Summer Salary for Grants 2010

Summer Salary for Grants
Summer 2010
9 Month Employees
Ending the Academic Year Additional Grants Job
 For 9 month employees, you will no longer use the 9/12 conversion to obtain the new
annual salary for both the state position and the grant position. You will use straight
percents (i.e. 25% x annual salary, 75% x annual salary). Once your positions have
changed from a 9/12 conversion to using the straight percents method, you will no longer
need to end the person’s secondary/grant position at the end of an academic year as you
have typically done in the past. This is because of the 24 pay rule, and the fact that they
are still getting paid for work they completed earlier in the semester. These funds are
marked as regular earnings.
 You will only need to end the grant job when the grant from which the
secondary/grant positions are funded ends or a change is necessary due to limitations
on grant funding or another reason.
 If you need to end the grant job for the academic year, End the individual’s academic
year grant position on 05/15/10 as EPAF, End an Additional Job (employee not
separating) EJ0001 to a non-sponsored account.
Note: Do not complete this step if the employee is 100% funded on a grant.
Summer Salary for Grants
Summer 2010
Beginning the Academic Year Additional Grants Job
 If the individual’s secondary (grant) position was ended to avoid overcharges to the grant,
you will need to Begin the individual’s secondary (grant) position for the Fall as EPAF,
Add a Secondary EPA Permanent Job AJ0011.
EPA Secondary Appointments Academic Year
Effective Date- 08/16/2010; 1st installment on 08/31
Personnel Date- 08/16/2010 through 05/15/2011
24 installments
Job to remain active through end of the budget period unless funding balances restrict the
EPA Secondary Appointments Fall Semester
Effective Date- 08/16/2010; 1st installment on 08/31
Personnel Date- 08/16/2010 through 12/31/2010
24 installments
May complete Banner HR Redistributions beginning 8/16 to equate to 12 ½ % allowable
EPA Secondary Appointments Spring Semester
Effective Date- 01/01/2010; 1st installment on 01/15
Personnel Date- 01/01/2011 through 05/15/2011
24 installments
May complete Banner HR Redistributions beginning 01/01 to equate to 12 ½ % allowable
May leave job active through 06/30/11
Note: Do not complete this step if the employee is 100% funded on a grant.
Summer Salary for Grants
Summer 2010
Summer Pay
 Send Grants and Contracts a copy of the 133% Form if the individual will exceed 133%
as also required by Academic Affairs. This may be sent electronically to Please note “133% Form” in the Subject Line of your email. The
133% Form, their instructions, and examples may be found at the following: If submitting, or have already
submitted a 133% Form to the Grants and Contracts office, please place this in the
comments section of the EPAF.
 Complete the EPAF for Add EPA Supplemental Earnings, AJ0035, using the attached
Banner HR Instructions.
Please remember:
 Even if you currently have a grants position number, for summer salary for
grants you must use position S06069. Do not establish a grants position for
summer salary. We will not require a separate position number for
Supplemental Earnings.
 You must select the appropriate Earnings Code from a drop down list. For
summer grant pay, please select 228: Summer Grant Outside Contract.
 Summer Salary requests must be for work completed during the period of
05/16/10 through 08/15/10.
o 1st Summer Session
 Job Begin Date: 05/16/2010
 Job Effective Date: 05/16/2010
 Personnel Date: 05/16/2010 or depending on the
individual’s starting date on the grant.
 End the Job Effective Date: 06/30/2010 or depending on
the individual’s ending date on the grant.
 End the Job Personnel Date: 06/30/2010 or depending on
the individual’s ending date on the grant.
o 2 Summer Session
 Job Begin Date: 07/01/2010
 Job Effective Date: 07/01/2010
 Personnel Date: 07/01/2010 or depending on the
individual’s starting date on the grant.
 End the Job Effective Date: 08/15/2010 or depending on
the individual’s ending date on the grant.
 End the Job Personnel Date: 08/15/2010 or depending on
the individual’s ending date on the grant.
o Entire 13 weeks
 Job Begin Date: 05/16/2010
 Job Effective Date: 05/16/2010
 Job Begin Personnel Date: 05/16/2010 or depending on the
individual’s starting date on the grant.
 End the Job Effective Date: 08/15/2010 or depending on
the individual’s ending date on the grant.
Summer Salary for Grants
Summer 2010
End the Job Personnel Date: 08/15/2010 or depending on
the individual’s ending date on the grant.
 The Annual Salary is the amount to be paid. This must be mathematically
proportional/correct based on the individual’s effort (FTE) and their
Institutional Based Salary. An Excel salary calculator and instructions have
been attached to help you with these calculations.
 Change the FTE to the amount of effort that relates to the amount of the total
salary requested (This field automatically defaults as 0). **FTE must be up to
2 decimal places or whole percents (i.e. .45 not .445).
 If split funding the Supplemental Earnings Request, please enter the amount
of effort or FTE that relates to the amount of the salary requested for each
FOAP in the respective Project Field. Please also check your percentage
columns to ensure the proper amounts are charged to each respective grant.
**FTE must be up to 2 decimal places or whole percents (i.e. .45 not .445).
 If submitting multiple requests, number the requests (i.e.1 of 3, 2 of 3, etc...)
for each request by placing the respective number in the comments section.
Summer Salary for Grants
Summer 2010
Summer Salary for Grants
12 Month Employees
12 month employees may not earn additional pay above their 1.0 FTE appointments.