Wednesday, October 3, 2007 12:00 Provost’s Task Force Present: Yem Bolumole, Scott Brown, Cathy Christie, Karen Patterson, Krista Paulsen, Tom Pekarek, Alex Schonning Behrooz Seyed-Abbassi, Michael Wiley, Mark Workman Absent: Andres Gallo, Barb Kruger 1. Provost Workman welcomed Yem, our newest member of the task force. Yem has served as chair of the Faculty Association’s strategic planning committee and will help provide some integration between the two efforts. 2. Provost Workman updated the task force on a recent action by the BOG which essentially moved the SUS away from the Pappas recommendation (we become a state college system) and now allows UNF to continue plans to offer a full array of programs, from the baccalaureate to the doctoral, consistent with our mission. This decision provides further impetus for the work of the task force. 3. The task force was reminded that the focus of their work is to sharpen UNF’s selfdefinition and make bolder our vision for the university. 4. There was some discussion about the MacTaggart book and that UNF is generally at the final stage of what MacTaggart defines as strengthening academic programs and culture. 5. The Provost again reminded the task force of its charge: a. to clarify and articulate the mission of the university b. to define the goals that would derive from this mission, especially with regard to academic programs and quality c. to anticipate resource allocations that would be required to implement the mission 6. The task force was asked to attend to the following for the next meeting: a. to consider an article by Richard Florida, “Regions and universities together can foster a creative economy” (distributed at the meeting). b. to identify what UNF’s perceived strengths and weaknesses are; identify institutions considered models or aspirants; describe how these institutions deliver on their promises. Other institutions can be reviewed through the program available on the Carnegie site. c. to consider what institutions task force members might benefit from visiting or what consultants the task force might wish to invite to UNF. 7. There was a question about what document should emerge from this process. Provost Workman offered to draft a format that will give guidance to what the shape of the final document should be. 8. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 10/16 at 10:30 in the AA conference room. Minutes submitted by Marianne Jaffee. Meeting adjourned at 2:00.