Soft sector: promises, promises... • ~ 10 GeV/fm3 >> C (Bjorken / hydro) • Early thermalization (v2 / hydro) • Tchem ~ TH ~ Tc ~ 170 MeV • b ~ 30-40 MeV -- near baryon free connection to lattice? • further evolution (PdV work?) & expansion leading to... • cooling and bulk collective motion (pT spectra, v2, HBT, K-) Can we use an external probe to explore further? June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 1 Discovery and Properties: The Ideal Experiment The first exploration of subatomic structure was undertaken Can we do the same at RHIC? by Rutherford at Manchester in 1909 using Au atoms as targets and a particles as probes. scattered electron QGP incoming electron (controlled probe) But we can get close ……… June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 2 Fast Partons (Quarks & Gluons) Traversing Matter p+p sNN=200 GeV • Jets: – high-pT parton produced in a hard (high-Q) scattering process – Calculable in QCD (at high-pT) – partons fragment into many correlated white hadrons • emitted in a cone – created early in the collision hadrons quark PHENIX PRL 91 241803 (2003) quark hadrons leading particle (highest-p particle) June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 3 Fate of jets in heavy ion collisions? idea: p+p collisions @ same sNN = 200 GeV as reference p p QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. The tail probes the bulk ?: what happens in Au+Au to jets which pass through medium? June 2005 ? mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Au+Au Poland 4 5x fewer high pT particles than “expected” in AuAu Required checks: • saturation (initial-state) effect? 200 GeV 0 RAA The Ubiquitous RAA… PHENIX (and all others) PRL2003 Nuclear overlap model to calculate # incoherent NN collisions (no shadowing etc) RAA = (# seen in nuclear collision) / (# expected) June 2005 notation: f=centrality cut)5 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - (PHENIX Zakopane Poland The control experiment: d+Au, 2003 d Au ? Au Au Au+Au June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 6 Centrality Dependence Au + Au Experiment • • June 2005 d + Au Control Experiment Dramatically different and opposite centrality evolution of Au+Au experiment from d+Au control. Jet Suppression is clearly a final state effect. mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 7 5x fewer high pT particles than “expected” in AuAu Required checks: • saturation (initial-state) effect? • d-Au null result • hard scattering rates understood? • measure “robust” hard processes 200 GeV 0 RAA The Ubiquitous RAA… PHENIX (and all others) PRL2003 Nuclear overlap model to calculate # incoherent NN collisions (no shadowing etc) RAA = (# seen in nuclear collision) / (# expected) June 2005 notation: f=centrality cut)8 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - (PHENIX Zakopane Poland Hard non-mesonic (“direct”) photons & non-photonic (“charming”) electrons • Created in earliest, hardest parton scatterings & conserved thereafter • binary scaling √ • (probably some Cronin inside errors) PHENIX QM04 Direct photons visible because 0 is suppressed!! PHENIX June 2005 • probe-once-created and creation itself in AA are “calibrated” (better than d-Au) NB: pT-integrated PHENIX mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland2004 9 5x fewer high pT particles than “expected” in AuAu Required checks: • saturation (initial-state) effect? • d-Au null result • hard scattering rates understood? • measure “robust” hard processes • charm / direct follow Nbinary 200 GeV 0 RAA The Ubiquitous RAA… PHENIX (& all others): PRL 2003 Accepted view • final state effect is partonic energy loss in color-charge-dense (not necc. deconfined) medium • = 15 GeV/fm3 @ = 0.2 fm • ~ consistent w/ BJ and hydro… June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 10 5x fewer high pT particles than “expected” in AuAu 200 GeV 0 RAA The Ubiquitous RAA… Required checks: • saturation (initial-state) effect? • d-Au null result • hard scattering rates understood? • measure “robust” hard processes is it “jet” quenching? PHENIX (& all others): PRL 2003 • charm / direct follow binary Go Nbeyond leading particles Accepted view • final state effect is partonic energy loss in color-charge-dense (not necc. deconfined) medium • = 15 GeV/fm3 @ = 0.2 fm • ~ consistent w/ BJ and hydro… June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 11 Beyond leading particles STAR p+p event find this… June 2005 STAR Au+Au event …in this mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 12 Jets via azimuthal correlations STAR p+p event • trigger: highest pT track, pT>4 GeV/c • Df distribution for 2<pT<pTtrigger • normalize to number of triggers trigger June 2005 PRL 90, 082302 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 13 Jets via azimuthal correlations STAR Au+Au event Try