New Master’s Degree Approval Process Checklist Phase II – Request for Authorization to Establish (RAE) Version 1 Proposed Degree ___________________________________________________ 20__-20__ Academic Program Plan Planner ________________________ Phone ____-______ Planner ________________________ Phone ____-______ Action 1. Unit Prepares Appendix C: Request for Authorization to Establish (RAE) Develops curriculum framework for proposed degree program1 Updates Assessing Readiness to Offer New Degree Programs Updates On-Campus Budget Template Provides documentation of collaborative investigations with UNC or other institutions Obtains additional letters of support, as desired Provides original e-mail acknowledgment of notification from campus space planning 2. Unit Submits all documents (from Step 1 above) to Office of Academic Program Planning and Development (OAPPD) for review with Academic Program Development Collaborative Team (APDCT); unit presents and Strengthens documents as desired 3. Unit secures approval of dean of college in which program is to be housed 4. Unit collaborates with Graduate School to identify external reviewers for proposal; evaluative reports from external reviews are received by Graduate School 5. Unit submits documents to the Graduate Curriculum Committee (GCC), including Items from Step 1 above APDCT memo Memorandum of request to GCC GCC signature form Response to external reviews (supplied through Graduate School) 6. GCC submits documents to Graduate Council; unit presents; Graduate Council reports minutes to Faculty Senate2 7. Unit submits documents to EPPC; unit presents 8. EPPC submits recommendations to Faculty Senate3 9. OAPPD submits documents to Academic Council 10. Chancellor approves/disapproves 11. Unit collaborates with OAPPD to prepare approved Appendix C (RAE) documents; OAPPD submits to chancellor and submits signed RAE to UNC-GA 1 Start Approval Curriculum framework, requested in Appendix A, includes conceptual information about entry requirements, courses, total semester hours, etc., but does not include actual course development (Phase III). It is strongly recommended that the potential for concentrations, certificates, and minors be considered at this time as well. Consideration at this stage will eliminate multiple appearances before committees and reduce significant time to establishment. 2 Planners may proceed to Step 7 in Phase II (only) before the report is made to the Faculty Senate; however, it is recommended that someone from the planning team attend the Faculty Senate meeting to answer any questions that may arise. 3 It is recommended that someone from the planning team attend the Faculty Senate meeting to answer any questions that may arise. Action 12. Within four weeks a. UNC-GA responds that proposal is complete - OR b. UNC-GA requests information; campus replies within four weeks 13. Completed Appendix C is forwarded to UNC Graduate Council for a four-week review period. Graduate Deans submit their campus comments to UNC-GA for information and consideration. 14. Within two weeks, UNC-GA reviews comments received and a. is prepared to make recommendation to EPPP Committee - OR – b. campus is notified of any remaining issues; campus replies within four weeks 15. Upon UNC-GA recommendation, proposal brought to EPPP Committee and submitted to UNC Board of Governors for approval 16. Campus notified of decision4 4 Start Approval Upon UNC-GA approval of Appendix C (RAE) and ECU campus approval of final curriculum, the degree program is established and the unit may recruit students. NOTE: If UNC Board of Governors authorization to establish is received before the curriculum approval process has been completed, a moratorium will be placed on degree implementation until a quality curriculum has been finalized.