Ohio Rev. Code §5920.doc

§ 5920.01 Organization and maintenance of Ohio military reserve.
The governor shall organize and maintain within this state on a cadre or reserve basis
military forces capable of being expanded and trained to defend this state whenever the
Ohio national guard, or a part thereof, is employed so as to leave this state without
adequate defense. In case of an emergency proclaimed by the president, or the Congress
of the United States, or the governor, or caused by enemy action or imminent danger
thereof, the governor, as commander in chief, shall expand such forces as the exigency of
the occasion requires. Such forces shall be organized and maintained under regulations
which shall not be inconsistent with such regulations as the secretary of defense
prescribes for discipline and training and shall be composed of officers commissioned
and assigned, and such able-bodied citizens of the state as are accepted therein. Such
forces shall be equipped with suitable uniforms not in violation of federal laws or
contrary to the regulations of the secretary of defense. Such forces shall be known as the
Ohio military reserve. During the period of organization on a cadre or reserve basis the
commander in chief may fix lesser rates of pay for armory drill purposes or for service in
encampments and maneuvers. In the event that the regulations of the department of
defense are modified so as to recognize the Ohio military reserve as a part of the Ohio
national guard not subject to induction into federal service, the laws pertaining to the
Ohio national guard shall apply to the Ohio military reserve and it shall be known as a
component of the Ohio national guard.
HISTORY: GC § 5304; 123 v 209, § 14; 124 v 299(309); Bureau of Code Revision,
RC § 5915.15, 10-1-53; RC § 5920.01, 125 v 339 (Eff 10-13-53); 141 v H 204. Eff 923-85.
§ 5920.02 Rules and regulations.
The governor may prescribe rules not inconsistent with the provisions of law governing
the enlistment, organization, administration, equipment, and maintenance of the Ohio
military reserve. A copy of such rules shall be kept available to the public in the office of
the adjutant general.
HISTORY: GC § 5305; 123 v 209, § 15; Bureau of Code Revision, RC § 5915.16,
10-1-53; RC § 5920.02, 125 v 339 (Eff 10-13-53); 141 v H 204. Eff 9-23-85.
§ 5920.03 Requisition for arms and equipment authorized; state armories.
The governor may requisition from the department of defense, for the use of the Ohio
military reserve, arms and equipment that may be in possession and can be furnished by
the department, and make available to the corps the facilities of state armories and their
equipment and such other state premises and property that are available.
HISTORY: GC § 5306; 123 v 209, § 16; Bureau of Code Revision, RC § 5915.17,
10-1-53; RC § 5920.03, 125 v 339 (Eff 10-13-53); 141 v H 204. Eff 9-23-85.
§ 5920.04 Exemption from military service.
Sections 5920.01 to 5920.11 of the Revised Code do not authorize the Ohio military
reserve, or any part thereof, to be called or ordered as such into the military service of the
United States. The military reserve may become a component of the Ohio national guard
and subject to the regulations of the secretary of defense of the United States. The
governor may consent to the employment of not more than one half of the military
reserve to assist in areas adjacent to the borders of the state. No person shall, by reason of
his enlistment or commission in the military reserve, be exempt from military service
under any law of the United States.
HISTORY: GC § 5307; 123 v 209, § 17; Bureau of Code Revision, RC § 5915.18,
10-1-53; RC § 5920.04, 125 v 339 (Eff 10-13-53); 141 v H 204. Eff 9-23-85.
§ 5920.05 Civil organizations not to be enlisted.
No civil organization, society, club, post, order, fraternity, association, brotherhood,
body, union, league, or other combination of persons, or civil group, shall be enlisted in
the Ohio military reserve as an organization.
HISTORY: GC § 5308; 123 v 209, § 18; Bureau of Code Revision, RC § 5915.19,
10-1-53; RC § 5920.05, 125 v 339 (Eff 10-13-53); 141 v H 204. Eff 9-23-85.
§ 5920.06 Qualification for commission or enlistment.
No person shall be commissioned or enlisted in the Ohio military reserve who is not a
citizen of the United States or who has been expelled or dishonorably discharged from
any military or naval organization of this state, of another state, or of the United States.
