University of North Florida Student Senate

University of North Florida Student Senate
Emergency Senate Meeting Agenda – January 13 2014 – 7:15 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order – Meeting is called to order at 7:29 PM
Pledge of Allegiance – Sen. Caudio
Invocation – Sen. Caudio
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Kaitlin Ramirez –
Quorum is established with 31 voting members.
Approval of Agenda
- Motion to add SB 14s-2743 under New Business. Second. No Objections. Moved.
- Was previously passed in E&A meeting before this meeting.
- Motion for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved.
- Motion to adopt the agenda as amended. Second. No objections. Moved.
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
- Spencer Harold, sophomore of Business administration. Seeking Senator-ship of E&A
Student Remarks
- Sen. Gloster, Political Science with a focus of Public Administration: Commending leadership workshops
from previous weekend.
Legislative Cabinet Reports
a. Senate President Christopher Brady (
- Another round of applause for Sen. Ramirez for leadership workshops. Still currently in the command
center due to flooding. Thank you for attending this meeting after the long day of committee meetings.
Next senate meeting there will be elections for USA chair, if interested in running for position contact
Sen. President Brady. Two important bills tonight: Provisionary Language Change allowing travel funding
this year (imperative that we pass this and B&A can continue doing their jobs) and Title 6 changes should
get passed before elections begin.
New Business
 Sb-14s-2744 - Travel fund. Move 10,000 to travel fund for students. Short-term solution. Strictly for this
years budget under special circumstances for provisionary language. Ends in July. New budget for New
Year can change to fix for the next year.
- Motion from Sen. Caudio to pass SB-14s-2744. Second.
- Roll Call Vote. Motion passes 31, 0, 0.
 Sb-14s-2743 – Title 6 Bill
- Discusses changes/grammar.
- Redefined candidate to clarify being to disqualify them.
- Issues with hanging banners above pulling regions.
- Took out inner colleges, unnecessary.
- Fix committees in the entirety. Better word choices.
- Changes in timeline: Judicial review, Checking qualifications, change in process, added judicial
meet and review appeal schedule, added billboards and active campaigning.
- Changes in using spinnaker magazine vs. our own website – media debate
- Attorney general review all complaints for merit
- Removed election cycle
Removed primary court and judicial branch
Added appointments
Removed election courts to go to election council
Poll workers section added
A party must re register per semester
Removed “candidate” and changed to “student”.
Questions. No further questions.
Motion from Sen. to amend. No objections.
Motion for unanimous approval.
Motion to change “judicial branch” from Sen. Wolf. Second.
Motion to unanimous consent. Second. Moved.
Motion to changed “judicial appeal” to “judicial appeal”. Second.
Motion to unanimous consent. Second. Moved.
Motion to strike “active campaigning 10 days prior to voting” from Sen. Wolf. Discussion. Roll
Call Vote. 11, 0, 22. Motion dies.
Motion to add “Non verbally” in front of engages. Second. Moved.
Motion to add “with campaign materials” to definition of active campaigning. Second. Moved.
Roll Call Vote. Second. Objection.
Roll Call Vote. Motion passes 30, 0, 1.
Motion from Sen. Caudio to pass SB-14s-2743. Second.
Roll Call Vote. Motion passes 31, 0, 0.
 New Senate Secretary: Arielle Talmor
 No Meeting next week: MLK Day
 Senate meeting in 2 weeks following.
 Don’t forget to read for senator reading club.
Final Roll Call - Senate President Pro-Tempore Kaitlin Ramirez –
- Quorum is reestablished with 31 voting members.
Meeting is adjourned at 8:20 PM