Document 15477144

Principal Engineer
Deep Submergence Laboratory
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MA 02543
(508) 289-2643 /Fax: (508) 457-2191
B.S., University of Rhode Island (Mechanical/Ocean Engineering)
Research Assistant, Department of Physical Oceanography, Graduate
School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island
Principal Engineer, Deep Submergence Laboratory, Department of
Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering, Woods Hole Oceanographic
Research Specialist, Deep Submergence Laboratory, Department of
Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering, Woods Hole Oceanographic
Research Engineer, Deep Submergence Laboratory, Department of
Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering, Woods Hole Oceanographic
Mechanical Engineer, Benthos, Inc.
Mechanical Engineer, Hydro Products, Inc.
Manager Unmanned Deep Submergence Operations Group; Hybrid Remotely Operated Vehicle project
engineer; JASON II and Isis Project Engineer; JASON Project Engineer; JASON Junior Remotely
Operated Vehicle System (Mechanical Design Engineer); Advanced maneuverable underwater viewing
system; remotely piloted vehicle, Benthos RPV 430 (Project Engineer); Production/test engineer for USN
Mine Neutralization vehicle
WHOI Senior Technical Staff Award, 2000.
W.M. Keck Technology Innovation Award, 1/01/2000-3/31/03.
Green Technology Innovation Award
GlobalSpec Great Moments in Engineering Award
Bowen, A., Whitcomb, L.L., Yoerger, D., McCabe, R., Fletcher, B., Young, C., Buescher, J. Systems and
Methods for Tethering Underwater Vehicles. U.S. Patent #7621229, November 24, 2009. Assignee:
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and U.S. Navy.
Member, Marine Technology Society, Undersea Vehicles Committee.
Member (ex-officio), Deep Submergence Science Committee, University National
Oceanographic System (UNOLS), Load Handling committee (UNOLS)
Journal Publications:
Bowen, A. and Walden, B.B. Winter 92-93. "Manned Versus Unmanned Systems: A Complimentary
Approach.” Marine Technology Society Journal, 26(4): 79-80.
Bachmayer, R., Humphris, S., Fornari, D.J., Van Dover, C.L., Howland, J.C., Bowen, A.D., Elder, R.L.,
Crook, T., Gleason, D.E., Sellers, W.J. and Lerner, S. Fall 1998. "Oceanographic Research Using
Remotely Operated Underwater Robotic Vehicles: Exploration of Hydrothermal Vent Sites on the MidAtlantic Ridge At 37 North 32 West.” Marine Technology Society Journal, 32(3): 37-47.
Petitt, R.A., D. Harris, F.B. Wooding, J.W. Bailey, J. Jolly, E. Hobart, A.D. Chave, F.K. Duennebier, R.
Butler, A. Bowen, and D.R. Yoerger. 2002. “The Hawaii-2 Observatory”, IEEE Journal of Ocean
Engineering, 27, 245-253.
Bowen, A.D., Yoerger, D.R., Whitcomb, L.L., Fornari, D.J. Summer 2004. “Exploring the Deepest
Depths: Preliminary Design of a Novel Light-Tethered Hybrid ROV for Global Science in Extreme
Environments.” Marine Technology Society Journal, 38(2): 92-101.
Bingham, B., Mindell, D., Wilcox, T., and Bowen, A. Spring 2006. "Integrating precision relative
positioning into JASON/MEDEA ROV operations", Marine Technology Society Journal, 40(1): 87-96.
DOI: 10.4031/002533206787353664
Bowen, A., Yoerger, D., Taylor, C., McCabe, R., Howland, J., Gomez-Ibanez, D., Kinsey, J., Heintz, M.,
McDonald, G., Peters, D., Young, C., Buescher, J., Fletcher, B., Whitcomb, L., Martin, S., Webster, S.
and Jakuba, M. 2009. “The Nereus hybrid underwater robotic vehicle.” International Journal of the
Society for Underwater Technology, 28(3): 79-89.
Bowen, A., Yoerger, D., Fletcher, B., Whitcomb, L., “Journey to the Challenger Deep: Fifty Years Later
with the Nereus Hybrid Remotely Operated Vehicle”. Journal of the Marine Technology Society
43(5):65-76, Winter 2009.
