SU auditorium at 11:00AM. Club fest Sept. 29th 10-3 at
the green. We have also been working on making specialized club fairs more exciting and better. The dates have been
set for those: September 23rd, October 7th, October 21st, November 11th, and November 18th. They are still on the
green from 10-3. There will be activities for each board, for example the Sports and Recreation are working on having
a sports game. That should be great.
o Sen. Rotella: When was Club Fest?- September 29th
c. Attorney General – Matthew Harris (3 minutes)
I want to extend a very special thank you to Chairwomen Savage; I am saddened to see you go. Everyone knows how
hard you worked this summer. It has been a very long 3 months, so thank you. Moving on, I think Commissioner
Rains nailed it pretty well. The GO committee approved unanimously tonight his elections policies and procedures. I
had the opportunity to review them thoroughly and support them. I will remind the senate as a whole that there is a
provision in title 4, specifically in chapter 401.1.J, which allows any 8 senators to freeze any action of the committee.
The reason President Turner hasn’t signed it yet is to give the Senate as a whole the chance to feel comfortable with it.
If they so choose they can freeze that so the senate as a whole can vote on that. I would encourage you to pick up a
copy and take a look at it. It is very thorough and clear, and it is there for you to take a look at.
d. Treasurer – Morgan Wolf (3 minutes)
I don’t have much to report. I have been working on the scholarship committee. With our fund balance we have
accrued interest on that. We use that interest purely for the purpose of giving scholarships out to students, and that is
also where your senate scholarship comes out of. We had our first meeting on Monday and I offered a proposal to the
committee of the way I think scholarships should be allocated. Those scholarships are available for you all to apply
for, they will be posted on the SG website just after add/drop week. I encourage you all to look out for them. Also
tonight you will be hearing SB-14SB-2781, and there is just a small recommendation that I am going to make to you
tonight. It is just a word change that ensures that our funds don’t get restricted from us, just from the way that it is
worded. Thank you for serving on senate this summer, clearly a lot of people do not so thank you. I look forward to
serving with you in the fall.
e. Vice President – Anthony Stevens (3 minutes)
f. President – Joseph Turner (5 minutes)
Tonight I can tell you that I have accomplished one of the 5 things that I and many of you ran on, which is providing
veterans discounts on campus. All of the vendors starting in fall will be starting the 10% discount for veterans on
campus. We are working with Gracie and our marketing team to try and find the best way to promote this; maybe
window stickers, if any of you have any suggestions we would be more than happy to take those. Another thing, there
is a space behind building 15 by the cafeteria called the quad. For the past 5-10 years it has been a lay down area for
various constructions. We finally got the clear that it won’t be used for a lay down area anymore. We would like to
turn that space into some sort of functional area for the students to utilize. So if anyone has some sort of phenomenal
idea for that please reach out to me about that. Two final things, I will be meeting with the provost; I am going to ask
him from a faculty/academic affairs perspective how he feels about the summer pilot program for scantrons went.
Based on that I will ask that he continue that in the fall, I will report to you on that. We have been monitoring that for
the summer and I am hoping we can get that secured. Finally, we have been doing the presale for the jaguar tickets
and we have had three 2 hour windows, 80 tickets the first day, and for all three days 160 season tickets. We have 500
per game minus the 160, so we have 340 tickets per game to sell for September 9th, the 3rd Tuesday of the fall
semester. I think we can get close to selling out the games. We will also be doing online sales. We are giving away 100
preseason tickets to the Atlanta/Falcon preseason game. To help promote the ticket sale and to expand the initiative
we have secured the parking at all the Jaguar games. Also for the Carrie Underwood Mega reveal this Saturday,
students will be able to get discounted parking with their UNF ID. Besides that you have a Special Request coming up
tonight, it ties back in with the Jaguars. Ryan Hennessey, your student advocate, had the idea to shuttle the students
from here to the games.
o Senator Baker: Do you think they would ever adopt providing green books? - It isn’t out of the question, the
fact that they started to do the scantrons shows they are willing to provide a service to the students. If that
goes well and it won’t be as substantial marginal cost to them, so I don’t see why not.
Legislative Cabinet Reports
a. Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairman Shomari Gloster (3 minutes)
I would first like to thank President Turner for not signing the bill, and for allowing us to review the elections P&P’s.
