Download: True Story of the Internet Search 1. Some of the first search engines companies were ____________________________ and ____________________________. 2. Today’s search engines return pages of information in less than a ____________________________. 3. The web was once page after page of plain text, long lists of underlined sentences where you could __________________________________________. 4. Stanford University students ____________________________ and ____________________________ founded the company ______________. 5. 1994 - Yahoo was just a ____________________________, a list of categories and subcategories that you could hunt and peck around it, __________________________________________. ____________________________ was the venture capital company that funded Yahoo. 6. It wasn’t until the mid-1990’s that ____________________________ was allowed on the Internet, to be able to buy and sell. 7. Yahoo was very concerned about the ramifications of putting advertising on their web site, that the __________________________________________. 8. Advertising meant that it was possible to make money on the Internet, and the ____________________________ had begun. 9. Yahoo’s biggest rival was a company called ____________________________ whose search engine used a more sophisticated technology. (Remember those guys from Triumph of the Nerds?) 10. Excite had a search engine that when you typed in your query it would __________________________________ to find the web pages. Yahoo and other companies quickly followed suit. 11. Search companies began to focus on other features like personalization and email, and __________________________________________. 12. The founders of Google were ____________________ and _____________________. 13. Google is a twist on the word ____________________________, 10 to the hundredth power (1 followed by 100 zeroes). 14. Google prioritizes its lists like a popularity contest, using the number of links to that page from other pages, a form of ____________________________.______________ 15. Google was a search engine that ____________________________ again. 16. Venture capitalist and cofounder of Sun Microsystems Vinod Khosla tried to get Excite to __________________________________________, so Excite could win the search battle against their rival Yahoo. 17. Although Excite could have bought Google for about $1 million, Excite was ____________________________. Excite is worth over $100 billion today. 18. Stanford Professor David Cheriton introduced them to investors Andy Bechtolsheim and John Doerr helped fund Google. 19. Google ____________________________ to fund their company like Yahoo and Excite, they wanted their advertisements to make more sense. 20. Google used Bill Gross’s idea at to use ____________________________ that could be sold to advertisers who would ____________________________ like the Yellow Pages. 21. Google ____________________________ the ____________________________ results from the ____________________________ results. 22. Google’s motto is __________________________________________. 23. There are concerns regarding __________________________________________.