Space Committee Meeting AGENDA October 7, 2015 President’s Conference Room


Space Committee Meeting


October 7, 2015

President’s Conference Room

Members Present: Shari Shuman, Jay Coleman, Tom Serwatka, Radha Pyati, Trevor Dunn

Support Staff Present: Zak Ovadia, Albert Colom, Dan Endicott, John Hale, Dawn Knipe,

Debbie LeGros, Everett Malcolm, Vince Smyth


Project Timelines


Skinner-Jones Halls North and South

An addition will be built onto Building 4. Programming is complete and the project is now in design and development. Ajax Construction is the construction manager for the project. The initial cost analysis was 10% over budget but both parties are working to bring down the cost.


Fieldhouse (Aquatic Center Re-Purposing)

The Fieldhouse is complete. The grand opening took place on October 5 th


Two classrooms will added to the inventory. Physical Education will also be using the space.

The space will be rented at select times of the year and used as a rain venue if needed.


Library Learning Commons

The Learning Commons has been completed. The turn-styles have been activated.


Building 6 (The Annex)

A second round of bids has come in for dust collection and welding exhaust.

Campus Planning is reviewing the costs and requesting clarification from the bidders regarding the scope of work.


Athletic and Recreation Facilities

Soccer Fields & Tennis Courts

Once funding has been received, the project will move forward for final engineering.


Office of Academic Testing/Interfaith Office

Moving the Office of Academic Testing to Hicks Hall is being considered. The consultants and Interfaith Center met on September 29th to discuss new office space in the current Office of Academic Testing space. The consultant’s fee proposal is acceptable so programming and schematic design will begin shortly.

If this were to happen, the Interfaith Center would be able to move into the vacated space.

The design and construction package has been completed in order to get an Order of Magnitude Cost Estimate. The estimated construction cost is $688,464.


Master Plan

The master plan is in the process of being updated with a few changes. There will be additional public forums for input before the changes are made.


Building 9 – 2nd Floor

The floor is currently only half built out. Nofa Dixon is using part of the space for her mosaic tiles. This would also be a good area to give the theater group a bigger space.

The construction documents are ready and will be sent out for bidding.


New Aquatic Center

The scope has been reduced and we are currently waiting on an agreement for the fees. CITF monies will be needed to begin the project.


Student Union Renovations to Back Dining Area

Student Government and Chartwells are currently circulating a survey and talking with students to determine how to utilize the space better. It was noted that lunch meetings being held at the Boathouse are better suited in the back room than in the noisier main dining area.


Arena Enhancements

Consultants are working on options ready for Arena enhancements to make it more of a NCAA Division 1 Arena.



Trevor Dunn was welcomed as a new faculty member of the committee.

The Coggin Student Services Advising offices will be moved from Building 42 to

Building 10, first floor. One of the walls will be moved to give them more space and a glass store-front will be installed to make it more visible. CCB Career

Services will expand into the vacated advising space in Building 42.

CCEC will be using the former skate park for one semester for a student project on tidal simulation.
