MINUTES University Technology Committee April 3, 2006

University Technology Committee
April 3, 2006
Members Present:
George Perkins, Vice Chair
Peter Braza
Dale Clifford
Jace Hargis
Bob Jones
Marsha Lupi
Jerry Merckel
Diane Tanner
Lucy Trice
Others Present:
Jeff Bowen
Kathy Cohen
Jeff Durfee
Kathy Hughes
Deb Miller
Tom Mills
Fred Sudler
John Sharp
The University Technology Committee meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. in Bldg. 15
Room 1105 by Vice Chair Perkins.
Perkins advised the group that Lance Taylor was attending the ACUTA Spring Seminar and
would not be attending today’s meeting.
Kathy Hughes announced that Information Technology Services has hired two (2) new c-techs.
Courtney Scogin began as the new c-tech, primary support for the University Center and Doug
Titus will begin next week as the c-tech, primary support for the College of Health.
Approval of Minutes – March 6, 2006
Perkins asked if the UTC members had any changes, additions or corrections to the Minutes
from March 6, 2006. No changes were noted and the Minutes were approved as submitted.
Campus Technology Committee Report
Diane Tanner stated that the committee met on 3/27/06 and that faculty/staff were again advised
of the new network login (N#) to begin on May 4, 2006.
Tanner said Barbara Tuck (UNF Library) has volunteered to design a website regarding
plagiarism. She plans to include links on how to cite references, etc. Also, Dan Dundon is
currently looking at the list of orphan links from the second (2nd) level to the college level. He
will advise the Campus Technology Committee of his findings.
The Campus Technology Committee is currently researching ideal ways of getting information
to the faculty on campus and are looking at holding departmental meetings one time per month
or one time per semester as a couple of departments already do on campus.
The Committee is also researching the possibility of having a campus-wide equipment check-out
for all students. This does not include computers, but would involve equipment such as ipods,
digital cameras, etc. These items could have a barcode attached and the Library would handle
the check out. One issue needing to be resolved is who would be responsible for broken items
and who would inspect the equipment when it is returned, etc. Tanner will keep the UTC
apprised of any developments in this matter.
Tanner noted there were several false quotes in the recent Spinnaker article regarding student
photo rosters. She did state that faculty are very interested in these rosters and would find them
extremely helpful. She reminded the group that this roster would be for faculty only. The roster
would not be seen by UNF students, staff, nor be seen by the public. She plans to send a letter to
Spinnaker asking for clarification on these misquotes.
The next Campus Technology Committee meeting is at 3:00 p.m. on April 17, 2006 in Bldg. 42 /
Report: GOT
Deb Miller stated that the GOT website is active and the submission form to have academic
technology items investigated is online and available for use. She noted several efforts the group
has completed and also issues that it continues to assist in including: developing technology
requirements for a “Model Technology Classroom,” coordinating efforts for a pilot ipod
initiative to be used in one of the FIG’s for the Fall Term 2006, assisting in the development of
the application on behalf of UNF for submission to Apple to be chosen as an iTunes University
and aiding in the transition of Web Surveyor (survey tool) from pilot to production status.
Report: Network Acceptable Use Action Team
Hughes discussed the first (1st) draft of the OspreyNet Acceptable Use draft policy. She asked
the group to review the draft and provide her any feedback and recommendations they may
have. She noted that the issue of gaming was removed and discussions were ongoing with the
UNF Gaming Club to see how we could allow use of games and still protect our network’s
security and bandwidth.
Perkins stated that this matter will be added to the June agenda.
Report: IT Security Action Team
Jeff Durfee stated they are still researching time-out issues with screen savers. Right now all
network computers would have to run the same way. Screen savers would have to be turned on
for all computers and users could not disable the screen saver option. The team is continuing to
look into the matter and he will report back to the group with any developments.
"N" Number
Hughes stated that volunteers were requested via DeansDir email for a “go-to” information
person for each department. To date, forty-five (45) people have responded. Alison Cruess is
preparing to conduct information sessions in April for these staff members. She asked the group
to continue reminding their departments, faculty, and staff that on May 4, 2006 at 12:01 a.m. all
current UNF faculty and staff login ids will change. She again noted that this is only to login
into the UNF network and that your email i.d. is not changing. Also, for the PDF paycheck, the
password has not changed. She stated that Outlook calendars are still able to be shared as
Hughes noted that UNF staff contributing to the United Way or entering their PDQ for
Classification Redesign will be prompted for their N# as well.
Alison Cruess is the coordinator for this rollout and is the point of contact if anyone has
questions or concerns.
May Meeting
Perkins stated that the next UTC meeting is scheduled for May 1, 2006. This meeting is between
terms and asked the group if they would like to cancel the May monthly meeting. All members
were in favor of this meeting cancellation.
The next UTC meeting is scheduled for June 5, 2006.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:16 a.m.