Internet Presence Committee MINUTES July 15, 2010


Internet Presence Committee


July 15, 2010

Members Present: Sharon Ashton, Scott Bennett, Lucy Croft, Marianne Jaffee

Others Present: Jamie Spruell, Dmitriy Bond, Deb Miller, Jen Urbano


New Faculty Web pages:

Marianne Jaffee stated that there are 30 new faculty coming on board for the Fall 2010 semester and about ½ of them would like to develop their own web page

Marianne Jaffee said that CIRT will continue to provide support and training for faculty web pages, but with the new faculty coming on board it would be a perfect opportunity to have them create their pages in CMS.

Marianne Jaffee said that training the new faculty on Dreamweaver seems counterproductive as the university as a whole is moving into CMS. Is there a possibility of creating a template in CMS for the new faculty web pages? Sharon asked if a Smart Form may be better than a template. Marianne countered that the creation of a 1 page template would be more efficient.

Sharon asked who updates department pages and Marianne noted that most often, it is a secretary.

Deb Miller mentioned that sometimes the chair will assign a faculty member with updating the department site. Marianne said most faculty update their own

The committee asked if creating a faculty web page template would be a drain on CMS resources and

Dmitriy responded that we would need to create redirects for each new page and determine the faculty folder structure and permission setup for each faculty member. Every faculty page would be handled as a new migration.

Current faculty would not be offered a web page in CMS until we have completed the migration of every unit first.

ACTION ITEM: Dmitriy will take this request back to the CMS Team who will look at the technical issues of redirects and folder structure. Dmitriy will report back the team’s suggestions to the IPC at a later meeting.


Facebook Fan Page:

There is no way to find out who owns the UNF unauthorized pages on Facebook

Joanna Norris has posted to the wall of that page the location of the “official” UNF Fan Page.

Joanna has created an Official UNF Fan Page on Facebook with a section titled “Osprey Rules”

We encourage you to leave comments, photos, videos and links. We will review all comments and will remove any that are inappropriate, offensive or contain insults.

Campus Update will have an announcement on the newly created UNF Fan Page on Facebook


Next IPC Meeting will be on Thursday, July 22 nd at 3:30pm in the Academic Affairs Conference Room.
