Operation Achievement Volunteer Mentor What is Operation Achievement?

Operation Achievement Volunteer Mentor
What is Operation Achievement?
Operation Achievement is a mentoring and enrichment program, which
assists selected 6th through 8th grade students in the Georgetown
Independent School District to develop the discipline and motivation
necessary for academic success. Southwestern University and
Georgetown Independent School District jointly run the program. Selected
GISD students meet with Southwestern University mentors on a weekly
basis to develop an academic program of study based on student goals,
teacher/parent recommendations and individual learning needs.
What would my time commitment be if I were to be a volunteer?
You will serve as a student mentor to a GISD student who is having
problems in school for various reasons. Ideally, this is a
commitment for both Fall and Spring Semesters.
You will commit to spending 2 hours a week mentoring a middle
school student and working with other SU mentors. The program
meets on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 4:00-6:00 PM in
Olin room 305. You will choose one afternoon to mentor. It is
important to realize that this is a weekly commitment because the
goal of the program is to build a strong mentee-mentor relationship.
What would my specific responsibilities be to the student?
You will assist your student with class studies, participate in
enrichment activities with your student and establish a supportive
relationship with your student.
You will set goals with your student and track the progress of these
goals on a weekly basis.
You will act as a positive role model student at all times, displaying
appropriate behavior.
How do I become a mentor?
Fill out the attached application and questionnaire. Please send all of the
above items (except this sheet) through campus mail to Joni Ragle,
Director of Operation Achievement. (No box number is necessary.)
Though a mentor may be a role model, a true mentor does not ask another person to “be like
me,”. A mentor says, “I will help you to be whoever you wish to be.”
Joni Ragle, Director of Operation Achievement Southwestern University
P.O. 770 Georgetown, Texas 78627
Phone # 512 863-1219
FAX # 512 863-1170
Email: ragle2@southwestern.edu
Operation Achievement
Mentor Application
Preference of Day to Mentor: (Circle)
Year in School_________ Date__________
Birth date ________________
S.U. Address__________________ E-mail_____________________ Phone Extension________
Permanent Address____________________________________________________________________
Cell Phone # _______________________
Home Phone #_______________________
Please answer the following questions.
What is your Major ? ___________________ Minor?__________________
In the past what was your favorite subject, and in which subject did you struggle the most?
What do you like to do in your free time? Hobbies? Sports?
Are you bilingual? _________ If so, in what language other than English? ________________________
Have you ever worked in a setting where you served as a tutor or mentor to another student? ________
If yes, please explain
What do you hope to gain by becoming a mentor in the Operation Achievement Program?
Email: ragle2@southwestern.edu
Operation Achievement, Southwestern University Box 770, Georgetown, Texas 78627-0770 Phone # 512 863-1219
Part II
Please answer Yes or No to each of the following:
___I am willing to be interviewed as part of the process.
___I prefer working with a quiet, reserved child.
___I prefer working with an active, outgoing child.
___I am comfortable working with at-risk and gifted children.
___I would prefer an at-risk child.
___I would prefer a gifted child.
___I need to know more about working with at-risk children.
___I need to know more about working with gifted children.
___If necessary, I can work with more than one child.
___I can speak to groups or classes
___I am comfortable conducting meetings
___I prefer to work with a student from a specific ethnic group. If yes, please specify ethnic
___I speak a foreign language. If yes, please specify._________________________
___Would you consider a cross gender match?
Have you ever been arrested or convicted of a crime, misdemeanor or felony? If yes, please
Have you ever been investigated by the Department of Public Welfare for child abuse/neglect? If yes,
please explain_____________________________________________________
Part III
Please list a name, address, and phone number of at least one person you want to use as a
reference. They must be people who have known you for at least one year.
Operation Achievement appreciates your interest in becoming a mentor and role model to children. By
signing below, you attest to the truthfulness of all information listed in this application.
I have not been convicted of a felony or of any offense involving drugs, child abuse, sexual aberration or
moral turpitude, nor have I ever been investigated by the Department of Public Welfare for child
Print Name ______________________________________
Date ____________________________________________
Email: ragle2@southwestern.edu
Thank you for taking the time to complete this application
Operation Achievement, Southwestern University Box 770, Georgetown, Texas 78627 Phone # 512 863-1219