Evaluation for Educational Studies Senior Research Presentations (updated Jan 2012) Student: _____________________________Guest Evaluator: ________________________ Educational Studies majors are required to design, conduct, and deliver a 15-minute public presentation of an independent research project, using primary and secondary sources, with qualitative, quantitative, and/or historical methods. The guest evaluator’s assessment of the oral presentation counts toward a portion of the student’s final grade, while the seminar instructor evaluates the final draft of the research paper. The criteria below express our "common vocabulary" for evaluating quality across the multiple research traditions that influence our interdisciplinary program. Please write your responses (on back if needed) and return to instructor before leaving the building. 1) Does the author pose a thought-provoking, researchable question (or hypothesis) and explain its significance to educational studies? 2) Does the author connect the question to the existing research literature (secondary sources) and move beyond into new territory? 3) Does the author identify the most appropriate primary sources and research methods for this study? 4) Does the author present a clear and insightful thesis that directly addresses the research question (or hypothesis)? Cont.’d on reverse side 5) Is the author’s thesis persuasive? Is it supported with convincing evidence and analysis? 6) Is the author’s presentation organized, and does it include sufficient background for audiences unfamiliar with the topic? 7) Does the author follow ethical guidelines for research? Score (out of 10): 0-5 failure 6 unsatisfactory 7 satisfactory 8 good 9 very good 10 outstanding Cont.’d on reverse side