I would like to further thank Chairwoman Savage for her service. In our last CSC meeting, Chief Justice Powers
explained what a JD was. We further reviewed JD-14SA-001 and JD-14SA-002. Coming before you tonight, CR14SB- 2776 which is a constitutional referendum which will allow the judicial branch to run more efficiently, it was
passed in committee 4:0:0. We also have SR-14SB-2777 which is for the policies and procedures for the 14-15 year,
which was also passed in committee 4:0:0.
b. Budget and Allocations Committee – Chairman Michael Rotella (3 minutes)
Since the last senate, we have had three travel requests passed; one was for Dance Marathon, another for James
Flannigan, and another was for myself to go to a real estate conference. We also had two special requests; one was the
student experience enhancement act that Joe was talking about, and the other from SLAB which is to bring Tim
Augustine to campus. Our current indexes are: Special Requests- $119, 088, Travel Requests- $26,100, and the Salary
Reserves is currently at $57,970.08. On a side note, a lot of you didn’t attend it, but it was very informative the safe
space training for the LGBT center, and I encourage all of you to come this Friday because I am sure it will be just as
c. Government Oversight Committee – Chairwoman Katherine Savage (3 minutes)
We heard Akaash, Shanice, and Kate. They passed through my committee unanimously; please ask them lots of
questions and try to get as much information as you can get. We also heard the elections policies and procedures.
o Sen. Kontol: I just wanted to thank Kate for all she has done both for E&A and the GO committee. We have
redone the whole application process, and she has been working so hard this summer.
d. University and Student Affairs Committee – Chairman Chase Baker (3 minutes)
Our last USA committee meeting we discussed ways to make osprey voice better, since a lot of you did not do it. We
have started to do Osprey voice Tabling, I will pass around a sign-up sheet where everyone has to sign up for 2 hours.
It will be from 10-3, I will provide the survey for you. The questions will be the sustainability one and how would you
rate your summer experience from 1-10 and what would make it a 10. This will be our last paper event. We will have
the iPads next time. We will be passing out t shirts to everyone who does the surveys. In accordance to what Mrs.
Vicki was talking about we will be having a *Roberts’s Rules pop quiz*, you all better be at that webinar. We will have
SG pamphlets at the tabling event, and there will be a sign in sheet.
e. Senate President Kaitlin Ramirez (5 minutes)
This is our last senate meeting of the summer, thank you to all of you. I would also like to thank chairwomen savage
for her service, and if you are interested in that position please talk to her and our Attorney General. The position will
be posted for nominations when we get back. Our first senate meeting is August 25th, 6:30 Senate Chambers, same
time same place. I will run the GO committee meeting until we have a new chair, which the elections will be the
following senate meeting, the week after we have Labor Day. As Advisor Shore shared with us, we have Roberts rules
the video, please be sure if you can make it. This is a wonderful opportunity; it is a well explained video. Next, please
be sure to complete your osprey voice. This Friday is the interfaith this Friday 9:15 AM. I am counting on 8 of you to
be there. Anyone who can’t make this there will be more training in the fall.
New Business
a. Legislation considered for 1st Reading
b. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
c. Legislation considered for 2nd Reading
i. CR-14SB-2776 Refinement within the Judicial Branch Sponsored by Senator Hartsfield: Shomari has made
some changes to Article 4 to make the judicial branch run more efficiently.
 Senator Gloster: The first change is changing the name of the Judicial Council to the Supreme Court.
The next was changing it form 9 to 7 justices. The next change would be the number of years
changing that from section 3, we will be changing that to a maximum of 6 years. I think it would be
fair since that is what senators have. In section 5 we will change it from judicial review to judicial
review processes. There were some more changes throughout section 5, we are changing it from
saying MUST consult general council to MAY consult the general council. The remainder of the
changes was just changing council to court.
o Sen. Gloster: Motion to change in section 2 AC. Strike through Associate Chief Justice and
instead read Deputy Chief Justice. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote. Motion carries.
o Sen Gloster, everywhere is says general council make it say Supreme Court. Friendly
o Sen. Gloster: Motion to approve CR-14SB-1476. Second. Roll call vote. 13:0:0
ii. SB-14SB-2781Student Experience Enhancement Act Sponsored by Senator. Shackelford: The Executive
branch has been working really hard to provide to the students, one of these being the printing service that
has been going on for 3 years.