Conference Proceedings/ Abstracts:
Yoerger, DR; von Alt, CJ; Bowen, AD; Newman, JB. “Design of underwater vehicles for high
performance control.” In Proceedings of IEEE/ MTS Oceans 1986, New York, N.Y, 1986.
von Alt, C., Bowen, A. and Bergeron, E.M. "JASON Junior: System Design and Deep Submergence
Vehicle Interface.” Intervention 87 Conference and Exposition. The Working Diver 87: Special Sessions
on Manned Submersibles, sponsored by the Marine Technology Society, March 10-12, 1987, San Diego.
Marine Technology Society, Washington, DC, 200-208, 1987.
Yoerger, D.R., von Alt, C., Newman, J.B., Bowen, A., Hersey, W.J., Bowen, M., Delonga, D., Schempf,
H. and Elder, R. "Design and Control of JASON.” In Proceedings ROV '88, Bergen, Norway, 541-553,
Ballard, RD; Yoerger, DR; Stewart, WK; Bowen, A. “Argo/Jason: A remotely operated survey and
sampling system for full-ocean depth.” In Proceedings of IEEE/ MTS Oceans 1991, New York, N.Y.,
Bowen, A. “Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution's operational unmanned vehicle systems; a
description of capabilities.” In EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 1993 Fall Meeting
Supplement, Volume 74(43), San Francisco, December 1993.
Bowen, A. “The Argo/ Jason ROV development program, past and present challenges.” Diving for
science : proceedings of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences fourteenth annual scientific
diving symposium, October 5-9, 1994.
Kleinrock, M.C., Humphris, S.E. and the Deep-TAG Team (Shaw, P., Bowen, A., Crook, T., Davis, C.,
Elder, R., Gleason, D., Goff, J., Goldstein, L., Handley, W., Howland, J., Hussenoeder, S., Koga, K.,
Lerner, S., Nakamura, K., Rashid, M., Reiser Wetzel, L., Sellers, W., Sulanowska, M., Van Dover, C.,
and Whitcomb, L.) “Detailed Structure and Morphology of the Tag Active Hydrothermal Mound and Its
Geotectonic Environment.” In Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Initial Reports, Vol. 158, 1521, 1996.
Wooding, F.B., Bowen, A.D., Yoerger, D.R., Chave, A.D. and Dodeman, A.H. "Mechanical Design and
Deployment of the Hawaii-2 Observatory.” published in Proceedings of the International Workshop on
Scientific Use of Submarine Cables, 172-174, Okinawa, Japan, February 1997.
Chave, A.D., Petitt, Jr., R.A., Wooding, F.B., Bowen, A.D., Bailey, J.W., Hobart, E., Witzell, Jr., W.E.,
Yoerger, D.R., Duennebier, F.K., Harris, D., Jolly, J., Bosel, J. and Butler, R. “H2O: The Hawaii-2
Observatory.” InterRidge MOMAR Workshop (Long-Term Monitoring of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
Lisbon, Portugal, October 1998.
Bowen, A. “Equipment Configuration and Survey Techniques for the MV Derbyshire Survey, 1997.” In
Proceedings MTS/Ocean Community Conference '98, Vol. 2, 1099-1103, Baltimore, Maryland,
November 1998.
Webster, S., Bowen, A.D. “Feasibility Analysis of an 11,000m Vehicle with a Fiber Optic
Microcable Link to the Surface.” In Proceedings of IEEE/MTS Oceans 2003, San Diego, September 2226, 2003.
Elder, R., Bowen, A.D., Heintz, M., Naiman, M., Taylor, C., Sellers, W., Howland, J., and Whitcomb,
L.L. “Jason 2: A Review of Capabilities.” In EOS Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 2003
Fall Meeting Supplement, 84(46) Abstract OS32A-0226, San Francisco, December 2003.
Bowen, A.D., Yoerger, D.R., and Whitcomb, L.L., Hybrid ROV (HROV) For 11,000 Meter Operations.
