ADDENDUM #1 To: From: Bid: Subject: Date: All Companies Interested in Submitting a Bid Diane Rodenkirk, Purchasing Agent Transfer Switch Module Installation, RFB #PUR0415-208 Dated: April 13, 2015 Addendum #1 (1 page) April 23, 2015 Please note the following specification changes/additions/clarifications relative to the above Request for Bid. 1) Information: See Attachment E for generator switch information. 2) Information: See Attachment F for transfer switch information. 3) Question: Can you provide an existing electrical 1 line drawing and any existing control drawings for the generator and existing transfer switch? Answer: See Attachment G for drawing. All addenda that you receive shall become a part of the contract documents and shall be acknowledged and dated on the bottom of the Signature Page (Attachment B). The deadline for sealed bids is Friday, May 8, 2015, before 3:00 pm CDT at the Office of the City Clerk, 101 First Street SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401.