 President Turner: This is the 3rd year that we are seeking to do a free printing initiative. We have
funded this through special requests. The first line is the fall free printing initiative is a similar
amount we budgeted for last year, just under $16,000 for a little bit of growth in the program and so
we don’t have to request emergency funding. The current program is every student gets 2.25 loaded
onto their osprey 1 card, 25 free prints. There are a couple problems in that, that’s why there is such
a dramatic difference in price. In spring it says free print lab, if we get the funding here today starting
in the spring. We could get a machine in by fall, so we can do the program successfully. It would
consist of, our in house computers on a table, for students to come in and print. We have wonderful
space in the club commons for a printing machine. Just a basic printing machine. This would allow
us to pay .0065 cents vs we pay .09 cents a print the quick math is, we can provide 14 prints vs the 1
print in the past program. We have a space for it. We wouldn’t have a limit, and we can monitor that
situation as it goes. It is a much more sustainable way. It is not as much as a convenience, but I think
in the long run it will be more of a service. I think it is a much better and efficient way. Hopefully
both the fall and spring semester, right now just the spring. So I am going to move to the last item
which diverges a little bit from free printing, Jaguar shuttles. The quote you have in front of you for
the $6,132 breaks down to 7 games for 2 buses per game. The cost for two buses per one game is
$756. Each bus would have to pay for parking when they get down there, which is $60 a bus; $120
per game will get you that 6,000 number. We might only need one bus for the later games. I decided
to request for the max as far as usage is.
o Sen. Kontol: The jaguar shuttle buses would those be free? - Yes, for all students.
o Treasure Wolf: On line 15/16 taking away the word fall in the line 15 and the word spring in
16. So that it reads free printing initiative and free printing lab. It would prevent causing a
restriction on our funding, so if the free print lab happens early we wouldn’t have to wait till
the spring to use our funds. I would like to make the recommendation for a senator to make
a motion.
o Senate President Ramirez: For the spring, will they be able to do color?-No. just black and
 Sen. Kontol: Friendly amendment about it saying Shomari Gloster as the acting
Senate President.
 Sen. Gloster: motion to strike fall off of line 15 and spring off line 16 and also to
take the parentheses off around the free printing initiative. Second. No Discussion.
No objections. Sen. Baker: motion for unanimous consent. Second. Motion passes.
 Sen. Rotella: Motion to pass SB -14SB-2781 with the amendments. Second. No
objections. Discussion. Roll call vote. Motion passes 13:0:0.
iii. SB-14SB-2784 (SLAB Special Request), Sponsored by Senator Rotella.
 Senator Rotella: Because of miscommunication on my end I will be talking on behalf of SLAB. I
have worked with James Flannigan a good bit. They are requesting $5800 to bring in Tim Augustine
for a workshop, on how to land a job after graduation. I think it is great for people to have the tips.
He is very well known and he has got great reviews. I am personally looking forward to hearing him.
Throughout the clubs they plan on marketing and fundraising for the event.
o Attorney General Harris: Unfortunately title 8 bans us from hearing the request, under chapter 840.7 without one
member of the entity submitting the request.
o Senator Rotella: I was told at the end of my B&A committee that I could speak on their behalf.
*Sen. Gloster: Motion to go to recess for 5 minutes. Second. All in favor. Motion passes.* 7:50
*Sen. Kishek: Motion for division of the house. Second. Roll call vote. 13:0:0. Motion passes Quorum is reestablished with 13
voting members*7:58
*Sen. Baker: Motion to amend the agenda to add osprey voice after judicial confirmations. Second. Discussion. All in favor.
*Sen. Kontol: Motion to approve the agenda as amended. Second. All in favor. Motion passes*
*Sen. Rotella: Motion to table SB-14SB-2784 to the second senate meeting of the semester, September 15th. Second.
Discussion. Sen. Gloster: Motion for unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Moved.*
d. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 2nd Reading
i. SR-14SB-2777 2014-2015 Senate Policies and Procedures Sponsored by Senator Ramirez.
 Senator Ramirez: *Shows track changes on projector screens* There are a few major changes and a
few minor ones. One being, switching around mission and purpose. Removing ability of senate
president, all senators should be attending committees. Clarifying the duties of the senate president.
Pro tempore, keeping records on the O:Drive. The pro tempore is who enforces the absence policy.
