Pre-term Technology Survey for Students


Pepperdine University

Technology Use Survey for the iPad Study Fall 2011

Directions: This survey is intended to gain an overview into how you use technology on a daily basis. It is not intended to be a complete listing of all technology, rather those technologies pertinent to the ongoing iPad study at Pepperdine.

We are asking for identifying information in this survey so that we can match this with your other study records throughout the course, however, your opinions, beliefs, and responses to this survey will in no way impact your standing or performance in the class and will not be shared with your professor until after the term is over. Researchers will know identifying information only; any information released from this survey to the public will be stripped of identifying information.

This survey should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. Thank you for your participation.

Section A: Technology Ownership

IMPORTANT: For purposes of this survey, indicate you own an iPad ONLY if you personally owned one prior to the iPad study at Pepperdine. That is, do not include the iPad you may have received or will receive as part of this study as technology you own.

A.1. [Place a check in the appropriate box]

Do you own a…

Yes No


A. desktop computer? know

B. laptop computer?

C. mobile phone with

Internet browsing ability?

D. lite, mobile computing device

(netbook, iPad,

Kindle, etc.)

A.2. [Circle one answer only]

If you own a desktop or laptop computer (or both), which would you consider your primary computer?

A. Desktop

B. Laptop

C. I use both equally

D. I do not own a computer

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A.3. [Circle one answer only] if you own a mobile phone with Internet browsing ability, what type of software runs the phone? Note: if you own more than one Internet-capable phone, please answer for what you consider your “primary” phone.

A. Apple (iPhone)

B. Blackberry

C. Google Android

D. Other [Please specify] ______________________________________

E. I do not own a phone with Internet browsing ability

A.4. [Circle all that apply]

If you own a lite, mobile computing device, which device(s) do you own?

A. Netbook

B. iPad

C. Kindle

D. Nook

E. Other [Please specify] ______________________________________

F. I do not own a lite, mobile computing device

A.5. Thinking of the technology mentioned previously, which is the single most important piece of technology to you?

A. Desktop computer

B. Laptop computer

C. Mobile phone

D. Lite, mobile computer device

E. Other [Please specify] ______________________________________

F. Don’t know

A.6. When thinking about technology and its impact on education, which piece of technology is most important to you?

A. Desktop computer

B. Laptop computer

C. Mobile phone

D. Lite, mobile computer device

E. Other [Please specify] ______________________________________

F. Don’t know

A.7. Briefly describe why you chose your answer to A.6 as the most important piece of technology as it impacts education.




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Section B: Technology Use

Below you will be asked how you use technology on a daily basis. Before each question is a description of what is meant by the particular use of technology. If, given the descriptions below, you are still unclear if the technology use is relevant to you, please mark your answer to questions with the answer, “X. Unclear if this applies to me.”

For questions B.1 through B.4, please state the frequency you use technology for the particular purpose.


Education Definition: Education computing is similar to work computing but for specific academic and learning purposes and may involve the use of productivity applications such as

Word and Excel. It would also involve the use of learning management systems, such as Courses

(Sakai), or library information systems, to access course materials and information online.

B.1. In an average school year, I use technology for educational purposes…

A. Daily

B. Weekly

C. Less than weekly

D. Never

X. Unclear if this applies to me

B.1.a. [If you answered A, B, or C to B.2, please answer this question]

What is the primary device you used for education purposes?

A. Desktop computer

B. Laptop computer

C. Mobile phone

D. Lite, mobile computing device

E. Other [Please specify] ______________________________________


Communication Definition: Technology for written and voice communication involves computer programs like Skype, email, text messaging, and social networking via blogs or sites like Facebook.

B.2. In an average school year, I use technology for communication purposes…

A. Daily

B. Weekly

C. Less than weekly

D. Never

X. Unclear if this applies to me

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B.2.a. [If you answered A, B, or C to B.3, please answer this question]

What is the primary device you used for communication purposes?


Desktop computer


Laptop computer

C. Mobile phone

D. Lite, mobile computing device

E. Other [Please specify] ______________________________________


Entertainment Definition: Technology used for the purposes of entertainment indicates uses such as gaming, viewing videos via websites like YouTube or Hulu, and even some crossover with communication in the sense that websites like Facebook may provide entertainment.

B.3. In an average school year, I use technology for entertainment purposes…

A. Daily

B. Weekly

C. Less than weekly

D. Never

X. Unclear if this applies to me

B.3.a. [If you answered A, B, or C to B.4, please answer this question]

What is the primary device you used for entertainment purposes?


Desktop computer


Laptop computer


Mobile phone


Lite, mobile computing device




Gaming devices


Other [Please specify] ______________________________________


Information Gathering Definition (Web-browsing): Technology used for the purposes of information gathering includes visiting websites for news (CNN, New York Times, Reuters), online shopping for goods (clothing, textbooks), or finding needed information, like restaurant reviews or directions. Information gathering is primarily a function of using technology in conjunction with the Internet and is distinct from entertainment (as discussed above) in the sense that entertainment is for personal enjoyment while information gathering is for a purpose-driven reason (to be updated on news, find directions to a friend’s house).

B.4. In an average school year, I use technology for information gathering purposes…

A. Daily

B. Weekly

C. Less than weekly

D. Never

X. Unclear if this applies to me

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B.4.a. [If you answered A, B, or C to B.5, please answer this question]

What is the primary device you used for information gathering purposes?


Desktop computer


Laptop computer

C. Mobile phone

D. Lite, mobile computing device

E. Other [Please specify] ______________________________________

B.5. I feel I accomplish more in my student life because of technology.

A. Strongly agree

B. Agree

C. Neither agree nor disagree

D. Disagree

E. Strongly disagree

B.6. If I don’t use technology for a week, I feel bothered or out of sorts.

A. Strongly agree

B. Agree

C. Neither agree nor disagree

D. Disagree

E. Strongly disagree

B.7. Given my use of all technologies at my disposal, on average I feel I am an:


Expert user


Advanced user


Intermediate user


Basic user


Non-technology user


Section C: Demographic Information

C.1. Please print your first and last name on the line below.


C.2. Please print your age on the line below.


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C.3. What is the name of the professor of the class in which you are taking this survey?

A. Dr. Brian Fisher

B. Dr. Tim Lucas

C. Dr. Lynn Newman

C.4. What is your gender?







C.5. [Please circle all that apply]

What is your ethnicity?


American Indian or Alaska Native




Black or African-American


Hispanic or Latino/a


Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander





C.6. What is the highest level of education you have completed ?

A. High school/GED

B. Two-year college

C. Four-year college/university

D. Master’s degree

E. Doctorate degree

F. Other [Please specify] ______________________________________

C.7. Can you program in one or more computer languages?

A. Yes

B. No

C.8. Do you have wireless Internet access at your current residence?

A. Yes, consistently

B. Yes, intermittently

C. No

D. Don’t know

C.9. Do you live in Pepperdine student housing?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Don’t know

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C.10. Are you enrolled as a full- or part-time student this term?

A. Full-time student

B. Part-time student

C.11. How many years, in total, have you been at Pepperdine for educational purposes?

A. New to Pepperdine this semester

B. Less than 1 year

C. 1 year

D. 2 years

E. 3 years

F. 4 years

G. 5 years or more

C.12. Are you a full- or part-time staff member of Pepperdine University (this does not include student work)?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Don’t know

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