NORTH IDAHO COLLEGE INTRAMURAL SPORTS CO-REC SOFTBALL RULES The Intramural Department will do all scheduling and there will be a $10.00 refundable forfeit charge for all teams playing in the Intramural Softball League. The deposit will be paid to the Business Office and the receipt filed in the Intramural Sports Office. In order to have the roster accepted and be eligible for play, the team must file the receipt in the Intramural Sports Office. All schedules are final. The Amateur Softball Association (ASA) shall govern any rule or interpretation not covered in these rules. Some minor modifications have been implemented for the Intramural Program to encourage sportsmanship and to adhere to time restrictions. I. FACILITY, PLAYING AREAS, AND EQUIPMENT: A. Facilities: McEuen Field #1 on Front Avenue by the City Hall. B. Playing Area: The field will have specific dead ball areas that will be explained by the umpires during the pre-game conference. C. Equipment: 1. Ball: Intramural Sports will provide a ball. 2. Shoes: No metal or screw-in cleats are allowed. 3. Jewelry: It is advised that rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets not be worn. 4. Bats: Teams must provide their own official ASA softball bats. 1 II. RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF PLAYERS AND TEAM PERSONNEL: A. All team members are required to know the rules of the game and adhere to them. B. The team manager is responsible for discipline and proper conduct of the team members and spectators. C. The playing manager is the only player who may address the officials and shall be the spokesperson for their team. The playing manager may address the officials but only on matters of rule interpretation. D. The following acts by team members is subject to sanction by either official: E. 1. Addressing officials concerning their decisions. 2. Performing profane or vulgar acts, gestures, or remarks. 3. Committing acts or gestures in attempt to influence officials. 4. Disruptive coaching or other actions by any team member. 5. Distracting an opponent while the ball is in play. Offenses committed by team members may result in the following sanctions by the officials: 1. Warning: For minor unsporting offenses such as talking to opponents, spectators, or officials, shouting or other minor unsporting acts (fake tag, thrown bat, etc) that disrupt the conduct of the game. A warning is issued and recorded on the score sheet. A second minor offense during the game by the same team member must result in a penalty. 2. Penalty: For rude behavior, a second minor offense, or other serious offenses, a penalty is issued by the official and recorded on the score sheet. A second penalty results in ejection from the game. The team that receives the penalty will lose an out. For example, if the defensive team receives a penalty they will only receive two (2) outs instead of three (3) when they come to bat. The same applies to the offensive team. 2 F. III. 3. Ejection: Extremely offensive conduct - such as obscene or insulting words or gestures - towards officials, spectators, or other players will result in ejection of the team member from the game in which the offense occurred. Ejected individuals must leave the playing area and possibly the field. No other penalty is assessed. The ejected player must speak with the Recreational Sports Coordinator before being allowed to play in the next scheduled game. 4. Disqualification: A second ejection during the game or any feigned, attempted, or actual physical aggression toward an official, spectator, or opponent will result in the disqualification of the individual team member as well as game forfeiture for the entire team. Sanctions for misconduct prior to, between, and/or following games will be administered in the game following such misconduct. THE TEAMS: A. Composition of the teams: 1. A team shall consist of at least eight eligible players at game time with a maximum of ten on the field at any time. A team needs at least two female players or two male players on the field at all times. The staff will allow one female or one male player play, but the team has to record the name of the missing player(s) on the score sheet. The team will take an out every time he/she does not come to bat. 2. The maximum number of players a team may pick up is four. 3 If a team becomes incomplete (fewer than eight eligible players) due to any reason and there is no available substitute, the team will lose the game by forfeit. Teams may play with one less than they started with as long as they did not lose the player because of ejection. If a player is lost because of ejection and there is no available substitute, the team will lose by forfeit. 4 An out will be called for a spot that is vacated in the line-up due to injury or any other reason. 3 B. IV. V. Substitutions: 1. Substitutions may be made at any time during the inning. Subs must bat in the same spot in the batting line-up as those they replaced. 