Download IC Net Collaborate Module

Project Working Title:
IC Net Collaborate Module for myHome Community
Project Sponsor:
IC Net Student Organization (Chair: Greg Dunbar ’10)
Project Manager:
David Weil, Director, Web, Systems and Department Services
In collaboration with the IC Net student organization, the college will develop a “IC Net Collaborate” module for
the myHome Community Web service which will help facilitate collaboration and connections between students
across majors and schools. As envisioned by IC Net, the collaborate module will have three main components:
1) students will be able to maintain a running list of projects that they have worked on and the role that they
played on each;
2) students will be able to share samples of their work; and
3 the module will provide an on-line classifieds-like service (help wanted / skills offered) to allow students to find
other students to collaborate with on new projects.
This collaboration module, in concert with the new myHome Community profiles, should provide students with
tools to allow them to effectively connect with other students from across the campus. ITS expects to have an
initial version available during the Spring 2010 semester.
The concept for this effort was developed by Eddie Lemonier class of 2009 and Greg Dunbar class of 2010.