
Pike County 4-H Newsletter
November/December 2008
Welcome to the New 4-H Year!
4-H Enrollment Policies
All youth who are eight years of age or in third grade and are not yet 19 years of age by September
1, 2008 may enroll in Illinois 4-H clubs. 5-7 year olds may join a Cloverbud club.
Make sure all information on your enrollment form is current especially your email address and
mailing addresses.
Your 4-H leader has the Illinois Clover and the enrollment forms that you need to get started.
Please use the pre-printed forms when re-enrolling and the blank ones for new members. There are
some project changes this year so use this year’s forms and the new 2008-2009 Clover only.
A parent’s signature must be on every child’s enrollment form. Please sign the photo release so
that we can use photos throughout the year for news releases, etc.
All members must enroll in at least one project. Parents and leaders should assist with project
selection. Project manuals are costly so please do not order a new manual unless this is your first
year in a project or if project manual has been revised.
The Clover Challenge is available for older members who have enrolled in all units of a project
and wish to design their own project learning experiences with an adult mentor.
December 1 Re-enrollments are due into office
January 5
Livestock project entries are due
April 1
NEW-Deadline for project changes
We are looking forward to another great year!
Youth Development Educator
Community Worker
Inside this issue
Achievement Night Awards ………………………………………2-4
Foundation, Blanket workshop, Events…………………………… 5
Upcoming events, opportunities, new members……………………..6
Livestock, Horses, Leader Corner………………………….………..7
Nutrition workshops, poster contest, websites………………………8
Fairbook cover contest, international travel, Cloverbuds……………9
Calendar of Events………………………………………………….10
Illinois Leader………………………………………………………11-12
Leader Birthdays
November 7
Susan Browning
21 Stacy Webel
24 Amy Grammer
December 5 Chris Henry
10 Kathy Scranton
Achievement Awards
160 members, parents and families were
present for the award program on
November 1. Awards are as follows:
Achievement medal: Clay Hall
Blue Awards: Cole Hall and Hannah
Honorable mention: Dalton Heavner
Animal Sciences medal: Clay Hall, Billie
Henry, Wilson Webel
Blue Awards: Gretchen Goewey, Jenna
Guthrie, Cole Hall, Dalton Heavner, Carrie
Hill, Ross Smith, Jess Heavner, Andy
Woods, Jeremy Woods
Honorable mention: Daniel Ballinger, Daniel
Barger, Allyson Bingham, Riley Bradshaw,
Wyatt Bradshaw, Ally Broyles, Christopher
Burbridge, Jessica Grammer, Emily Hooper,
Jamie Lister, Jared Mountain, Julie
Mountain, Rachel Motley, Lisa Mowen,
Sarah Mowen, Rachel Reis, Sammy Reis,
Laura Rokita, Isaac Smithers, Miranda
Whitaker, Lori Woods, Molly Woods, Tori
Community Involvement & Global
Awareness medal: Billie Henry
Honorable mention: Nicole Browning
Engineering & Technology medal:
Jayme Brace
Blue awards: Eric Berquist, Bobby DeVries,
Clay Hall
Honorable mention: Daniel Ballinger,
Allyson Bingham, Riley Bradshaw, Caleb
DeVries, Izack Hively, Jessica Main, Jared
Mountain, Clayton Myers
Environment & Natural Resources medal:
Haelee Harris
Blue award: Gretchen Goewey
Honorable mention: Izack Hively, Julia
Grammer, Evin Main, Elizabeth Reis
Food Nutrition & Health: Wilson Webel
Blue awards: Aubrey DeVries, Jennifer
Honorable mention Jacqueline Bingham,
Danielle Baughman, Jayme Brace, Nicole
Browning, Gena Mann, Kyle Mowen,
Courtney Reel, Rachel Reis, Rachel Snyder
Home & Family medal: Rachel DeVries,
Billie Henry
Blue Awards: Aubrey DeVries, Jennifer