In EOS Transaction of the American Geophysical Union 2003 Fall Meeting, 84(46) Abstract OS32A0228, San Francisco, December 2003.
Young, C., Whitcomb, L.L., Yoerger, D., Bowen, A., Grosenbaugh, M., Bingham, B. “The Hybrid
Remotely Operated Vehicle (HROV): New Challenges and Opportunities.” Underwater Intervention 2005
Conference Proceedings, 2005. Association of Diving Contractors, Marine Technology Society,
Washington, D.C.
Fletcher, B., Young, C., Buescher, J., Whitcomb, L. L., Bowen, A., Yoerger, D., McCabe, R., Heintz, M.,
Fuhrmann, R., Taylor, C., Elder, R. “Field Tests of the Hybrid Remotely Operated Vehicle (HROV) Light
Fiber Optic Tether.” In Proceedings of IEEE/MTS Oceans 2006, Boston, September 2006
Bowen, A., Yoerger, D., Taylor, C., McCabe, R., Howland, J., Gomez-Ibanez, D., Kinsey, J., Heintz, M.,
McDonald, M., Peters, D., Fletcher, B., Young, C., Buescher, J., Whitcomb, L., Martin, S., Webster, S.,
Jakuba, M. “The Nereus Hybrid Underwater Robotic Vehicle for Global Ocean Science Operations to
11,000m Depth.” In Proceedings of IEEE/MTS Oceans 2008, Quebec, September 17, 2008.
Fletcher, B., Young, C., Buescher, J., Whitcomb, L., Bowen, B., McCabe, R., Yoerger, D. “Proof of
Concept Demonstration of the Hybrid Remotely Operated Vehicle (HROV) Light Fiber Tether System.”
In Proceedings of IEEE/MTS Oceans 2008, Quebec, September 17, 2008.
Jakuba, M., Whitcomb, L., Yoerger, D. and Bowen, A. “Toward Under-Ice Operations with Hybrid
Underwater Robotic Vehicles.” In Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
Workshop (AUV08), October 14, 2008.
Bowen, A.D., Yoerger, D.R, Taylor, C., McCabe, R., Howland, J., Gomez-Ibanez, D., Kinsey, J.C,
Heintz, M., McDonald, G., Peters, D.B., Bailey, J., Bors, E., Shank, T. “Field Trials of the Nereus Hybrid
Underwater Robotic Vehicle in the Challenger Deep of the Mariana Trench.” In Proceedings of
IEEE/MTS Oceans 2009, Mississippi, October 26, 2009.
Farr, N., Bowen, A., Ware, J., Pontbriand, C. “An integrated, underwater optical /acoustic
communications system.” In Proceedings of IEEE/ MTS Oceans 2010, Sydney, May 24-27, 2010.
Camilli, R., Bowen, A., Farr, N. “Bright Blue: Advanced Technologies for Marine Environmental
Monitoring and Offshore Energy”. In Proceedings of IEEE/ MTS Oceans 2010, Sydney, May 24-27,
German, C., Bowen, A., Coleman, M., Honig,D., Huber, J., Jakuba, M., Kinsey,J., Kurz, M., Leroy, S.,
McDermott,J., Mercier de Lépinay, B., Nakamura,K., Seewald, J., Smith, J., Sylva, S., Van Dover,C.,
Whitcomb,L., Yoerger, D. “Diverse styles of submarine venting on the ultra-slow spreading Mid-Cayman
Rise”, In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, August10, 2010
Gomez-Ibáñez, D., Taylor, C.L., Heintz, M.C., Howland, J.C., Yoerger, D.R., Bowen, A.D., Whitcomb,
L.L. "Energy management for the Nereus hybrid underwater vehicle," OCEANS 2010, vol., no., pp.1-9,
20-23 Sept. 2010 (doi: 10.1109/OCEANS.2010.5663885)
Bowen, A., Jakuba, M., Yoerger, D., German, C., Kinsey, J.C., Whitcomb, L.L., Mayer, L. "Lightly
tethered unmanned underwater vehicle for under-ice exploration," Aerospace Conference, 2012 IEEE ,
vol., no., pp.1-12, 3-10 March 2012
doi: 10.1109/AERO.2012.6187038
Bowen, A., Jakuba, M., Yoerger, D., Whitcomb, L.L., Kinsey, J.C., Mayer, L., and German, C.R. Nereid
ui: A light-tethered remotely operated vehicle for under-ice telepresence. In Proceedings Arctic
Technology Conference, Houston TX, December 2012.
