University of North Florida Request to Plan (RTP) New Academic Degree/Major The development of a new degree program at UNF is governed by the New Degree / Major Programs (2.0040P) policy of the university. This policy states that “Each proposal for a new degree or major must demonstrate that the degree/major will fit within the mission of the institution, has sufficient need to justify it being added to the University's curriculum, and that the resources are available to ensure the quality of the program. In addition the department presenting the proposal must demonstrate that the degree/major will follow acceptable professional standards for the discipline.” If not yet on the Master Plan, begin with in-depth conversations and planning at the program, department and college levels to ensure that the proposed degree/major is indeed integrated into the strategic plan and priorities of both the department and college. If the department and the college dean support the proposed degree/program, proceed with requesting that the program be added to the master plan. Requests to Plan (RTP) are received twice each year on February 1 and September 1. Process 1. Program faculty and/or department chair complete this proposal in its entirety. Pages 2-5 will be shared with the Academic Program Coordination committee of the Council of Academic Vice-Presidents. This group is charged to review all pre-proposals in the state system for, among other things, duplication of academic programs. 2. Proposal is to be reviewed by the department chair and the college dean. Both the department chair and the college dean are to complete the appropriate section on this proposal seeking their support. 3. Once approved at the college level, the proposal is to be scanned (with required signatures and emailed to either the Dean of the Graduate School (for graduate programs) or the Dean of Undergraduate Studies (for undergraduate programs). 4. Following a review of the proposal, the proposal is presented to the Council of Deans for review and recommendation to the Provost. 5. If the Provost recommends continued consideration, the RTP will be submitted to the Academic Program Coordination committee of the Council of Academic Vice-Presidents for review. Following this review, if there are no concerns noted at the state level, the program will be added to the master plan. 6. If approved, the department chair and/or college dean may then proceed to work with faculty on the development of the full new degree proposal in accordance with the university’s policy on New Degree/Major Programs (Policy 2.0040P). New Academic Degree Program Authorization Pre-Proposal Form New Academic Program Pre-Proposal Process New academic program pre-proposals are initiated and developed by the faculty. Approval of the pre-proposal must be obtained from department chairs and college deans or equivalent administrators before submission for Academic Affairs level review and consideration for inclusion in the University’s Annual Work Plan. Pre-proposal Application Form PROGRAM PROPOSAL INFORMATON TYPE/PRINT CLEARLY Institution Degree Program Title (e.g. M.A. in Biology) CIP Code Proposed Mode of Delivery (% online if applicable) Enrollment Projections (FTE) : Year 1 and Year 5 Year 1: Year 5: Proposed Implementation Date (e.g. Fall 2012) Other Programs in the SUS (including enrollment and degrees): New Academic Program Pre-proposal Form (updated 10/28/14) Page 2 of 9 Program Summary: (Briefly describe the proposed program) 1. Briefly summarize the overall rationale for the new academic program and consider the following in your narrative: Ways in which the proposed program is distinct from others already offered in the SUS (use the 4-digit CIP as a guide). How this program supports specific university and SUS missions. Collaborative opportunities with other SUS institutions as appropriate. (maximum length 250 words) New Academic Program Pre-proposal Form (updated 10/28/14) Page 3 of 9 Student Demand: (Describe the demand in the SUS for the proposed program) 2. Briefly describe the student demand for the proposed program and consider the following in your narrative: Explain why a student would be interested in this program. Recognizing that programs at different levels may require different degrees of justification (e.g., greater duplication may be warranted at undergraduate and master’s degree levels), indicate why duplicative programs should be warranted. Numbers of graduates and students enrolled in similar programs currently offered online or face-to-face. For assistance, see the Board of Governors interactive data source, As applicable: place-bound learners, underserved populations in the field/profession, and professional credentials requirements. (maximum length 250 words) New Academic Program Pre-proposal Form (updated 10/28/14) Page 4 of 9 Workforce and Economic Development Needs: (Describe how the proposed program meets workforce and economic development needs) 3. Briefly describe how the proposed program meets workforce and economic development needs and consider the following in your narrative: Impact of this program (local, state, national, and international). Impact of research funding. Changing of professional credential requirements. (maximum length 250 words) I support the exploration of this degree proposal. Earle C. Traynham Print Provost’s Name Provost’s Signature Date New Academic Program Pre-proposal Form (updated 10/28/14) Page 5 of 9 UNF Pre-proposal Supplemental Information Form Proposal Information Response College Department Target date for first admission (e.g. Fall 2012) Total Proposed Credit Hours Please provide a succinct, thorough response to each question. 1. What is the projected head count (HC) and FTE? (use the table below) PROJECTED HEAD COUNT (HC) AND FTE Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 HC FTE HC FTE HC FTE HC FTE HC FTE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FTE: UG (40 SCHs), GR (32 SCHs) New Academic Program Pre-proposal Form (updated 10/28/14) Page 6 of 9 2. Provide information on the available resources and capacity for this program as well as what resources will be needed to implement this new degree program / major: a. Additional Faculty (please complete the table below) ANTICIPATED FACULTY PARTICIPATION Faculty Code A B Faculty Name or "New Hire" Highest Degree Held Academic Discipline or Speciality John Smith, Ph.D. Mathematics Sally Jones, Ph.D. Physics Name, Degree Academic Discipline Name, Degree Academic Discipline New Hire, Degree Academic Discipline New Hire, Degree Academic Discipline Rank Asst. Prof. Contract Status Tenure Initial Date for Participation in Program Fall 2007 Professor MYA Fall 2010 Mos. Contract Year 1 9 % Effort Year 1 0.75 Mos. Contract Year 5 0 % Effort Year 5 0.00 9 0.75 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Faculty Code: A – Existing line, B – New Line b. What additional resources such as library and ITS resources will be needed? Has the library and ITS been consulted? New Academic Program Pre-proposal Form (updated 10/28/14) Page 7 of 9 c. How will the department or college resources be used to support this program? d. Complete the Projected Costs table below. PROJECTED COSTS New Faculty Salary & Benefits 0 Library 0 Assistantships 0 Fellowships 0 Operating Capital Outlay 0 Other Expenses 0 3. How do the strengths and interests of department faculty align with this proposal? 4. Describe how the proposed new degree program/major fits within the strategic plan of the department and the college. 5. Describe how the proposed program is consistent with the current State University System (SUS) Strategic Planning Goals. Identify which goals the program will directly support and which goals the program will indirectly support. (See the SUS Strategic Plan at ) New Academic Program Pre-proposal Form (updated 10/28/14) Page 8 of 9 Chair / Dean Support Department Chair support (The department chair should provide a narrative support here for the development of this new degree program). [Insert response here] Signature, Department Chair Date College Dean support (The college dean should provide a narrative support here for the development of this new degree program. Include a statement as to how the potential new FTE associated with this program will impact the college’s and university’s targets). [Insert response here] Signature, Dean of the College New Academic Program Pre-proposal Form (updated 10/28/14) Date Page 9 of 9