The Role of Law Enforcement in Public Health Emergencies - Presented at the Department of Homeland Security-Federal Transportation Administration Safety and Security Round Table, San Francisco, December 2006

The Role of Law Enforcement in
Public Health Emergencies
Edward P. Richards, Katharine C.
Rathbun, Corina Solé Brito, and Andrea
 Available at:
me -
The Report
Driven by bird flu fears
 Started as a study of quarantine and
Darlings of the DHS and CDC and others who
have never done public health
Became an all hazards approach
Why not Quarantine and Isolation?
Logistics of a wide spread quarantine
 Limited response options
 SARS Experience
Why All Hazards?
Difficult to maintain readiness for a low
probability event
Plan must provide short term benefits to be
supported in the long term
Impossible to change behavior patterns on
short notice
Plan must incorporate new behaviors and
attitudes into everyday situations
Overview of All Hazards
Institute vaccination programs for all
recommended adult immunizations
Address policies that encourage employees to
work sick
Develop and implement workplace surveillance
for infectious disease risks
Include families in these plans because officers
cannot work effectively if their families are at risk
Management Oversight
Provides measurable outcomes, which
disaster only planning does not
 Provides an economic and workplace
benefits which will make the program
easier to continue
 Requires policies to be worked out with
unions and other stakeholders
Assures buy in
 Identifies problems
The Next Step:
Resilient Communities
Bring All Hazards Planning for Public
Health Emergencies to the
Defining Characteristics of
Public Health Emergencies
Long term
Days to longer
 Depletes manpower and resources
 The affected population requires support
Affects a region or significant urban area
 Affects everyone, including the police
Significant Risk
Bird flu
Hazmat incident with long term risks
 Dirty bomb
Natural disaster
Hurricanes, Winter storms
 Earthquakes
Traditional Emergency Response
Geographically limited
Crime scenes
 Parade routes
 Look at the problems with riot control when
whole neighborhoods become involved
Temporarily limited
No one is staffed to do a 100% mobilization
for weeks
Limited Response Options in
Public Health Emergencies
You cannot shoot people who are just
trying to take care of their families
 You cannot arrest large numbers of
persons to restore order
 You cannot occupy significant territory
Your People are also Victims
Widespread public health and
environmental crises affect law
enforcement personnel
 Most personnel will look to their families
 Law enforcement families cannot be
protected outside of the context of
their communities
Day to Day Life Goes On
No federal plan acknowledges that there
are criminals and the homeless
Biggest joke - Pandemic flu plan says they will
close the borders
Too many plans can only be staffed by
assuming that no other law enforcement or
first response activities will take place
Only works for short periods
Why 9/11 is the Wrong Model
Deaths, but not injuries - limited impact on
health care
 Relatively small percentage of the
population displaced for a long period of
 Relatively little infrastructure destroyed
Why Katrina is a Better Model
 Long-term
 Foreseeable
 The risks could have been mitigated
 The response needs outstripped all
available resources
What Do Communities Need in
Public Health Emergencies
Food, water
 Environmental management such as heat
 Transportation and shelter if an evacuation
 Health care
 Family support - where are the kids?
Complicating Factors
Physical and Personnel Infrastructure
Failure to do maintenance
 Allowing development to outstrip
Efficiency v. Reliability
Will your $100 microwave work in 5 years?
 Will your low cost electric power company
give you power 24/7/365 at 99.99%?
Who Will Provide for the Public?
Federal model
Local first responders
 Supported by the military and federal support
State Models
Public health, supported by law enforcement
In most areas the police are the organizations
with the most staff and resources
Who Will Fund This?
The existing money is coming from other
essential services that cannot be
postponed forever
Priorities will shift as fears of disaster abate
 Many health departments are losing net
Bottom-line: No one is funding real public
Objectives of Resilient
Reduce the need for support from public
 Reduce suffering and death
 Reduce the risk of public disorder
 Most important:
 Build trust and credibility so the
community will cooperate with
needed mitigation measures
Building Blocks for Resilient
Honest risk communication
 Realistic preventive strategies
 Start with your own people
 Working with other organizations
 Reinforcing the message when disasters
are no longer fashionable
Honest Risk Communications
Be realistic about the risk
Bird flu v. yearly flu
 Hurricane v. terrorist attack
Just say No to Potemkin planning
Big issue in public health
 Hurricane Pam
 Being a team player puts the public at risk
Do not suppress market risk signals
Realistic Preventive Strategies
Must fit in with real household management
Being Prepared
What to take in evacuations
How to keep food and water on hand
How to treat water and what is safe to eat when the
refrigerator goes off
When to go back and what to do when you get there
Start with Your Own People
Get the families of your own people
Builds support - they become part of the
 Direct benefits to the department
Encourage them to involve their neighbors
Stabilizes the neighborhood, making their own
situation more secure
 Do not be the only person on your block with
Working with Other Organizations
Find out if your local public health plans
are really staffed and supported
 Find out the plans of the local hospitals
and other health care providers
 Coordinate with retailers
 Work with churches and other private
Walmart and Home Depot can move goods
more effectively than Northcom
Reinforcing the Message when
Disasters are out of Fashion
Priorities are going to shift
No politician will keep supporting prevent
measures once the public gets interested
in other things
FEMA has already punted on realistic building
standards in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast
We have a lot of social problems we have
been ignoring
The problems will still be there
Political Benefits
Most communities do not trust public
health (some do not trust the police)
Anti-vaccination forces
 Equating trans-fat with the plague
 Incompetent political appointees in critical
Law enforcement will bear the risk of failed
public health response