HISTORY: GC § 5309; 123 v 209, § 19; Bureau of Code Revision, RC § 5915.20,
10-1-53; RC § 5920.06, 125 v 339 (Eff 10-13-53); 141 v H 204. Eff 9-23-85.
§ 5920.07 Oath of commissioned officers.
Commissioned officers of the Ohio military reserve shall take and subscribe to the
following oath of office:
"I, . . . . . . . . . . . ., do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the constitution of
the United States and the constitution of the state of Ohio, against all enemies, foreign
and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will obey the
orders of the governor of the state of Ohio, that I make this obligation freely, without any
mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the
duties of the office of . . . . . . . . . in the Ohio military reserve, upon which I am about to
enter; and, I do solemnly swear that I do not advocate, nor am I a member of any political
party or organization that advocates the overthrow of the government of the United
States or of this state by force or violence and that during such time that I am a member
of the Ohio military reserve, I will not advocate nor become a member of any political
party or organization that advocates the overthrow of the government of the United
States or of this state by force or violence, so help me God."
Every officer, before being commissioned shall take the [and] subscribe to such oath
within ten days after his appointment, and unless he does so he is deemed to have
declined his office and the appointment shall be vacated.
HISTORY: GC § 5310; 123 v 209, § 20; Bureau of Code Revision, RC § 5915.21,
10-1-53; RC § 5920.07, 125 v 339 (Eff 10-13-53); 141 v H 204. Eff 9-23-85.
§ 5920.08 Enlistment contract; oath of enlistment.
All persons enlisted in the Ohio military reserve shall sign an enlistment contract and
take and subscribe to an oath of enlistment as follows:
"I do hereby acknowledge to have voluntarily enlisted this . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . ., . . .,
as a member of the Ohio military reserve for a period of three years, under the conditions
prescribed by law, unless sooner discharged by proper authority. And I do solemnly
swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of America and to the
state of Ohio; that I will serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies
whomsoever; and that I will obey the orders of the governor of the state of Ohio and of
the officers appointed over me according to law and the rules and regulations in
accordance therewith."
HISTORY: GC § 5311; 123 v 209, § 21; Bureau of Code Revision, RC § 5915.22,
10-1-53; RC § 5920.08, 125 v 339 (Eff 10-13-53); 141 v H 204 (Eff 9-23-85); 148 v H
495. Eff 5-9-2000.
§ 5920.09 Powers of commissioned officers.
All commissioned officers of the Ohio military reserve may administer oaths and
affirmations in the discharge of any of the duties pertaining to their offices and in
connection with the appointment of officers and the enlistment of members of the
military reserve.
HISTORY: GC § 5312; 123 v 209, § 22; Bureau of Code Revision, RC § 5915.23,
10-1-53; RC § 5920.09, 125 v 339 (Eff 10-13-53); 141 v H 204. Eff 9-23-85.
§ 5920.10 Application of code of military justice.
Whenever the Ohio military reserve or any part thereof is ordered out for active service
by the governor, the Ohio code of military justice shall be in full force in respect to such
HISTORY: GC § 5313; 123 v 209, § 23; 124 v 299; Bureau of Code Revision, RC §
5915.24, 10-1-53; RC § 5920.10, 125 v 339 (Eff 10-13-53); 129 v 1514 (Eff 10-2461); 141 v H 204 (Eff 9-23-85); 147 v S 130. Eff 9-18-97.
§ 5920.11 Resignation; discharge; commission of officers vacated.
The governor may accept the resignation of any officer or grant a discharge to any
enlisted man of the Ohio military reserve at any time. Commissions of officers of the
military reserve shall be vacated by resignation or absence without leave for three
months, upon recommendation of an efficiency board, pursuant to sentence of a courtmartial, or if such officer has been convicted of an infamous crime.
HISTORY: GC § 5314; 123 v 209, § 24; Bureau of Code Revision, RC § 5915.25,
10-1-53; RC § 5920.11, 125 v 339 (Eff 10-13-53); 141 v H 204. Eff 9-23-85.