University of North Florida Student Senate

University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Minutes – January 27th 2014 – 6:30 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order
- Meeting is called to order at 6:36 PM.
Pledge of Allegiance – Sen. Caudio
Invocation – Sen. Wolf
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Kaitlin Ramirez –
- Quorum is established with 32 voting members.
Approval of Minutes
- Due to technical difficulties, minutes from last meeting are moved.
- Motion to delay minutes from last senate meeting. Second. No objections. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
- Motion to adopt tonight’s agenda. Second. No objections. Moved.
- Motion to add guest speaker Sarah Rosen, Volunteer Coordinator to agenda. Second. No objections.
- Motion to add Wikstron to guest speakers. Second. No objections. Moved.
- Motion to strike judicial confirmations, Danny Powers. Second. No objections. Moved.
- Motion to approve the agenda as amended. Second. Approved.
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
- Spencer Harold: Sophomore of business administration seeking a general senate seat.
- Dan Culberson: Junior of political science seeking a general senate seat.
Student Remarks
Sen. Morgan Wolf- Chaplin, sophomore, majoring in accounting and international business:
I don’t know how many of you are familiar with Billy Graham he is a very powerful preacher and
motivational speaker and he created this dvd that was being shown all around the country at the end of
last year. It was shown in schools, hospitals, prisons, churches, and that’s how I saw it in my church and
their stories are changing thousands of people’s lives around the country. Serving as the Senates Chaplin I
thought it would be good to show it to student government so it’s going to be shown after the meeting
tonight, it’s really short it’s not long at all. Kyler’s going to start it as soon as the meeting is over. It really is
so good and I know that UNF has been going through a lot lately. And I personally believe that this dvd
has a lot of answers, I encourage you to stay and watch it, even if you stay for just the beginning you are
more than welcome to leave whenever you’d like.
b. Sen. Tony Stevens- Homecoming Director, Senior, Finance and Marking major:
I am currently the homecoming director for this year. How many of you know what homecoming is?
Awesome. Do you guys know when homecoming is this year? February 15th-22nd. So the reason I am up
here is because we need volunteers for homecoming. And as you guys know for your scholarship you guys
need are to do at least 2 activities with the agencies and it is a good way to fulfill it. So if any of you have
any questions or information or wanna know how to do it, later this week we will be creating a form for
you to fill out. And we hope to see you guys. Thank you.
c. Sen. Pestrosyn – Thanking Billy Namen for 3 years of serving in Student Government before resigning.
d. Carlo Fassi– Senior, Political Science and History Major: Formally relinquishing his chair of the Red Party.
Guest Speakers
UNF Athletics Josh Baker – Thanking students for involvement in our athletics, and respectful nature at
games. Fundraisers this semester (money goes to athletics scholarship). Baseball team practice has begun.
Softball team practice has begun.
b. UNF Volunteer Coordinator - Sarah Rosen. Slide Show on getting involved and keeping track of service
c. UNF Director of NBRC – Ray Wikstron. Supporting resolution on helping veterans through scholarships.
Judicial Branch Report
a. Chief Justice – Alex Goetz ( (5-minutes)
Hello. We currently have 9 applicants with 4 available spots in judicial and we also have a bill in front of me
tonight that will fix a few problems in the judicial branches sections in title 5. We are also working on our
PMP’s to make sure that they match up with the bill as soon as it gets passed. And Id like to remind all of you
as well that if you do ever see anyone violating the constitution, regardless of what it is even if it’s the code of
ethics come talk to us, there are ways to resolve these situations the right ways. So please come see me.
Executive Agency Reports: (3-minutes each)
- Osprey Productions -
- John Follash and Joseph McGrady: Showed 55-second video promoting Osprey Productions. Actively
seeking new members to help promote osprey events. Thanked specific senators for attending and helping
with events. Promoting Spring Concert and other homecoming events.
- Club Alliance -
- Brett Wiseman: Discussed homecoming committee’s hard work and pitched Spring Match which is February
18th from 1-5.
Executive Branch Reports
a. Attorney General – (3-minutes)
b. Treasurer – (3-minutes)
Joseph Turner: Projects that are currently being worked on - Free printing. Pita Pit should open Summer B,
Clubhouse opening in April. Chick fil a breakfast should be happening soon within the next month. Passed
funding for Waffer Act for recreation center remodeling. Discussed a mobile app for checking into UNF
events or searching for events on campus. First Bill on agenda, First Read. Continuing to balance budget.
c. Vice President – (3 minutes)
d. President – (5-minutes)
Carlo Fassi: Acknowledged the great job the volunteer center has been doing so far this year. Discusses email
sent out earlier this afternoon about the University’s Constitutional Convention – Constitution changes every 10
years. Any issues with documents sent out or any recommendations will be heard by the group. University is also
changing orientation program, ensuring Student Government still gets time to show the new incoming students the
Student Government branch and how they can get involved. The University will be smoke free come August 15th.