Bowen, A.D., M.V. Jakuba, N.E. Farr, J. Ware, C. Taylor, D. Gomez-Ibanez, C.R. Machado, and C.
Pontbriand (In press) “An Un-Tethered ROV for Routine Access and Intervention in the Deep Sea.”
MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2013 Conference, San Diego, CA, 23-26 Sept.
Bowen, A. D., D. R. Yoerger, C. C. German, J. C. Kinsey, M. V. Jakuba, D. Gomez-Ibanez, C.
L. Taylor, C. Machado, J. C. Howland, C. L. Kaiser, M. Heintz, C. Pontbriand, S. Suman, L.
O’hara, L. L. Whitcomb, C.J. McFarland, and L. Mayer. Design and preliminary engineering
trials of Nereid-UI: A remotely operated underwater vehicle for oceanographic access under ice.
In Proceedings IEEE/MTS Oceans Conference and Exhibition, St. Johns, Canada, Sept. 2014.
German, C.R, A. Boetius, L.Whitcomb, M.Jakuba, J.Bailey, C.Judge , C.McFarland, S.Suman, S.Elliott,
C.Katlein, S.Arndt, A.Bowen, D.Yoerger, J.Kinsey, L.Mayer, M.Nicolaus, S.Laney, H.Singh, T.Maksym
& the PS 86 Scientific Research Team (2014). First scientific dives of the Nereid Under Ice hybrid ROV
in the Arctic Ocean. EOS Trans AGU (abstr) In Press.
Whitcomb, L. L., M. V. Jakuba, C. R. German, A. D. Bowen, D. R. Yoerger, J. C. Kinsey, L. Mayer,
C. McFarland, S. Suman1, J. Bailey, C. Judge, S. Elliott, D. Gomez-Ibanez, C. L. Taylor, C. Machado,
J. C. Howland, C. Kaiser, M. Heintz, C. Pontbriand, L. O’Hara, G. McDonald, A. Boetius (2014).
Preliminary Polar Sea Trials of Nereid-UI: A Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle for Oceanographic
Access Under Ice. EOS Trans AGU (abstr) In Press.
Other Publications/ Reports:
Bowen, A.D. "Summary Assessment: New MBARI ROV Design January 1991."
Bowen, A., Fornari, D., Howland, J. and Walden B. "The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution's
Remotely - Operated and Towed Vehicle Facilities for Deep Ocean Research - Information and Technical
Specifications”, Version 1.0, July 22, 1993.
Fornari, D.J., Bowen, A.D. and Foster, D.B. “Visualizing the Deep Sea.” Oceanus, Vol. 38,
No. 1, 10-13, Spring/Summer 1995.
Bowen, A.D. “Observations Made During the IFREMER ROV 6000 Design Review Held at IFREMER”
(Toulon) 12/14/95.
Fornari, D.J., Humphris, S., Bowen, A., Van Dover, C., Shank, T., Von Damm, K., Bray, A., Parson,
L.M., German, C.R., and Blondel, P. “Near-Bottom Investigations in the Lucky Strike Segment-MAR 37°
N Using the Fiber Optic Tethered Vehicles of the UNOLS National Deep Submergence Facility: ROV
Jason, ARGO-II and the DSL-120 kHz Sonar, EOS, Trans.” American Geophysics Union, Vol. 77, No.
46, p. F699, November 12, 1996/Supplement.
Fornari, D., Bradley, A., Humphris, S., Walden, B., Deuster, A., Catanach, R., Snow, E., Bowen, A.,
Elder, R., Sellers, W., Hickey, J. and Williams, R. "Inductively Coupled Link (ICL) Temperature Probes
for Hot Hydrothermal Fluid Sampling From ROV Jason and DSV Alvin.” RIDGE Events, Vol. 8, No. 1,
26-30, January 1997.
