Fitness Center Extended Weekend Hours Co-Sponsors: Korbul 1415-0029 Prime Sponsor: Haftel Recommendation President’s Signature Date Introduced: 3/02/2014 Date of Voting: 3/02/2014 Final Vote: Yea Sens Present Nay VP Senate Affairs Signature Abstain Whereas, students at Ithaca College pride themselves on being healthy Whereas, for some students, the fitness center is utilized, Whereas, the fitness center has limiting hours on the weekends and not all students can attend the weekend hours of Friday 7:00AM- 8:00 PM, Saturday 10:00AM – 7:00PM, Sunday 11:00AM – 11:00 PM, It is resolved that, the Ithaca College Student Government Association formally recommends to the Vice President of Student Affairs and Campus Life, Rory Rothman, and the Fitness Center management that the Fitness Center extend hours on the weekends (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) to better serve the student body.