Download: True Story of the Internet Search

Download: True Story of the Internet
1. Some of the first search engines companies were ____________________________ and
2. Today’s search engines return pages of information in less than a
3. The web was once page after page of plain text, long lists of underlined sentences where you
could __________________________________________.
4. Stanford University students ____________________________ and
____________________________ founded the company ______________.
5. 1994 - Yahoo was just a ____________________________, a list of categories and subcategories that you could hunt and peck around it,
____________________________ was the venture capital company that funded Yahoo.
6. It wasn’t until the mid-1990’s that ____________________________ was allowed on the
Internet, to be able to buy and sell.
7. Yahoo was very concerned about the ramifications of putting advertising on their web site, that
the __________________________________________.
8. Advertising meant that it was possible to make money on the Internet, and the
____________________________ had begun.
9. Yahoo’s biggest rival was a company called ____________________________ whose search
engine used a more sophisticated technology. (Remember those guys from Triumph of the Nerds?)
10. Excite had a search engine that when you typed in your query it would
__________________________________ to find the web pages. Yahoo and other companies
quickly followed suit.
11. Search companies began to focus on other features like personalization and email, and
12. The founders of Google were ____________________ and _____________________.
13. Google is a twist on the word ____________________________, 10 to the hundredth power (1
followed by 100 zeroes).
14. Google prioritizes its lists like a popularity contest, using the number of links to that page from
other pages, a form of ____________________________.______________
15. Google was a search engine that ____________________________ again.
16. Venture capitalist and cofounder of Sun Microsystems Vinod Khosla tried to get Excite to
__________________________________________, so Excite could win the search battle against
their rival Yahoo.
17. Although Excite could have bought Google for about $1 million, Excite was
____________________________. Excite is worth over $100 billion today.
18. Stanford Professor David Cheriton introduced them to investors Andy Bechtolsheim and John
Doerr helped fund Google.
19. Google ____________________________ to fund their company like Yahoo and Excite, they
wanted their advertisements to make more sense.
20. Google used Bill Gross’s idea at to use ____________________________ that
could be sold to advertisers who would ____________________________ like the Yellow Pages.
21. Google ____________________________ the ____________________________ results from
the ____________________________ results.
22. Google’s motto is __________________________________________.
23. There are concerns regarding __________________________________________.