Bowen, A. “M.V. Derbyshire Phase 2 Survey, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Cruise Report”
1:209-1:230, In: Williams, R. and Torchio, D.R. M.V. Derbyshire Surveys UK/EC Assessors Report,
March 1998.
Wall, J.F., Williams, R.A., Torchio, R., Bowen, A. and Glykas, A. “M.V. Derbyshire Colloquium, Survey
and Assessment 1996 – 1997.” Royal Institute of Naval Architects, 1998.
Butler, R., Chave, A.D., Duennebier, F.K., Yoerger, D.R., Petitt, R. Harris, D., Wooding, F.B., Bowen,
A.D., Bailey, J., Jolly, J., Hobart, E., Hildebrand, J.A. and Dodeman, A.H. “Hawaii-2 Observatory
Pioneers Opportunities for Remote Instrumentation in Ocean Studies.” EOS, Transactions, American
Geophysical Union, Vol. 81, No. 15, pp. 157, 162-163, April 2000.
Camilli, R., Bowen, A., Yoerger, D., Techet, A., Di Iorio, D., Whitcomb, L., Reddy, C., Seewald, J.,
Sylva, S., Nelson, R. “Final Oil Spill Flow Rate Report and Characterization Analysis Deepwater Horizon
well Mississippi Canyon Block 252” submitted to the United States Coast Guard Research and
Development Center. August 2010.
Camilli R., Di Iorio D., Bowen A., Reddy C. M., Techet A. H., Yoerger D. R., Whitcomb L. L., Seewald
J. S., Sylva S. P., Fenwick J. (2011) Acoustic measurement of the Deepwater Horizon Macondo well
flow rate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences; published as part of Science Applications in
the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Special Feature at on September 8, 2011 (doi:
Louis L. Whitcomb, Andrew D. Bowen, Dana R. Yoerger, Christopher German, James C. Kinsey, Larry
Mayer, Michael V. Jakuba, Daniel Gomez-Ibanez, Christopher L. Taylor, Casey Machado, Jonathan C.
Howland, Carl Kaiser, Matthew Heintz. "Development of Nereid-UI: A Remotely Operated Underwater
Vehicle for Oceanographic Access Under Ice." Poster presented at the 9th annual Polar Technology
Conference April 2-4 2013, Annapolis, MD, USA.
Louis L. Whitcomb, Andrew D. Bowen, Dana R. Yoerger, Christopher German, James C. Kinsey, Larry
Mayer, Michael V. Jakuba, Daniel Gomez-Ibanez, Christopher L. Taylor, Casey Machado, Jonathan C.
Howland, Carl Kaiser, Matthew Heintz. "Development of Nereid-UI: A Remotely Operated Underwater
Vehicle for Oceanographic Access Under Ice." Poster presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall
Meeting Special Session C031: Polar Technology Enabling Science, December 3-7
2012, San Francisco, CA, USA
R. Catanach, Research Engineer
M. Fernandez, Engineer I
M. Heintz, Senior Engineer
J. Howland, Senior Engineer
C. Kaiser, Research Engineer
M. Keane, Administrative Associate I
S. McCue, Information Systems Associate III
C. Offinger, Field Operations Coordinator
B. Strickrott, Alvin Operations Manager
C. Taylor, Research Engineer
1980 - Field Trials of the Mine Neutralization Vehicle, Seattle
1983 - Engineering trials of the Benthos RPV 430 ROV, M/V White Foot, Stellwagen Bank
1984 - Inspection and monitoring of an oil platform installation using the Benthos
RPV 430 for McDermott Inc., Gulf of Mexico, McDermott DB-12
1986 - Retrieval of film from the Atlantis II during Alvin/Jason Jr. survey of the
Titanic, Northern Atlantic
1988 - Test of Argo in the AUTEC range, SeaCon, Tongue of the Ocean
1988 - Test of the fiber optic cable, R/V Knorr, Mediterranean
