DTF minutes 4-13-07

Diversity Task Force
Friday, 4/13/2007
Shunda Brown (Leadership, Counseling and Instructional Technology)
Keith Cartwright (English)
David Fenner (Graduate School/Philosophy)
Marianne Jaffee (AA)
Chris Johnson (Economics)
Kareem Jordan (Criminal Justice)
Lina Monell (EOP)
Simon Shiao (Music)
Henry Thomas (Political Science/Public Administration)
Carolyn Williams (History)
Mark Workman (Provost)
Could not attend:
Pam Chally (Dean, BCH)
Judy Rodriguez (Public Health)
Provost Mark Workman discussed the urgency of addressing the decline in the number of
ethnically/racially under-represented faculty on this campus and determined through a
conversation with the African American faculty last year that while the African American faculty
committee pursued the development of an African American studies program, he would convene
a task force to review strategies aimed at the recruitment, mentorship and retention of faculty in
all under-represented categories.
Provost Workman outlined 5 reasons to diversify the faculty at UNF:
1) intellectual – faculty from diverse backgrounds enrich the environment of a university;
2) moral – we value equal opportunity in our society and it is incumbent on us to live up to
that value on campus;
3) pedagogical – students appreciate mentors with the same background and we owe it to
our student to have a diverse faculty in place to be role models and mentors. It is also
true that diversity of ideas in the classroom expand students’ comprehension and
understanding of the world;
4) symbolic/rhetorical – we need to model what we stand for and demonstrate our values;
5) political – we need to acknowledge that we are held publicly accountable for our
diversity efforts.
The Provost charged the committee with drafting recommendations targeting the goals of
increased applications and more effective recruitment of diverse faculty; mentorship of
ethnically/racially under-represented faculty; and the mentorship of ethnically/racially
under-represented students. The Provost noted that this will be an ongoing initiative with
no time constraints.
Henry Thomas added the following reasons for diversification of our faculty:
1. the historical perspective and Florida’s tradition of discrimination;
2. the state of higher education (tuition costs) and the further disenfranchisement of
ethnically/racially under-represented students;
3. impact of globalization on a university campus and the tensions that sometimes creates.
Discussion included issues involving the Jacksonville community -- the increasing gaps in
achievement for African American students versus non-African American students. Keith
Cartwright remarked that part of the UNF mission is to serve the city and the region and that we
should focus some of our attention on the students from the local schools. The Provost noted that
UNF has recently created the “Jacksonville Commitment” – an initiative spearheaded by former
Sheriff Nat Glover in partnership with JU, EWC and FCCJ. This Commitment will take the form
of full tuition scholarships for all Duval students in the free lunch program.
David Fenner then formally convened the first meeting and asked that the group consider who
might chair the task force and it was decided that we would forgo the selection of a chair until the
group had a better sense of the scope of the work to be done.
The task force determined that it was important to begin by reviewing certain data in order to
know what short and long-term goals we might establish. This data might include the following
(five to ten years):
retention data on ethnically/racially under-represented students
retention data on ethnically/racially under-represented faculty
EOP diversity data –under-represented faculty by discipline and where we are below expected
numbers of representation
Census data on the Jacksonville community
Duval School data on ethnically/racially under-represented retention of students and graduation
There was some discussion on what recommendations might come forward:
Possible salary packages to recruit ethnically/racially under-represented faculty (there was also an
expression of concern that there could be unintended consequences)
Target graduate programs with ethnically/racially under-represented doctoral students
Scholarships for UNF students from diverse backgrounds to attend graduate school and then
return to UNF to teach
The group would review some of the literature Marianne Jaffee has already gathered. Henry
Thomas suggested that we create a Blackboard site for continuation of discussions and to inform
those not able to attend meetings. Marianne will contact OIR to request some data. The task
force discussed possible next meeting times of noon on 5/3 and morning or noon on 5/4.
Meeting adjourned at 1:30
Minutes submitted by Marianne Jaffee