Senator orientation will be moved to the senate president, and they have the ability to delegate to a
legislative cabinet member. The parliamentarian no longer has to attend individual workshops. The
senate Chaplin, the interfaith center has a Chaplin training. We are going to use the language chair
instead of chairperson. Updating our committee information for GO committee. To submit any
committee minutes in the absence of the senate secretary, they need to be submitted within 3
business days. All chairs are responsible for doing their voting records. The CSC committee would
like to be called C&S going forward. The SAC and UAC committee is now combined into the USA
committee. Updating what types of legislation we have. The absence policy got a face lift; we have
broken it down to two appeal hearings. We have added a 3rd process of a redemption process. For
senators who have completed their involvement requirement for their scholarship are now eligible to
reduce an absence by volunteering at an agency event or volunteering 5 hours at the Lend-A-Wing
pantry. You will get more points if you sign up and then don’t show up. There are also grammatical
changes. Updating information on workshops, and orientation.
*Sen. Savage. Motion to extend the adjournment time to 8:30. Second. Discussion. No objections. Sen Baker: Motion for
unanimous consent. Second. I withdraw my motion*
*Sen. Ramirez. Motion to extend the adjournment time to 9:00. Second. Sen. Kontol: Motion for unanimous consent. Second.
All in favor. Motion passes.*
 Sen. Savage. Motion to approve the senate policies and procedures. Second.
o Sen. Baker. Motion on page 25 line 19 to change at least 4 events in the fall
and spring semester to read in the academic year. Second. No objections.
Sen. Rotella: Motion for unanimous consent. Second. No discussion.
 Sen. Savage motion to approve the senate policies and procedures. Second. No
discussion. No objections. Sen. Rotella: Motion for unanimous consent. Second. No
discussion. Moved.
XIII. Senate Confirmation
a. Akash Brahmbhatt.(approved unanimously in GO committee)
- I am a sophomore, Public Law and Advertising. I am fairly active on campus through my fraternity, and in the
interfaith center. I want to be on senate so I can be active on campus for the students who don’t speak for
themselves. Doing the survey on the appointment form, not many people know about what student government does.
I found that really sad, we have a lot of amenities like the wellness center, which everyone loves. I have been meeting
a lot of the new freshman, and we should make it a campus everyone loves.
o Sen. Baker: What committees would you like to serve on if you are appointed? - The C&S committee.
o Sen. Matekja: Would you be open to siting on multiple committees?- Yes
 Sen. Baker: Motion to approve Akash Brahmabhatt. Second. Discussion. Sen Kontol: Motion for
unanimous consent. Second. No discussion. Moved.
b. Shaneice Byrom (approved unanimously in GO committee).
- Senior Construction Management major. A lot of people in my department don’t know about student
government. I wanted to be a voice for my college and be more involved.
o Sen. Culberson: Do you have any leadership experience? – Yes, I am the president of Delta
Sigma Theta sorority, a colony member of alpha kappa phi (business fraternity)
o Sen. Matejka: you said you are president of your sorority, do you see that as a time conflict? No
o Sen. Baker: What committees are you interested in serving on? B&A.
o Sen. Kontol: Why the B&A committee? I want to see where the money goes towards, and
knowing that I am helping someone.
 Sen. Gloster. Motion to approve Shaneice Byrom for general senate seat. Second.
Discussion. Sen. Rotella: Motion for unanimous consent. Second. No discussion.
Judicial Confirmation
a. Katherine Sanchez(approved unanimously in GO committee).
- Junior. Criminal justice and Spanish major and minor. I was a facilitator I oversee 14-16 honors
freshman, I reviewed lecture and the various reading. As a cite leader, I went 7 months of training
during the trip. We were responsible for all major decisions. I really love UNF and want to give back
to the campus at a deeper level. Policy making and determining the budget has never been my thing,
but the law portions are. I feel I have a firm grasp on the SG constitution statutes and Florida
sunshine law. I see the judicial branch as an unbiased decision.
o Sen. Rotella. Motion to approve Katherine Sanchez for Judicial confirmation. Second.
Discussion. Motion for unanimous consent. Second. All in favor. Motion passes.
*Chief Justice Powers swears in Akash Brahmbhatt and Shaneice Byrom as senators and Katherine Sanchez as an associate
- Osprey Voice.
Sen. Rotella: Motion to cancel Osprey Voice on Wednesday. Second. Discussion (no one signed up for Wednesday). All in
favor. Moved.
Osprey Voice this Tuesday and Thursday
Safe Space Training by interfaith Friday morning 9:15AM.
Next senate meeting is August 25th at 6:30PM in the Senate Chambers.
Anyone interested in sitting on a University Wide Committee please see me.
XVI. Final Roll Call - Senate President Pro-Tempore Shomari Gloster–
 Quorum is reestablished with 15 voting members
XVII. Adjournment
 Meeting is adjourned at 8:32PM