1988 - Prototype field tests of the Jason ROV, R/V McGaw, Bangor, Washington
1989 - Survey off Southern California/Survey of Hood Canal with Jason and AMS
120 sidescan, DSVSS Laney Chouest
1989 - Jason Project with Jason ROV, Survey of Marsille Sea mount and recovery of
3rd. century Roman artifacts, M/V Star Hercules, Mediterranean,
1990 - Jason Project with Jason ROV, Survey of the Hamilton and Scourge, Erie West
Lake Ontario
1990 - Site Visit to Galapagos Islands
1990 - Survey with Jason ROV and AMS 120 side scan, DSVSS Laney Chouest
Hood Canal, 1990 Site visit to Solomon Islands
1991 - Sediment core recovery with Jason ROV, M/V Betty Chouest, New York Bight
1991 - Survey with Jason ROV and AMS 120 side scan, DSVSS Laney Chouest,
Juan de Fuca Ridge
1991 - Survey using Klein side scan, M/V Restless, Iron Bottom Sound
1991 - Jason Project with Benthos Mini Rover, Galapagos Islands
1993 - Jason Project with Jason ROV, DSVSS Laney Chouest, Sea of Cortez
1993 - Survey with Jason ROV and AMS 120 side scan, R/V Knorr, Mid Atlantic Ridge
1993 - Survey of RMS Lusitania with Jason ROV, M/V Northern Horizon, Celtic Sea
1994 - Survey with DSL 120 and ARGO II, R/V Knorr, Trans Atlantic Geotraverse MidAtlantic Ridge (TAG)
1995 - Video Plankton Recorder with Jason ROV, R/V Endeavor
1996 - Lustre '96 (Lucky Strike Exploration), Mid25'N using the DSL-120kHz Sonar, Argo II and ROV Jason
1996 - Jason/Medea/ABE Expedition to the CoAxial Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, and to
the New Eruption Site on the Northern Gorda Ridge, R/V Thompson
1996 - DSL-Easter Island-Santiago,
Chile), R/V Melville
1997 - Jason/Medea, DSL-120, Argo II, Survey of the M/V Derbyshire, Japan, R/V Thompson
1997 - Jason, DSL-120, Survey of Roman Archeological Shipwrecks, Naples, Italy, R/V Carolyn
1997 - Jason/Medea, High Resolution Mapping on the Juan De Fuca Ridge, R/V Atlantis
1998 - Jason/Medea, Jason Project IX, Guaymas, Mexico, R/V Atlantis
1998 - Jason/Medea, Pacific Ocean, Hawaii-2 Observatory Installation, R/V Thompson
1999 - Jason, DSL-120, Mediterranean, Phoenician Archeological Shipwrecks, (from Malta to
Israel) M/V Northern Horizon
1999 - Jason, Juan de Fuca, Mid Ocean Ridge borehole geochemistry, R/V Thompson
1999 - Jason, Juan de Fuca, Mid Ocean Ridge mapping, R/V Thompson
2000 - DSL-120, Black Sea, Dr. Robert Ballard, R/V Northern Horizon
2000 - Jason/Medea, Juan de Fuca, R/V Thompson
2002 - Jason, Johnson cruise, R/V Atlantis
2002 - Jason II sea trials, R/V Atlantis
2003 - Expedition Leader Isis sea trials, McCartney mooring recovery with Isis, R/V Atlantis
2003 - Jason rock drill cruise, Juan de Fuca, R/V Thompson
2004 - Jason II TAG Site, R/V KNORR
2005 - Expedition Leader, Jason, Lau Basin, R/V Melville
2005 - Expedition leader, HROV trials, R/V New Horizon
2006 - Expedition leader, HROV trials, R/V Oceanus
2009 - Expedition leader, HROV field trials, R/V Kilo Moana
2009 - NASA ASTEP Cruise, HROV, Mid Cayman Spreading Center, R/V Cape Hatteras
2010 - Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Flow Rate and Characteristics Analysis, Gulf of Mexico,
Ocean Intervention III
2011 - Expedition leader, Nereus on R/V Atlantic Explorer
2012 - Expedition leader, Nereus on M/Y Alucia
2013 – Expedition leader, Nereus on R/V Falkor
2014 - Expedition leader, nHT on M/Y Alucia