Download October 27, 2015 Minutes

Meeting Minutes
October 27, 2015October 27, 2015
Linda Koenig, Bill Kerry, Lance Clark, Julia Bjornland, Molly Robbins, Hakeem
Hopper-Collins, Samantha Guter, and Griffin Schultz
Travis Bertonlino, Maggie Wetter, Darnell Thompson
Community Discussion on Racism and Cultural Bias
 To take place on 10/27/15 at 5pm at the A&E center
 Members to attend if able
 Many professors cancelling classes held at that time for students to attend
 Staff have been strongly recommended to attend
SGA Bill
 SGA passed a No Confidence in Rochon Bill
 A vote to be put forward to the whole student body
 Qaultrics survey will be open for 3 ½ weeks (November 26)
 Vote is about urging the Board of Trustees to reconsider their decision of his presidency
 Purely a student voting process
o If staff/faculty would like to vote they have to go through the process
 SGA recommended staff to develop a process
Top Priorities Recap
 Small things that can be done to show progress
 Combined training
o Receiving and conducting joint training
New Top Priorities
 Joint/ diversity training should not only be received by Public Safety and Residential Life but
the whole campus community
o Bi-annual training should be provided where Public safety should also attend student
lead in-services
o Met with director of ICC
 Discussed difficulty of adding more diversity courses or mandating this within
the first two years due to it not being possible for some majors
 Standard learning objectives are currently in testing to see the outcome.
 The work group is able to take a look at the objectives and modify
them but they wouldn’t be able to take effect until next year
o Developing the idea of an SLI (student leadership institute) session that could be
consistently offered as opposed to a semester long course
 Held by OSEMA every block with 4 different categories of sessions
 Leading in a Diverse World is one of the categories
 RAs are required to attend at least 1 SLI session over the first two years,
once a semester
 Leadership Scholars and Business majors also have requirements to attend
SLI sessions
 Open up SLIs to be campus wide opportunities
 Every student required to attend 1 SLI session every year
 One work group member (Sam) to speak to Michelle Lenhart and
Samantha Stafford to assess feasibility of implementing this
One work group member to speak to the 2 RDs in charge of RA
training committee to discuss how to incorporate public safety
o Both of these group to give updates on these discussions
o Incorporating training into orientation
 This group should support larger group initiatives to develop recommendations for action
o Diversity training
o Micro aggressions
o Cultural competency
Action Steps
 Collaborate with other initiatives on campus
o POC at IC might be interested in coming to meetings and proposing their ideas
 Release meeting minutes publicly through intercom posts and websites to show work group
updates and steps that are being taken or investigated
o Call Discussion Topics, Action Steps instead
o Post minutes on Reslife and OPS website
 Develop a timeline for the rest of the semester in order to set actual goals that need to be met
o Designate goals to be accomplished and implement one goal per meeting
o Identify when recommendations are to be submitted
 Develop a communication plan
 Calls need to go through dispatch
 Provide RAs with information of Public Safety’s and SASP’s responsibilities and incorporate
this information into the group trainings
o Molly and Linda to work with Megan Williams in regards to the January co-facilitated
training that is being proposed
 Bonnie has suggested that during January RA training’s half-day the two full
departments can take the time to provide combined trainings
 Molly and Linda to bring this idea to Megan
 Talk to Crystal about SASP training
 Provide ice-breaker activities to encourage intergroup communication
 Identify what this training will look like to ensure everyone that attends feels
safe and comfortable
 Determine whether OPS staff will be wearing uniforms and carrying guns
during training
 Develop a statement regarding this and public safety’s role when in
 Discuss different training sessions and which sessions would be
appropriate to not wear uniforms
Steps to be taken before next meeting
 Statement provided to campus regarding why OPS wears uniforms and carries guns
o Molly and Lance or Mayra to collaborate to develop a document
 Molly and Linda to talk to Megan about RA trainings
 Bill, and Griffin to talk with Erica Shockley about summer orientation
 Griffin and Julia to further develop OPS identification books for res life and identify what that
will look like by talking to SASP and OPS
 Timeline and communication plan will be developed at next meeting
 Linda will contact work group members who were not in attendance to see if they want to
assist with any of these items