the same in Au-Au (large combinatorics)… June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 14 Azimuthal distributions in Au+Au pedestal and flow subtracted PRL 90, 082302 Peripheral collisions: • very similar to p+p June 2005 Central collisions: • strong suppression of away-side jet mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 15 Further geometric detail midcentral (20-60%) collisions nucl-ex/0407007 Suppression depends on pathlength thru medium This analysis: cannot be initial state effect June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 16 anything new in-between? Probes of the system (hard) • interesting results • important open questions System itself (soft) • interesting/important results • important open questions If we bridge the gap (“firm”)? ? June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 17 Connecting the sectors soft-firm connection: v2 • hydro breaks down above ~ 2 GeV/c (expected) • mass systematic meson/baryon systematic? • definitely not hydro! v2 generated by anisotropic energy loss? symmetry, thermal smearing June P. Sorensen, 2005 SQM04 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 18 Connecting the sectors soft-firm connection: v2 • hydro breaks down above ~ 2 GeV/c (expected) • mass systematic meson/baryon systematic? • definitely not hydro! v2 generated by anisotropic energy loss? hard-firm connection: RPID-differential AA meson/baryon systematic! BUT!… June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 19 meson/baryon (i.e. constituent quark number) systematics suggest… coalescence (“recombination”) of already-flowing (!!) partons (*) PRL 92 92 (2004) (2004) 052302 052302 PRL Non-hydro / non-DE origin of firm v2? v 2hadron( pThadron) nv 2quark( pTquark) pThadron npTquark *June well, quarks 2005 constituentmike lisa - Cracow School P. Sorensen, of Theoretical SQM04Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 20 A growth industry... Many model variants Lin, Molnar, Pratt, Fries, Bass, Mueller, Ko, Das, Levai, Hwa, Greco, Voloshin, Nonaka… … for a thermal source Fragmentation wins out for a power law tail Baryons compete with mesons Many schemes, all describe “anomalous” B/M, RAA, v2 But, data themselves (IMHO) clearly indicate exciting, collective partonic behaviour Hope for a “hadronization testbed”? June 2005 mike B. lisaMueller - CracowTBS05 School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 21 “calibrated” probes: final state effect color-dense medium new at RHIC (?) sensible geometrical systematics ~ 10 0 baryon / meson systematics unexpected! (constituent?) partonic collectivity?! [possibility to test hadronization mechanisms?] bulk, collective system ~ 10 0 Tch~ TC ~ 170 MeV; b~30 MeV Tkin~100 MeV, flow~0.7c hydro works June 2005 early thermalization. sensitivity to early-stage EoS mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 22 Open Issues June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 23 soft sector questions • hydro and v2 – hydro “limits” ? – EoS - does Lattice really work • RHIC HBT “puzzle” – puzzle #1: failure of (otherwise-successful) dynamical models – puzzle #0: generic “failure” - no sign of P.T. June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 24 hydro “limit”? we have a bad history in RHI June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 25 Motivation Formalism Experiment Trends Models Trends, soft sector, and RHI history Finally, we understand it! Just one event! Gyulassy 1995 June 2005 6 decades of E/A (2 decades of sNN) Art’s talk. Compiled by A. Wetzler (2005) mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 26 hydro “limit”? dN/dy Kolb, Sollfrank, Heinz, PRC62 054909 (2000) June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 27 Disintegration timescale Relative momentum between pions is a vector can extract 3D shape information q p1 p2 Rlong – along beam direction Rout – along “line of sight” increases with emission timescale Rside – “line of sight” K p1 p2 K p1 p 2 p1 q Rside Rout p2 Rout Rside June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 28 Disintegration timescale - expectation 3D 1-fluid Hydrodynamics Rischke & Gyulassy, NPA 608, 479 (1996) with transition with transition “” “” Long-standing favorite signature of QGP: • increase in , ROUT/RSIDE due to deconfinement confinement transition • expected to “turn on” as QGP energy threshold is reached June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 29 Disintegration timescale - observation • no threshold effect seen RO (fm) RS (fm) • RO/RS ~ 1 8 6 4 8 6 4 RO / RS 1.5 1.25 1.0 increasing collision energy RHIC June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 30 Disintegration timescale - observation • no threshold effect seen • RO/RS ~ 1 • toy model calculations suggest very short timescales F. Retiere & MAL, PRC 70 (2004) June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 31 Disintegration timescale - observation • no threshold effect seen • RO/RS ~ 1 • toy model calculations suggest very short timescales • rapid, explosive evolution • too explosive for “real” models which explain all other data An important space-time “puzzle” at RHIC - actively under study Heinz & Kolb, hep-ph/0204061 CYM & LGT N() PCM & clust. hadronization NFD NFD & hadronic TM June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 32 Measured final source shape central collisions R 2y R 2y R 2x R 2x STAR PRL93 (2004) 012301 STAR, PRL93 012301 (2004) • estimate INIT from Glauber mid-central R S2, 2 • from asHBT: FO 2 2 collisions R S, 0 peripheral collisions Shape evolution: never goes in-plane? Expected evolution: June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 33 firm/hard sector questions • firm – entropy issue (I really don’t care - theorists will work it out) – what is a “dynamical constituent quark”? • hard – no consistent energy loss scenario describing geometrical systematics of energy loss (Miodosewski/Tannenbaum) – is charm quenched? What about dead cone?-- can it be gluon radiation? – both issues do we really understand the energy loss mechanism? – if not, how can we say we probe color density – and, if so, what can we say besides color density (e.g. deconfined or not) June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 34 June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 35 June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 36 5x fewer high pT particles than “expected” in AuAu 200 GeV 0 RAA The Ubiquitous RAA… Common wisdom: • d-Au null effect final state effect • so obvious that initial Important dAu = AuAu?result! • look at other hard probes (& fromdiff) ways to getPHENIX (& all others): PRL 2003 Several complicated suppression? same initial processes, but with Several canceling no final state effects…effects? Common wisdom II: in a more natural way… Look closer • final state effect is energy loss in color-charge-dense (not necc. deconfined) medium • = 15 GeV/fm3 @ = 0.2 fm • ~ consistent w/ BJ and hydro… June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 37 If we are looking at energy loss… …why quantify downward shift of spectrum (as in RAA)? It seems more natural to quantify leftward shift. [Tannenbaum/Mioduzewski] NB: ignores • Cronin (see jets(f) coming up…) • mods in FF (logical to look at shift of partons not their fragments) June 2005 PHENIX PRL 2003 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 38 …then let’s look at energy loss Empirical energy loss Tannenbaum/Mioduzewski June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 39 Initial pathlength dependence seems to work PHENIX prelim Au+Au √sNN=200 GeV 2/3 –Gyulassy, Vitev, Wang: DE N part • 1D expansion, simple geometric scaling Well reproduced by experimental data. June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 40 Vary pathlength another way… qualitatively OK, now see about consistency… PHENIX prelim Au+Au √sNN=200 GeV Df (deg) PHENIX B. Cole, HardProbes 04 June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 41 No universal loss versus density path? Overlap integral: dn color dn part dA dA PHENIX preliminary • Quantitative consistency required to claim “jet tomography” 1D init 0 color ( xT ) color expansion • Next level of precision needed to clarify underlying quenching mechanism pT > 3 GeV/c • also -tagging, charm/dead-cone, q/g jet selection, correlated quenching signal versus length part(x,y) vs centrality 50-60% 10-20% • (Role of dynamics in differential analysis may be significant) • cannot just put by-hand some energy loss & find consistency w/BJ June 2005 B. Cole, HardProbes PHENIX mike lisa 04 - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 42 HINT of charm suppression?? Too early to tell (May05) Converter method Nuclear modification factor PHENIX Preliminary Cocktail subtraction method RAA (2.5<pT<5.0 GeV/c) June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland pT (GeV/c) 43 Backup June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 44 Parton Number Scaling of Elliptic Flow In the recombination regime, meson and baryon v2 can be obtained from the parton v2 (using xi = 1/n): pt 2v 2 v 2M pt 2 p pt 1 2 v2 2 p 2 p p 3v 2p t 3 v 2p t 3 3 B and v 2 pt 2 p pt 1 6 v2 3 3 Neglecting quadratic and cubic terms, a simple scaling law holds: pt B p pt v pt 2v and v 2 pt 3v 2 2 3 M 2 p 2 Originally poposed by S. Voloshin June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 45 Suppression vs Collision Energy June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 46 NO suppression in d+Au! PHENIX BRAHMS STAR June 2005 Phobos mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 47 Hadron dependence of high-pt suppression Mueller & Fries [Mueller TBS05] • R+F model