2. Any player may be substituted or replaced and re-entered once providing players occupy the same batting positions in the line up. 3. Players may not re-enter a second time. The starting player and their substitute may not be in the line-up at the same time. RULES OF PLAY: A. All players must wear a shirt at all times. B. Cancelled games will not be rescheduled. C. Games will consist of a maximum of seven images. D. The offensive (batting) team will keep the score and exchange the clipboard each half inning. The umpire will check the score after each complete inning. E. No new inning shall begin once forty-five minutes has elapsed. F. Extra innings will only be played if time allows. G. The ball is dead between pitches. Leading off, stealing bases, and bunting is not allowed. STARTING THE GAME: A. Each team manager will meet with the umpire before the game to go over ground rules and intramural modifications in a pre-game conference. B. The score sheet must be filled out prior to the game so the umpire may review it during the pre-game conference. C. A coin flip will determine who will be the home team. 4 D. VI. VII. VIII. At the beginning of a game, and if a new pitcher comes into the game, three warm-up pitches will be allowed. During all other innings, pitchers will be allowed one warm-up pitch. ENDING OF GAME: A. No new inning shall begin once forty-five (45) minutes have elapsed. The umpire has the authority to stop the game due to the forty-five (45) minute time limit. B. A ten (10) run mercy rule is in effect after four and an half innings if the home team leads and five complete innings if the visiting team leads by ten (10) or more runs. C. If weather conditions warrant the cancellation of play once play begins, the field supervisor and umpires will decide whether play should continue or not. Thunder and/or lightning will cause play to be cancelled immediately. Cancelled games, for any reason, will not be made up. PITCHING REGULATIONS: A. The pitch must be delivered underhand with an arc of between six and twelve feet. B. If a legally pitched ball hits the plate/mat and meets the six to twelve foot arc limit, it will be called a strike. C. A team may intentionally walk a player if they inform the plate umpire. No pitches need to be thrown. BATTING REGULATIONS: A. Each batter will begin with a one ball and one strike count. A foul ball on the third strike is an out. B. Any pitched ball that is called illegal by the umpire will be an automatic ball as long as the batter does not swing at the pitch. If a batter swings at an illegal pitch, the ball will be played. C. The batter will be called out if they make contact with the ball (fair) and step on, directly in front of, or across the plate. D. If an extra player (EP) is used, all eleven (twelve in Co-Rec) must bat and any ten may play defense. Defensive positions may be changed, but the batting order must remain the same. 5 E. IX. X. In Co-Rec, if a male walks with two outs (intentional or not) the subsequent female has her choice of taking her base or hitting. If two walks are awarded back to back, the first runner must touch first base before advancing to second base. BASE RUNNING REGULATIONS: A. A runner may turn either way after passing first base and return with no liability to be put out so long as he/she makes no attempt (umpire's judgment) to go to second base. B. Base runners are not allowed to run over the defensive player. The offensive player must make every effort to slide or avoid contact. Any contact that is forceful and flagrant (umpire's judgment) will result in that player being ejected. Players should slide when necessary. C. Runners must touch home plate. D. No offensive player may commit an act that, in the umpire's judgment, impedes or confuses a defensive player attempting to execute a play. DEFENSIVE REGULATIONS: A. A fake tag is a form of obstruction on a runner, while advancing or returning to a base, by a fielder who neither has the ball nor is about to receive the ball and that impedes the progress of the runner. The runner does not have to slow down, stop, or slide. A player may be removed from the game for this infraction. B. Each base runner will be awarded two bases from the time of the throw for a ball that goes beyond the boundary line (dead ball area). C. If a player catches a fly ball in playable territory and unintentionally goes out of play with the ball in his/her possession, the runner(s) get on base without liability to be put out. Two bases are granted if it is ruled that the player intentionally carried the ball out of play to keep a runner(s) from advancing. D. If a hit ball contacts a player's glove and then rolls into dead ball territory, the runner(s) get two bases without liability to be put out. 6 E. Obstruction is an act by a defensive player or team member that hinders or prevents a batter from striking or hitting a pitched ball; or a fielder while not in possession of the ball, nor in the act of fielding a batted ball, or not about to receive a thrown ball, impedes the progress of a base runner or batter-runner who is legally running the bases. No runner can be put out between the bases that were obstructed. F. An appeal play is a play on which an umpire may not make a decision until requested by a manager, coach, or player. The appeal must be made before the next legal or illegal pitch, or before the defensive team has left the field. At the conclusion of the game, an appeal of the game can be made up until the umpires leave the field of play. There are four major appeal plays: 1. Missing a base. 2. Leaving a base on a caught fly before the ball is first touched. 3. Batting out of order. 4. Attempting to advance to second base after making the turn at first base. There will be no appeals on any decision of any umpire regarding whether a ball was fair or foul, a runner safe or out, a pitched ball being a ball or strike, or on any play involving accuracy of judgment. No decision rendered by an umpire will be reversed except when he/she is convinced it is a violation of one of these rules. 7