Original Request submitted to IPC

IPC Notes on OneJax Removal from CMS
September 4,2012
Original Request submitted to IPC
From: Serwatka, Tom
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2012 8:48 AM
To: Tatiana Salvadore; wilkinsons@bellsouth.net; <Brenda@ezellfirmpa.com>; Richard Salkin; Krueger, Celeste
Cc: Delaney, John; Shuman, Shari
Subject: OneJax webpage
Recognizing and wanting to respect the passion the board members expressed, John has decided that OneJax
can maintain its offsite webpage.
During our discussions, we were able to determine that every feature that OneJax wanted could be activated
in CMS. But it would take additional staff time to do so. (See note below.)
The discussions also yielded some cautions to which you’ll need to pay close attention. As pointed out below,
without requiring logins you’ll be opening the site up for several technical problems. As troubling as these
technical intrusions are, even more demanding on staff time is the need to set up a monitoring program for
the blog and other incoming media. As evidenced by the TU postings and UNF’s own Facebook postings, you
are highly likely to get some pretty nasty and inflammatory postings that will need to be pulled down quickly
and regularly. Our own experience tells us that if the site catches on, which of course you want it to, someone
will need to monitor it at least a couple of times a day. I am not sure who is going to get that assignment but it
should be recognized as a seven-day-a-week, 52 week a year effort.
If you have any questions, let me know.
CMS Web Team response concerning CMS Functionality
Ektron CMS has the foundational components for all the features mentioned in the document, including Blogs,
social media integration (twitter, Facebook), and visitor engagement features (commenting, forums,
uploading, etc). However, those features are not currently implemented at UNF and are not part of the current
support model.
To properly implement the features would require the following
1) Establish protocols and methods to moderate content generated by “communities”, visitors , and
individual blogs. (2-4 hrs/governance)
2) Enable and program the social media and community features in CMS for the UNF template(s): (80+
hours, depending on spec. and scope)
3) Establish a support model for the new features: documentation, training, recommendations, etc: (20+
hours of implementation, plus ongoing support for the new service)
Note: Some of the mentioned features are risky, such as allowing anyone to comment on the webpage, or
upload documents, video, etc. Such content can conflict with the brand and also has security, virus, and
hacking implications, especially if participating users are not logged in and properly identified in the UNF
enterprise. Content moderation, antivirus and backend site protection are strongly recommended, regardless
where the site is hosted.
IPC Action on issue
From: Ashton, Sharon
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2012 8:33 AM
To: Bennett, Scott; Jaffee, Marianne; Croft, Lucy
Cc: Spruell, Jamie; Watters, Marian; Bond, Dmitriy; Mobley, Linda; Serwatka, Tom
Subject: FW: OneJax webpage
Members of the OneJax board met with President Delaney last week, pushing hard to get permission to have
their web site OFF the CMS. As you know, our bylaws say decisions of the IPC can be appealed to the
President, and they did just that, and got an exemption.
Tom: Can you please let Jamie Spruell know when you want the OneJax pages in CMS removed? She will do
so as soon as she gets word from you.
From: Serwatka, Tom
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2012 9:11 AM
To: Ashton, Sharon; Bennett, Scott; Jaffee, Marianne; Croft, Lucy
Cc: Spruell, Jamie; Watters, Marian; Bond, Dmitriy; Mobley, Linda
Subject: RE: OneJax webpage
I will take care of letting her know.
From: Bond, Dmitriy
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2012 10:53 AM
To: Ashton, Sharon; Bennett, Scott; Jaffee, Marianne; Croft, Lucy
Cc: Spruell, Jamie; Watters, Marian; Mobley, Linda; Serwatka, Tom
Subject: RE: OneJax webpage
Onejax.org URL also needs to be changed back to their original web destination, instead of CMS. Does this
need to be done on a particular day in the future, or is this to be coordinated asap?
From: Serwatka, Tom
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2012 10:54 AM
To: Bond, Dmitriy; Ashton, Sharon; Bennett, Scott; Jaffee, Marianne; Croft, Lucy
Cc: Spruell, Jamie; Watters, Marian; Mobley, Linda
Subject: RE: OneJax webpage
Let me check into that.
Action Items:
 Tom to contact Jamie to let her know that OneJax content in CMS can be deleted
 Redirect needs to be set on OneJax’ s virtual server to point to old site (this needs to be done by
OneJax not ITS)