describes different RAA behavior of protons and pions • Jet-quenching becomes universal in the fragmentation region June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 48 Centrality dependence of open charm in Au+Au central Compare to (PYTHIA) an event generator tuned for pp collisions… no large suppressionunlike light quarks! peripheral Spectra of electrons from c e + anything photonic sources are subtracted June 2005 Comparison to pp should be available this week. mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 49 Flowing Charm? [F. Laue TBS05] nucl-ex/0502009 inclusive ee v2 charmed ee v2 If charm quarks also flow, charm quarks are thermalized and / or suppressed (interact with matter) similarly to the light quarks. June 2005 •charmed electron v2 > 0 •rule out an extreme case, charm does not interact with QGP and fragment in vacuum into D meson •get charm quark v2 with quark coalescence assumption STAR SQM04 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 50 Direct photons are enhanced w.r.t. 0 production, but it’s just because 0 is suppressed, and the direct photons are in fact binary scaled. Inclusive Single Run2 AuAu 200 GeV PHENIX Preliminary June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 51 STAR : nucl-ex/0409033 non-flow reduced v2{RP} v2{2} PHENIX Preliminary Different ways to reduce non-flow correlation, v2 w.r.t. SMD R.P. June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 52 Sonic boom from quenched jets Casalderrey,ES,Teaney, hep-ph/0410067; H.Stocker… • • • June 2005 the energy deposited by jets into liquidlike strongly coupled QGP must go into conical shock waves, similar to the well known sonic boom from supersonic planes. We solved relativistic hydrodynamics and got the flow picture If there are start and end points, there are two spheres and a cone tangent to both mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 53 away <pT> dependence on angle (STAR,preliminary) Preliminary June 2005 <pT> (phi) has a dip structure in central AA. Mach shock wave? mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 54 Viscosity of QGP QGP at RHIC seem to be the most ideal fluid known, viscosity/entropy =.1 or so water would not flow if only a drop with 1000 molecules be made • viscous corrections 1st order correction to dist. fn.: :Sound attenuation length Velocity gradients Nearly ideal hydro !? June 2005 D.Teaney(’03) mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 55 Comparison Au+Au/p+p at Lower Energies RAA • Pb+Pb collisions at s ~ 20 GeV at CERN/SPS parton energy loss (if any) is overwhelmed by initial state soft multiple scattering (Cronin effect) June 2005 Crossing at ~ 1.5 GeV/c Transverse Momentum (GeV/c) mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 56 Many measurements measure at high pT(!) June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 57 What data can tell us / what (we think) it has told us / open issues • Hard Sector: –incoherence of initial state • calibration of number of initial hard scatterings (binary), which themselves have calibrated spectrum [charm, gamma, d-Au] –early system color charge density (not deconfinement!) • if gluonic bremstrahlung: dNg/d ~ 1000 ~BJ • BUT… energy loss mechanism unclear (consistent scaling?) • relevant upcoming data: –charm quench (early results limited) / dead cone effect –-tagged jets –q/g jet selection –higher stats correlated quenching signal versus length June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 58 What data can tell us / what (we think) it has told us / open issues • Soft sector: –“threshold behaviour” • no evidence: “evolution, not revolution”: too bad but not a killer –degree to which it is system - real collectivity • solid evidence from several observations - very important [perfect fluid?] –global/thermodynamic properties: T, , P, • consistent with deconfinement - [but! may be P.S. dominance] – dynamics - system response evolution and timescales • 2x expansion, collective shape evolution • timescales- correct dynamic signatures, wrong (x,t) evolution?? June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 59 What data can tell us / what (we think) it has told us / open issues • Firm Sector: –“transition bulk to probe” (hadn’t really been considered…) • clearly something new instead! • ?is there a transition? does all fit smoothly? –first “calibration” of QGP p.s. structure • hope for well-defined ordered (x-p correlated) system of partons • can we get beyond simple models? entropy issues? connection between constituent quarks and partons?… My feeling: solution of open issues in hard & soft sectors will be well worth it, if we can exploit apparent promise of firm. Launchpad of next generation program: understanding hadronization June 2005 mike lisa - Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, XLV - Zakopane Poland 60