Honorable mention: Jacqueline Bingham,
Samantha Clostermery, Madeline Davis,
Haelee Harris, Jessica Main, Rachel Motley,
Courtney Reel, Rachel Reis, Hannah
Scranton, Blaklyn Zenner
Leadership: Blue Award: Jennifer Moore
Personal Development Medal: Haelee
Harris, Wilson Webel
Blue Awards: Eric Berquist, Aubrey DeVries,
Gretchen Goewey, Jennifer Moore
Honorable mention: Samantha Clostermery,
Frankie Craven
Plants & Soils medal: Dustin Webel
Blue Awards: Cole Hall, Haelee Harris
Honorable mention: Billie Henry
1st & 2nd yr. members who filled out records:
Barry Builders-Evin Main, Tabitha Winner
Creighton Whitamore
Barry Winners- Jessica Main, Elizabeth Reis
City Chiks-Courtney Reel, Laura Rokita
Clover Crew-Jessica Grammer, Julia
Grammer, Aleck Hively, Izack Hively,
Rachel Snyder
Country Clovers-Brady Foster
Determined Detroiters -Samantha
Clostermery, Emily Smith, Erika Warner
Griggsville 4-H Club-Marie Bachman, Paul
Bachman, Daniel Bingham, Peyton Bonds
Ally Broyles, Jordan Dehart, Lynley Ellis
Kendall Hannant, Shelby Hendricks,
Ryan Kelley, Jonathon Myers, Bailey Powers
Independence Hustlers-Sierra Ballinger,
Austin Gerard, Alyssa Heavner, Jerad
Heavner, Dakota Henry, Gena Mann
Brook Smith, Isaac Smithers
Milton Raise-Its-Caleb DeVries, Cody
Hayden, Jess Heavner, Jayson Spann, Tanner
Perry 4-H Stitchers-Nicole Browning,
Hope Scott
Achievement Awards (cont’d)
Pleasant Hill 4-H Citizens: Hanna Allen,
Natalie Allen, Erin Mowen
(1st & 2nd yr. members who filled out records)
Pittsfield Producers-Autumn Clendenny,
Jaylee Clendenny, Daniel Howland,
Jamie Howland
Pleasant Hill 4-H Citizens-Keely Collard,
Joshua Morton, Makayla Morton, Seth
Moyers, Ashley Wright
Outstanding 1st year members:
Jessica Grammer and Julia Grammer
Outstanding 2nd year members are:
Courtney Reel and Sierra Ballinger
Leadership: Jennifer Moore
Citizenship: Billie Henry
Public Presentations: Wilson Webel, Angie
Edgar, Rachel DeVries
Food Demonstrations: Wilson Webel,
Aubrey DeVries, Jayme Brace, Madalene
General Demonstration: Haelee Harris
Horse & Pony Judging: Jenna Guthrie
Dairy Judging: Andy Woods
Outstanding Conservation Project: Jessica
All Cloverbuds received a certificate and
those filling out records received an
additional gift: Cloverbuds are:
Barry Winners: Robbie Main
Clover Crew: Janessa Grammer, Keaton
Harris, Paige Snyder
Griggsville 4-H Club: Jennifer Bingham,
Duncan Bradshaw, Matthew Myers
Independence Hustlers: Abigal Heavner,
Avery Heavner, Jaydon Heavner, Justin
Hooper, Emma Mann, Braden Musgrave
Milton Raise-Its: Gabrielle Davis, Will
Heavner, John Scranton, Isaac Shaw, Jack
Sibley, Kristen Sibley, Claire Smith
Pittsfield Producers: Dakotah Clostermery,
Daniel Clostermery, Holden Deeder, Isabella
McCartney, Bailey Mowen, Riley
Parsons, Morgan Puterbaugh, Alayna
Scranton, Kameron Smithers
Animal Science Award jackets:
Dalton Heavner -2008 award jacket winner in
Beef; Andy Woods – 2008 winner in Rabbits
and Continuing Excellence in Beef and
Swine; Gretchen Goewey-2008 award winner
in Cats and Dogs; Carrie Hill - Continuing
Excellence in Cats and Horses;
Rachel Reis -2008 award winner in Dairy;
Daniel Ballinger - Continuing Excellence in
Dairy; Danielle Baughman – Continuing
Excellence in Dogs; Evan Sheppard –
Continuing Excellence in Dogs; Cole Hall –
Continuing Excellence in Sheep, Goats, and
Poultry; Angie Edgar -2008 award winner in
Horses; Jenna Guthrie – Continuing
Excellence in Horses; Molly Woods -2008
award jacket winner in Sheep; Ryan Motley –
Continuing Excellence in Rabbits; Jeremy
Woods -2008 award winner in Swine .
