Form Rev 4/16 COVER SHEET FOR FILE: PROMOTION TO PROFESSOR NOTE: Completed file due to the Dean of Faculty Office by October 3, 2016 ............................................................................................................................................................ To be filled in by department chairperson or person designated to oversee preparation of file and submitted with completed file: NAME: DEPARTMENT: REQUIRED MATERIALS (Please submit an ORIGINAL PAPER FILE PLUS ONE copy on CD or flash drive of the following): Curriculum Vitae (if the version sent to external evaluators is different from the version give to A&P, please include both) Candidate’s Statement (if the version sent to external evaluators is different from the version give to A&P, please include both) Departmental or Committee Recommendation* (signed by all members of the review committee and by the candidate [indicating he/she has seen recommendation]) Program/Second Department Recommendation* (if joint appointment) (signed by all members of the review committee and by the candidate [indicating he/she has seen recommendation]) Candidate’s Relationship to Outside Evaluators and Evaluator Letters (Please Note: The Outside Evaluators are to be contacted only by the Dean of the Faculty and the Dean’s Office will insert the original copies of the external evaluator letters in the original copy of the file; copies should be included on the flash drive/CD when submitted by the department/ program) Letters from Trinity students and graduates addressing teaching and advising (the committee strongly suggests that letters be solicited randomly from students in all courses taught in rank; these may be supplemented with letters solicited from students suggested by the candidate. List letters and indicate how writers were selected) *Note: Letter should address the criteria of teaching, scholarship, and service. Evaluation of teaching should be based in part on classroom visits and the review of student course evaluations and any (e.g., student, faculty) letters addressing teaching. The A&P committee believes that classroom visits are necessary in order to fully evaluate and write about a candidate’s teaching. The A&P committee believes that evaluators should visit the candidate’s classes multiple times within a reappointment period to ensure a good background for evaluation. The A&P Committee believes that all such visits should be arranged with the candidate beforehand. In addition, the evaluation of teaching should comment on a candidate’s role in academic advising, supervision of student projects, and availability to students outside the classroom, if applicable. Letters of evaluation from review committee members (list names): Letters of evaluation from review committee members of second department/program (if joint appointment) (list names): Copies of scholarly/creative materials, presented, published, or accepted for publication (please be explicit about the status of accepted work, and include letters from journal editors or presses, if possible; list publications) (PLEASE INCLUDE ON CD or FLASH DRIVE; If NOT INCLUDED ON THE CD or FLASH DRIVE, please submit four copies if possible): Course and Independent Study Materials (a judicious selection of materials, e.g., syllabi, writing assignments, tests, examinations; list courses) (PLEASE INCLUDE ON CD or FLASH DRIVE; If NOT INCLUDED ON THE CD or FLASH DRIVE, please submit ONE copy, which will be returned to you): Student Course Evaluations for all courses taught in rank (list courses) (PLEASE INCLUDE ON CD or FLASH DRIVE; If NOT INCLUDED ON THE CD or FLASH DRIVE, please submit ONE copy, which will be returned to you; please include a quantitative summary where possible): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OPTIONAL MATERIALS: Materials submitted to journals or presses (please be explicit about the status of submitted work, and include letters from journal editors or presses, if possible; list materials) (PLEASE INCLUDE ON CD or FLASH DRIVE; If NOT INCLUDED ON THE CD or FLASH DRIVE, please submit FOUR copies): Work in progress (please be explicit about the status of work in progress; list materials) (PLEASE INCLUDE ON CD or FLASH DRIVE; If NOT INCLUDED ON THE CD or FLASH DRIVE, please submit FOUR copies): Letters of Evaluation from untenured department/program members (list names): Letters from Trinity faculty and others addressing teaching and service (list names): Letters from collaborators (list names): We have reviewed the A&P Checklist and confirmed that the file submitted to the A&P Committee includes all the required materials and those optional materials of our choice as indicated on the cover sheet. Filekeeper Candidate To be filled in by Dean of the Faculty REQUIRED Letters from four or more extramural referees: NAME Date received NAME Date received NAME Date received NAME Date received A & P COVER SHEET FOR TEACHING EVALUATIONS Please provide the following information about the teaching evaluations being submitted: Department Name, Course Name and Course Number: Year and semester course offered: How many students enrolled in this course: How many students completed the course: How many students filled out course evaluations: How many student evaluations are attached here: Is the form used here: the College form, a departmental form, your own form, other (please explain) Please provide additional comments/reflections to contextualize these evaluations for A&P: Candidate’s Signature Date