Office of Sponsored Programs This form is required for all no cost extension requests. Sponsor may require additional documentation, contact OSP for assistance. REQUEST FOR NO COST EXTENSION (NCE) Date: To: Sponsored Programs From (PI): Department Fund Number: Sponsor: Current project end date: PI current effort: Sponsors Award #: Requested new end date: IRB approval date IACUC approval date Instructions For federal grants that fall under Expanded Authorities (e.g. NIH, NSF, DOE, DOD, Army), complete Sections A and B and return to your OSP Grant Officer for review and approval (via email is ok). For grants that do not fall under Expanded Authorities, complete Section A. Send the signed form to your OSP Grant Officer with a letter to the sponsor requesting prior approval. OSP will authorize the request and send to the sponsor. A. Projected account balance at end of current period: * *a detailed budget may be required, depending on sponsor requirements Will there be a change in effort of key personnel during the no cost extension period? Reminder (NIH awards): OSP will notify NIH if effort will be reduced during a NCE period. YES NO If yes, complete table below. (For NIH, only include those people listed on the Notice of Award.) Name Role Current Effort NCE period effort ** **For NIH grants, a measurable amount of effort is required for key personnel during the NCE period. (NIH defines measurable effort as effort expressed in person months greater than zero). B. Scientific justification Describe Reason For Request: (Provide a brief description of the work that will be conducted during the extension period. Please also include an explanation of what funds are available and why?). PI Signature Date Department Chair Approval Date Dean Approval Date 08/10/2011