Field *This assignment needs to be attached to EDUC 3700 DRF on TaskStream and a photocopy needs to be included in your portfolio. SECONDARY TEACHING METHODS *TWO WEEK UNIT PLAN In addition to the electronic submission entered in the EDUC 3700 DRF on TaskStream, a photocopy needs to be submitted in your EDUC 3700 portfolio. This assignment fulfills Standard 4 (Planning) of the required SYE/Student Teaching Exit Portfolio. For this class, complete the assignment and post to the EDUC 3700 DRF. STANDARD 4 (Planning): Overview In this section you will demonstrate your ability to align your instruction with standards, to develop goals/objectives that can be measured or assessed, and to consider both content and the nature/needs of the learner. Directions for Unit Plan or Teacher Work Sample Attach a unit plan or teacher work sample that includes at least one sample lesson. Indicate Ohio Academic Content Standards met in this unit/work sample by using the Standards Tab. After attaching the unit plan/work sample artifact, answer the following reflective questions about the artifact by adding text: 1. Describe (information gathering): What is the artifact? When and where was this artifact collected? For this artifact, you should describe student characteristics within the classroom (ethnicity, social class, language variation, students with identified special needs) as well as the school setting. 2. Analyze (alignment): How does this artifact relate to Standard Four: Planning? 3. Appraise (evaluation): How does this artifact demonstrate your personal and professional growth? How does this artifact demonstrate your impact on student learning? 4. Transform (goal-setting): Based on your answers to the first three reflection steps, are there specific ways that you intend to use what you have learned to shape your future teaching practices? Method of Evaluation Standard Four Planning Rubric 1 Designs plans that are missing critical elements (e.g. objectives, activities, materials, assessments) 2 Designs plans that contain essential elements but are not welldeveloped 3 Designs plans that are complete and aligned with benchmarks or standards 4 Designs plans that are carefully crafted and aligned with benchmarks or standards Field *This assignment needs to be attached to EDUC 3700 DRF on TaskStream and a photocopy needs to be included in your portfolio. PARTS OF A UNIT PLAN Name School Date Subject/Grade THIS UNIT PLAN IS BASED ON THE PRAXIS SERIES. BEFORE TEACHING YOUR FIRST LESSON, COMPLETE AND SUBMIT EACH OF THESE DOCUMENTS TO YOUR COOPERATING TEACHER FOR APPROVAL. SUBJECT/THEME of your UNIT OHIO ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD IS BEING MET CONTEXT: DESCRIBE STUDENT CHARACTERISTICS Ethnicities Social Classes Language Variations Students with Identified special needs RATIONALE (Why is it important for your students learn this material?): Field *This assignment needs to be attached to EDUC 3700 DRF on TaskStream and a photocopy needs to be included in your portfolio. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES (What behaviorally stated outcomes do you want your students to know, value, be able to do?): EVALUATION How will you pre-assess your students? Attach to this document. How will you measure your progress (formative assessment) making sure your evaluation is congruent with your objectives.): What will be your post-assessment? Attach to this document. LEARNING ACTIVITIES (What activities will sustain student interest and promote your objectives? RESOURCES (What materials, references, reading material, media will you need to enact your lessons?): EVALUATION (Include pre-assessment, formative (progress) assessment making sure your evaluation is congruent with your objectives.): Field *This assignment needs to be attached to EDUC 3700 DRF on TaskStream and a photocopy needs to be included in your portfolio. REFLECTIONS ANALYSIS How does your Unit Plan relate to Standard 4 (Planning)? APPRAISAL How does this Unit Plan demonstrate your personal and professional growth? How does this artifact demonstrate your impact on student learning? TRANSFORM Based on your DESCRIPTION OF THE CONTEXT, your ANALYSIS, and your APPRAISAL, are there specific ways that you intend to use what you have learned to shape your future teaching practices? Field *This assignment needs to be attached to EDUC 3700 DRF on TaskStream and a photocopy needs to be included in your portfolio. TWO WEEK UNIT PLAN Name Today’s Date School Subject/Grade Dates of Teaching Unit CT’s Signature DAILY TOPICS AND ACTIVITIES Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday