Public Safety Dashboard Cameras & Body Cameras 1415-0027 Recommendation

Public Safety Dashboard
Cameras & Body Cameras
1415-0027 Co-Sponsors:
Prime Sponsor:
President’s Signature
Date Introduced: 2/9/15
Date of Voting: 2/9/15
Final Vote: Sens Present
VP Senate Affairs Signature
Whereas, in recent times, Police Officers have been involved in problematic engagements where
use of force has been questioned
Whereas, many of these Police Officers in these instances did not have dashboard cameras or
body cameras on/or equipped
Whereas, if dashboard cameras and body cameras were present within police vehicles and on a
police officer’s person more context could be provided within these instances
Whereas, dashboard cameras and body cameras provide a verification aspect to the actions and
behaviors of both police officers and civilians; quite possibly confirming or dismissing any
allegations of misconduct and/or criminal activity
Whereas, Ithaca College Public Safety Officers have numerous interactions with Ithaca College
Whereas, many Public Safety Vehicles do not have dashboard cameras and no Public Safety
Officer wears a body camera
It is resolved that, the Ithaca College Student Government Association formally recommends to
the Ithaca College Administration and Ithaca College Office of Public Safety and Emergency
Management that all Patrol Officers be equipped with Body Cameras to be worn during patrol
It is further resolved that, the Ithaca College Student Government Association formally
recommends to the Ithaca College Administration and Ithaca College Office of Public Safety and
Emergency Management that all Patrol Vehicles be outfitted with Dashboard Cameras