NORTH IDAHO COLLEGE INTRAMURAL SPORTS 3 ON 3 BASKETBALL RULES The Intramural Department will do all scheduling and there will be a $10.00 refundable forfeit charge for all teams playing in the Intramural 3 on 3 Basketball League. The deposit will be paid to the Business Office and the receipt filed in the Intramural Sports Office. In order to have the roster accepted and be eligible for play, the team must file the receipt in the Intramural Sports Office. All schedules are final. I. PLAYERS, GAME, AND COURT: A. 3 on 3 Basketball is a half court game played by two (2) teams of three (3) players each including a maximum of one (1) substitute. B. A team needs at least two (2) players to start a game. If a team does not meet these requirements, their game will be declared a forfeit. C. Games will start on the on the hour or half-hour. A ten-minute forfeit time will be strictly enforced. D. A "do or die" shot will decide "outs" to start each game. E. The ball must be "checked" by an opposing player before it is put into play. F. The ball must be passed to a teammate to start the game, after a score, violation, or after a foul is awarded. G. The ball must be "taken back" (entire body and ball behind the imaginary check line at the top of the foul circle) on each change of possession. Failure to do so will result in loss of possession and points taken away if the basket is made. 1 II. H. On defensive rebounds or steals the ball must be returned to the check line and the player in possession of the ball may maintain control and attempt to score. I. Possession will change after every scored basket unless a foul is awarded on and after the fifth team foul. J. An "out of bounds" ball will be taken out at the imaginary check line at the top of the foul circle. K. Out of bounds will include the back of the backboard and all parts of the support structure. L. Deliberate stalling or attempts to freeze the ball shall result in loss of ball possession. The referee may issue a verbal warning before taking away possession. M. Jump balls will go to the defense on the first occasion and will alternate thereafter. N. A basket will count for one (1) point and a three-point basket will count for two (2). GAME TIME, TIMEOUTS, AND SUBSTITUTIONS: A. Playing time will be two (2) halves of ten (10) minutes running clock with an intermission of one (1) minute. B. A tie score at the end of regulation time shall, whenever possible, result in a two (2) minute running clock overtime period which will be determined by a coin flip. C. If the score remains tied a sudden death overtime will be used with the first team to score two (2) baskets wins the game. D. A timeout will only be called by the referee for injuries or special circumstances. E. Substitutions may be made after a basket, a foul shot, or any stoppage of play. 2 III. FOULS: A. All common, personal, and technical fouls shall be counted against a team total. On, and after, the fifth team foul, a bonus shall be awarded for the remainder of the game. An individual player cannot foul out of a game but may be ejected by the official with cause. B. Prior to the fifth team foul: 1. Any common foul shall result in loss of possession for the offending team. 2. Any offensive foul shall result in disallowing a converted basket and loss of possession. 3. Any shooting foul with a missed basket shall result in retained possession. 4. Any shooting foul with a converted basket shall result in the basket being awarded and a change of possession. C. On, and after, the fifth team foul: 1. Any common foul shall result in one (1) foul shot along with retained possession for the offending team. 2. Any offensive foul shall result in disallowing a converted basket and awarding one (1) foul shot along with retaining possession for the offended team. 3. Any shooting foul with a missed basket shall result in two (2) foul shots along with retained possession. 4. Any shooting foul with a converted basket shall result in the basket being awarded along with retained possession. 3