TRINITY COLLEGE – OFFICE OF STUDENT ACTIVITIES, INVOLVEMENT & LEADERSHIP (SAIL) STUDENT ORGANIZATION FUNDRAISING REQUEST FORM All student clubs/organizations must register their fundraisers prior to the fundraiser taking place. Keep in mind that we are a small campus and can only support a limited number of the same type of fundraisers at one time. Planning in advance is essential. PART A. GENERAL INFORMATION Person Submitting Request: ______________________________________________________________________ Name of Club/Organization: ______________________________________________________________________ Student Contact Cell Phone Number: _____________________________ Date Submitted: ___________________ Proposed Dates of Fundraiser: ______________________ Proposed Location: _____________________________ Purpose & Description of Fundraiser: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ PART B. FUNDRAISER DETAILS (CHOOSE THE OPTION THAT BEST FITS YOUR FUNDRAISER.) □ Club/Organization Dues o □ □ □ Total # of Members Paid: _____________ Apparel/Product Sale (NO PRODUCT SHOULD BE PURCHASED PRIOR TO APPROVAL.) o Product Being Sold: ____________________________________________________________________ o Vendor Purchasing Product From: ________________________________________________________ o Unit Cost: _______________ Total Cost: ________________ o Purchase Order: N Y Date of Purchase: __________________ Bake Sale o Product Being Sold: _____________________________________________________________________ o Total Cost of Product/Ingredients: _________________________________________________________ Online Fundraiser o □ Amount per Person: ______________ Total Amount Raised: ___________________ Website Used: ___________________________ Other: ______________________________________________________________________________________ PART C. FINAL APPROVAL Club/Organization President: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Signature Club/Organization Advisor: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Signature S.A.I.L. Staff Approval: _________________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Signature For Office Use Only: DEPOSIT - Total Amount Fundraised: _____________ Please attach purchase order/receipt to verify cost of fundraiser.