University Technology Committee MINUTES May 9, 2011 Members Present: Lance Taylor (Chair), Deb Miller, Dee Baldwin, Katharine Brown, Cathie Christie, Dale Clifford, Marsha Lupi, Gerald Merckel, Julie Milich, Len Roberson, Tom VanSchoor, Marianne Roberts, Jim Owen, Scott Bennett, David Fenner, Brent Fine, Pat Plumlee Others Present: Jeff Durfee, Steve Lyon, Kathy Hughes, Fred Sudler, Dmitriy Bond, John Sharp 1. April minutes Minutes of the CTC Report described turnitin as a new tool, which it is not. CTC is looking at it now as another tool for plagiarism protection. 2. Announcements New Members – Lance Taylor Introduction of Brent Fine who represents Student Government. Kimi Alfonzo-Rojas will also be joining the committee. Introduction of Maria Cartolano who will be taking the minutes at the meetings. Student Email – Kathy Hughes, John Sharp This is an initiative being worked on. Student Government representatives have been consulted. This involves moving our student email to The Cloud (Microsoft’s Live@Edu offering). Students will get much more email storage, increased file storage, and an email account for life. Accounts will start to be created this summer; effective fall term, they will be able to activate accounts and start using it. There will be a campaign (during fall term) for students with information on how to go and activate their account with an option to migrate their existing email or start using their new one. In January, all the emails coming to their UNF email accounts will be forwarded and will stop in June, 2012. The cost savings to the university is estimated between $125,000 and $150,000 every four years. Students will be offered Word, Excel, PowerPoint, web versions at a later date. This is getting positive reviews from students and alumni services (email for life). Email is created at the time of admission which is the same as it is now. Domain name will be “Ospreys” for now, but as it continues to grow, domains will have to be added. John Sharp to meet with Jim Owen, Dale Clifford, Katharine Brown and Len Roberson to discuss other email issues. Skype Test – Steve Lyon There was a successful test with students in the residence halls, and it has now been turned on for faculty and staff and rest of main campus as of April 29. FDLC Consortium Meeting Update – Deb Miller UNF hosted the FDLC quarterly meeting on May 5-6/ Meeting went very well, received lots of positive comments about the UNF campus. Highlights from the meeting provided by Deb Miller are: o Legislative assigned oversight of the FDLC to the Board of Governors and the Div. of FL Colleges/State Board of Education. o Consortium established an executive committee. o FDLC to serve as advisory body for the BOG and FL College System for DL catalog, licensing, central content repository, emerging online technologies, data collection, use of educational technologies, and identifying methods to improve access and completion of degrees. o FDLC to monitor and inform institutions on federal, regional and state issues that impact e-learning. o 2011-12 Workplan includes: Policy/legal issues; HEOA, multi-state approval, ADA, social networking; data collection, student success and retention. 3. Report: Distance Learning Committee – Len Roberson Met on April 22 for a half-day planning retreat. They looked at priorities for distance learning and began the process of setting strategic goals. The next meeting is scheduled for May 24. 4. Report: Campus Technology Committee – Cynthia Jordan Cynthia Jordan was absent from the meeting as she awaits the birth of a grandchild. Per Katharine Brown, Pat Plumlee presented to CTC that they might want to take over the faculty page in My Wings, and CTC accepted the proposal. CTC will find out what the faculty wants on that page and will send out surveys to gather information before changing the page. CTC will be the “agent” for the recommendations of the faculty. Per Lance Taylor: Is this recommendation from the CTC going to come to the IPC (IPC owns the faculty pages)? Katharine Brown stated that changes will come up through Campus Technology, go to Executive Committee and then forwarded to IPC. Scott Bennett stated that IPC approves for all tabs and whether or not the guidelines for the portal are being followed. It is very rare that something is denied. The CTC should send all recommended changes to Dimitriy Bond. 5. Report: Blackboard - Deb Miller The maintenance window began last Thursday (5/5) and is completed and up as of today, (63 hours early) but not yet advertised. Bb Team is currently running checklists, and if there are no problems, a note will go out later today. The SAN (storage) was migrated to a new array; some software upgrades of Mobile, Bb CAR, the course request system, and Learning Objects. The iTunes U building block has been completely rewritten so that instructors can reuse media between semesters and classes. Funding has been requested for a major hardware upgrade as well as the addition of mobile and content system licensing in this upcoming budget year; no word on that. Working on a project plan for LO4 upgrade which moves to a completely Cloud-based system. Also want to look at the Bb tool set to see if we need to add tools such as Wiki, Podcast, etc. or continue with Learning Objects. It’s set up on the testing server so that some of the faculty can take a look at it. Testing the McGraw Hill building block. 6. Report: IT Security Action Team – Jeff Durfee No report 7. Report: Internet Presence Committee – Scott Bennett Continuing to get sites approved; some of the recent ones to come through are: Poli Sci, Public Admin, Chemistry, CCI, Pre-law, Art & Design, Army ROTC, LGBT. Student Affairs is making very good progress and probably will be on target by the end of the summer. The committee also reviewed a mock-up of what Enrollment Services is planning to do for prospective students within the portal (tab for prospects only). 8. New Business None Meeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m. The next meeting will be held on June 13, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. in the Student Union 58W/Room 3703A.