iTunes account There is only one clinic account for iTunes

iTunes account
There is only one clinic account for iTunes
 All department iPads must be linked to this account.
 If a student or faculty member would like to purchase an app for the iPad, a request must be
made to clinic committee, just as with any other clinic materials.
 An email containing details of your request should be sent to clinic committee. This email
should include information such as: Cost, purpose of app (clinic/teaching), diagnosis/client
disorder, and a link to the app if possible.
We have two (2) iPad2 designated for the Strides program (always housed with Strides
We have one (1) iPad Air designated for AAC (must be housed in the AAC lab and is designated
for AAC use only)
We have one (1) iPad2 designated to audiology clinic (kept in audiology suite)
We have one (1) iPad4 designated for CLS (see Ms. Durnford)
o All of the above will be charged and synced by the respective faculty member
We have two (2) iPad4, two (2) iPad Air, and one (1) iPad mini for general clinic use (housed at
Julie’s desk)
o Julie and student worker will be in charge of charging, syncing, and updating apps.
Additionally, the student worker is responsible for keeping the app binder up to date.
o iPads can be reserved up to a week ahead of the time of need. See Julie for making
o iPad can be picked up 10 minutes before the session and must be returned immediately
following the session. They can be signed out at any time for programming, as long as it
is not reserved during that time period.
 If any app requires a file name or client identification, please be sure to follow the
confidentiality guidelines set forth in the clinic manual.
 Each iPad will be wiped clean of client information at the end of each semester
Student signature
Supervisor signature