Login MyCT 1. 至請雙擊桌面上的 MyET-MyCT 1. Double click MyET-MyCT on the desktop 2. 選擇『MyET-MyCT English Server』 2. Choose [MyET-MyCT English Server] 3. 輸入帳號密碼,登入 MyCT 3. Enter the login name and password, and login MyCT software 調整耳機麥克風音量 Adjust the volume of headsets and microphones 1 1. 至頁面後,請先戴上耳機麥克風,點 選畫面最上列之「工具」「音效調 整精靈」 1. Please put on the headset and microphone, and click [Sound Check Wizard] from the menu bar on MyET main page. 2. 請跟著音效調整精靈,調整喇叭、 麥克風音量。 2. Follow the instruction of [Sound Check Wizard] to adjust the volume of headsets and microphones 3. 按下「測試」 ,測試錄音環境後,點 選完成 3. Press [Test] to verify the recording function 使用說明 Usage Illustration 2 1. 點選「台大溝通華語」 1. Click on [NTU Communicative Chinese] which Is below My Content 2. 選擇課程單元進行使用 2. Choose the lesson 3. 點選進入課程後,課程內容分為基本 型(Basic Greeting Models)及應用 型(Applied Situation) 3. After entering the lesson, you can see two types, [Basic Greeting Models] and [Applied Situation] 功能說明 Function Illustration 3 1.可選擇『繁體中文』或『簡體中文』 1. Choose [Traditional Chinese] or [Simplified Chinese] 2. 可選擇不同的拼音顯示 2. Choose different phonetic transcription 3. 可選擇翻譯 3. Choose translation 4 4. 4. 單字庫功能可自行建立單字或片語 Build your own vocabulary or phrases in [Word Bank] 使用模式介紹-單句練習 Usage Mode-Passive Practice 1. 單句練習中可一句一句跟著老師練 習 1. Practice speaking after the teacher sentence by sentence 2. 點選任何一個句子,按下錄音鍵開始 錄音,完畢後按下停止鍵 2. Click on the sentence you want to practice. Click [Record] button to tape your speech and press [Stop] when you are done 5 3. 點選發音,針對發音較差的音標,3D 動畫圖可以協助發音矯正,同時也可 以一個字一個字跟老師練習 3. Click on [Phoneme] to see how to improve pronunciation by 3D animation, and practice after the teacher word by word. 4. 語調的部分也可一個音節一個音節 與老師做比對 4. Compare your tone with teacher’s by syllabus 5. 流利度的部分也可與老師進行比對 分析 5. Compare your timing with the teacher’s 6 6. 音量的部分也可與老師進行比對分 析 6. Analyze your emphasis with the teacher’s 使用模式介紹-角色扮演 Usage Mode-Role Play 1. 藉由角色扮演,來模擬與真人實際對 話的情境 1. Simulate the real life conversation by [Role play] 2. 所選擇角色的句子直接進行錄音,不 需按下錄音鍵 2. Choose the role to practice with hand free 7 3. 練習過程中,還是可以點選發音,語 調,流利度及音量來看分析的結果 3. Evaluate the level of speech by clicking on [Pronunciation], [Pitch], [Timing] and [Emphasis] 使用模式介紹-自我檢定 Function-Self Test 1. 進入自我檢定後,需在規定時間內完 成所有句子測驗(每句可不斷重複 念,直到分數滿意後,再按下一句即 可) 1. Finish the test within the time limit. Every sentence will be repeated until you pass. Once past, press the next sentence 2. 測驗完成後,會列出每句測驗成績 2. After testing, MyCT wil list the grade 8 使用模式介紹-Pimsleur Practice Function-Pimsleur Practice 1. 在 Pimsleur 學習法中,每句會練習 四遍,第一遍是有字有聲音,第二遍 是有聲音沒有字,第三遍是有字沒有 聲音,第四遍是從第一句到最後一 句,希望藉由眼看、耳聽、口說的方 式來練習 1. According to Pimsleur learning approach, each sentence should be practice four times. Words and sound are provided in the first time. Sound is provided without words in the second. Words are provided without sounds in the third time. Practice reading, listening and speaking from the first sentence to the last one in the last time. 2. 每個句子練習完之後,還是可以點選 發音,語調,流利度及音量來看分析 的結果 2. After practicing each sentence, click [Pronunciation], [Pitch], [Timing] and [Emphasis] buttons respectively to see the detailed analysis 個人學習記錄-口說能力診斷書 My Report-Chinese Diagnosis Report 9 1. 練習完一些課程後,藉由口說能力診 斷書,可瞭解自身整體口說能力 1. [Chinese Diagnosis Report] helps realize your spoken Chinese after practice 2. 可知道完成自我檢定數目,同時也顯 示發音、語調、流利度及音量的平均 分數 2. [Chinese Diagnosis Report] shows you how many lessons have been tested, and also gives you the average score in [Pronunciation], [Pitch], [Timing] and [Emphasis] 3. 發音部分可以看到整體錯誤率分 析,拼音及注音可供選擇 3. In [Pronunciation], error rate analysis is shown, including Pinyin and Zhuyin 10 4. 語調部分也可以看到整體評析 4. You can see the overall analysis in [Tone] 5. 流利度也會提供整體分析 5. You can see the overall analysis in [Timing] 6. 音量部分也提供整體分析 6. You can see the overall analysis in [Emphasis] 個人學習記錄-成績單 My Report-All My Scores 11 1. 成績單紀錄自我檢定最高分的成績 1. The highest scores are recorded in [My Report] 個人學習記錄-成績曲線 My Report-My Progress 1. 藉由成績曲線,可瞭解自身每日、每 週、每月的學習成效 1. Understand your improvement each day, week and month by [My Progress] 加入班級社群 My Community Home 1. 點選首頁 Community 1. Click on [Community] 12 2. 搜尋所屬班級社群,並加入 2. Find the community you want to join 3. 等到社群管理者核准之後,首頁就會 看到所屬班級社群 3. The community you join will be seen on MyCT main page, once you are admitted by the administrator 進行口說測驗 Take the Test 1. 從首頁進入所屬班級社群,察看公佈 欄上是否有口說測驗題目 1. Click on the specific community link on MyET main page to see the bulletin board 13 2. 若公佈欄上出現口說測驗內容,則直 接點選課程,開始測驗 2. Directly click on the hyper link on the bulletin board which will lead you to the assigned lesson 3. 進入課程後,直接點選自我檢定,進 行測驗 (單句練習,角色扮演不會記錄成績) 3. Click on [Take Test] to test yourself (There will be no record in [Passive Practice] and [Role Play]) 14