Space Committee Meeting MINUTES July 7, 2010 Members Present: Shari Shuman, Mauricio Gonzalez, Joann Campbell, Len Roberson, Sitou Byll-Cataria Support Staff Present: Deb Kaye, Richard Crosby, Everett Malcolm, Zak Ovadia, Dan Endicott, John Hale, Lance Taylor, Elizabeth Jones, Nancy Boerem, Giovanni Medina 1. Project Timelines - Science and Engineering Building Remedial Work New issues have been identified and damage is more than anticipated. We should receive a final report in 4 weeks. - Building 9 Restacking of Building to Accommodate Arts & Sciences Needs A meeting with the consultant is planned in 2 weeks. 2. Building 14 - Dept of Communications The Fire Marshal needs to inspect the space on the 2nd floor. Because of a furniture delay, move-in is expected at the end of July. 3. UNF Hall - No issues to report. 4. JJ Daniel Hall (Building 1) - CCI has moved in and CBTL is in the process of moving. - Construction costs may need to be adjusted due to additional requests from occupants. 5. Student Wellness and Sports Education - The preliminary baseline estimate from Gilbane is $900K over budget. Construction cost is estimated at $16M. There will be a meeting next week to discuss the cost. 6. Science and Humanities Building - Revised Parking – Lot 7 Parking Lot 7N will open on July 12. Parking Lot 7 will be fenced and site work will begin within two weeks. The plaza between Buildings 1 and 2 will be opened at the end of July. If they desire IA has been asked to set a date for a groundbreaking ceremony. 7. Campus Wide Master Plan - An update to the community will be scheduled after the fall BOT meeting. - A meeting with city planners is scheduled for later this month. 8. Classroom Space – Presentation for Faculty - Elizabeth Jones provided a revised matrix showing the current classroom space for the labs. This will be shared with the Chairs. 9. Building 8 – Retail Space: Greek Shipping Company - The Greek Shipping Company should be open and operational by August 1. 10. DRC Building, OCT and Veterans Services - A meeting to discuss the conceptual plan is scheduled for July 8. Space for a Leadership Institute Program will also be discussed. 11. BCH Advising Office/Classroom - Lucy Trice was in attendance to present the BCH proposal to move and expand the BCH Advising Office. She shared numerous reasons the move is needed including FERPA requirements and a shortage of offices. - The request is to convert a classroom on the second floor (2031-2033) into advising offices and then create a classroom on the fourth floor (4021-4024, 4024-4028). - With money available at this time, Joann Campbell moved to approve the request. Len Roberson seconded the motion which was then approved by the committee. The BCH will work with Campus Planning, Design and Construction regarding the CPSR and cost. 12. Jacksonville Commitment Space Request - Deb Kaye requested additional space for the Jacksonville Commitment since they have grown to 9 employees and serve 215 students. - The space requested is at UNF Hall directly across from the Enrollment Services Administration office, currently being used as storage. - Joann Campbell moved to give Jacksonville Commitment the additional space. This was seconded by Len Roberson and approved by the committee. Completed Projects 1. Duplicating Building 2. Building 9 Veteran’s Space ROTC Athletic Academic Support Pending Issues 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Carts and Cart Storage Expansion of Golfplex to Accommodate Women’s Locker/Lounge Area Building Construction Management – Request for New Building Room Space for OLLIE (Continuing Education) Art and Design Building Sanctuary 7. 8. Building 10- CCB Expansion Disability Resource Center – Expansion into CIRT