Thanked senators Antworth and previous attorney general Leman for passing the title 6 changes before upcoming
election. Trying to avoid increasing student fees by 5% and only increasing for what will be necessary. Press
conference next week on the facility funding on campus, adding a third floor to buildings 3 and 4 to provide more
classrooms and labs for students. Vice president Namen resigned, there are no hard feelings, if there are any issues
with anyone on the floor please speak to someone.
Executive Confirmations
a. Tony Stevens – Vice President
Carlo Fassi: Discusses Tony Stevens past history within student government as Pro Tempore and Chief of
staff, all of his accomplishments have helped student government grow and continue. He is trusted with his
leadership to provide foundation for the position of Vice President. Would like him to be by his side for the
rest of his presidential term.
Tony Stevens: Joined student government initially to simply put on a resume until he realized how much he
had learned and wanted to invest into student government and would gladly love to take the position as Vice
President and continue working hard to improving our school for our students.
- Motion to confirm Tony Stevens as Vice President. Second. Roll Call Vote. Motion Passes 30-0-1.
Legislative Cabinet Reports
a. Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairwoman Kaitlin Ramirez (
- Reminder about absence forms, due 1 week after absence. Opportunity to meet Dr. Anne Barron
on February 3rd from 3-4pm, 10 opportunities for students to meet this Education Harvard
b. Budget and Allocations Committee – Chairman Collin Waychoff (
- Funds for Travel Plus funds are at $0.00 but a transfer will be made via 9 signature process.
Deliberations this week at 10 am, any senators may attend.
c. Elections and Appointments Committee – Chairwoman Emily Antworth (
- Elections are coming up March 4th and 5th, you either will be working the poles or running in it.
This Thursday the 30th will be Lunch with SG an event with hamburgers and hot dogs for students
to ask questions about Student Government and how to get involved; from 11-2 pm. Applications
for elections will be there as well for anyone who would like to get involved.
d. Student Advocacy Committee (
e. University Affairs Committee (
f. Senate President Christopher Brady (
- Important bills being discussed tonight, changes have been made to Title 5 and huge change in
branch to combine SAC and UAC. Commended members of the cabinet on doing a great job.
Senator Reading Club
Title 8 Reading Quiz
1. Who proposes the budget to the B&A committee – Treasurer (26 voted correctly)
2. Which of the following people do not sign the budget after it passes – Student Government Advisor (14
voted correctly)
3. True or false, President Delaney as the power ability to amend/veto our budget – True (25 voted
Senate Appointments
Fiscal Requests
New Business
- Legislation considered for 1st Reading
- SB-14S-2746 Club Budget Committee Creation Act – Sen. Waychoff
- SB-14S-2747 Every Voice Counts Act – Sen. Petrosyan
- SB-14S-2748 Fair Signatures Collection Proposal – Sen. Petrosyan
- Senate and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
- Legislation considered for 2nd Reading
- Senate and Joint Resolutions on 2nd Reading
- JR-13F-2717 Declaration of Support for Veteran In-State Tuition – Sen. Waychoff
- Motion to approve JR-13F-2717. Second. No objections. Roll Call Vote.
- Motion for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved.
- OB-13F-2727 Legislative Reformation & Creation of the USA Act of 2013 – Sen. Brady
- Motion to suspend Roberts Rule. Second. No objections. Moved.
- Motion to reinstate Roberts Rule. Second. No objections. Moved.
- Motion for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved.
- Motion to change line 24 from 1 absentee point to 2 (Osprey Voice). Second. No objections.
Discussion. Motion to close the forum. Second. No objections. Roll Call Vote. Motion Dies
- Motion to Approve OB-13F-2727. Second. No objections.
- Roll Call Vote. Moved. 31-0-0.
- Motion to reopen the agenda. Second. No objections. Moved.
- Motion
SB-14S-2742 Title V Reform – Sen. Wolf
- Motion to suspend Roberts Rules of Order. Second. No objections. Moved.
- Motion to reinstate Roberts Rules of Order. Second. No objections. Moved.
- Motion to approve SB-14S-2742. Second. No objections. Moved.
- Roll Call Vote.
- Motion to have unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved.
XVII. Announcements
Nominations for USAC chair.
- Sen. Caudio. Accepted.
- Sen. Garrity Declined.
- Sen. Higdon. Declined.
- Sen. Mack. Declined.
- New USAC chair Sen. Caudio.
Final Roll Call - Senate President Pro-Tempore Kaitlin Ramirez –
- Quorum is reestablished with 30 voting members.
XVIII. Adjournment
- Meeting is adjourned at 8:41