Information on how to complete the Student Application form can be viewed here

Cupka Head 09/10/14
In your browser, go to the URL:
Click on “Students” in the left vertical menu
#2) Click on the “Student Application to Participate in Service-Learning Event” tab on the left vertical menu
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#3) Click on the “Student Application to Participate in Service Learning” link. This will take you to the OrgSync Service
Learning Page where you will complete the application.
#4) Ensure that you are submitting this form on your behalf by selecting “Myself” in the drop-down menu. Click “Next”
to continue.
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#5) Complete Personal Information Form with Name and Student ID Number
#6) Answer the TWO required questions as to whether your participation in a service-learning activity is part of a
registered course at USI. Then click “Continue” or you can click “Save & Finish Later” to complete the form at a later
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#7) If your service-learning event is part of a registered course at USI, you will be prompted to click the check box next to
the COURSE in which your service-learning event is occurring. Then click “Continue”.
#7.2) If your service-learning event is not part of a registered course at USI, you will be prompted to click the check box
next to the ORGANIZATION in which your service-learning event is occurring. Then click “Continue”.
Cupka Head 09/10/14
#8) If you are confident your application is complete, click “Finish” to submit. If your application is not complete, you
may click “Previous”. Your form is not submitted until you click “Finish”.
#9) You can view your completed applications on your OrgSync Profile under your “Activity” tab, and select “Forms”.