Electricity School:
Dakota Henry-Level one
Jayme Brace-Level two
Electricity Achievement Award: Ryan
Fashion Revue framed photos:
Allyson Bingham, Jacqueline Bingham
Nicole Browning, Samantha Clostermery,
Madalene Davis, Aubrey DeVries, Rachel
DeVries, Angie Edgar, Billie Henry
Courtney Reel,Rachel Reis, Blaklyn Zenner
4-H Cooking 101 notebooks: Nicole
Browning, Beth Edgar, Brady Foster, Julia
Grammer, Haelee Harris, Aleck Hively, Gena
Mann, Kyle Mowen, Courtney Reel,
Elizabeth Reis, Hope Scott, Rachel Snyder,
and Ashley Wright
Top Treasurer: Haelee Harris
Top Secretary: Jessica Grammer
Fairbook cover contest winner: Clay Hall
Achievement Awards (cont’d)
Determined Detroiters Matt Swartz
Memorial Outstanding Member:
Samantha Clostermery
Continuing Excellence: Dan Barger, Sarah
Sibley, Erika Warner
Pittsfield Producers Outstanding member
Trophy: Christopher Burbridge
Darlene Schroeder Memorial Home Ec
Award: Hannah Scranton
Illinois 4-H Key Award: Daniel Ballinger,
Matt Coultas, Ryan Motley, Jared Mountain,
Lisa Mowen, Rachel Reis, Hannah Scranton
Kayla Sutton, Miranda Whitaker, Michael
4-H Member Alumni: Courtney Sealock and
Laura Rokita
4-H Alumni Award: David Fuhler
Illinois 4-H Hall of Fame: Gwen Woods
Club Awards:
Scrapbook Contest-Pittsfield Producers
Top Window Display: Milton Raise-Its
Window displays (all A ratings): Clover
Crew, Independence Hustlers, Pittsfield
Progress award: Barry Builders, Barry
Winners, Clover Crew, Determined
Detroiters, Griggsville 4-H Club,
Perry 4-H Stitchers
Award of Excellence: Barry Builders
Barry Winners, Clover Crew, Determined
Detroiters, Griggsville 4-H Club,
Independence Hustlers
Intercultural Award: Clover Crew,
Country Clovers, Determined Detroiters,
Milton Raise-Its
Club of the Year: Griggsville 4-H Club
Congratulations and thank you for another
great year!
Federation Fundraiser
Thank you to all who participated in the 4-H
Federation fundraiser. Funds go toward
programming and activities for the 4-H
members throughout the year. Profits were
$2224.93. Brady Foster was top salesman
and he receives $10.00, a CD player, Clover
cash, and prizes; 2nd top sales were by
Samantha Clostermery; 3rd-Sierra Ballinger;
and 4th-Bailey Mowen. Top selling clubs
were Independence Hustlers and Pittsfield
Federation Report
The Pike County 4-H Federation met on
Tuesday, November 4 at the Farm Bureau
Hall. Members who assisted with
Achievement night, fundraiser delivery and
HCE Christmas in October were recognized.
A thank you note was read from HCE. Ideas
for Cloverbud party and new member party
were discussed. Members signed up to help
with the Foundation Christmas Craft show on
Dec. 6. Upcoming events include Great 4-H
Debate in Springfield in February and Illini
Summer Academies in Champaign in June.
Officer elections were conducted and results
President: Ross Smith
Vice-President: Michael Whitlock
Secretary: Rachel Reis
Treasurer: Jacqueline Bingham
Sentinel: Jesse Poor
Next meeting is Tuesday, December 2 from
4:30-7:00 p.m. at the Farm Bureau Hall.
Bring $5.00 to shop for food for the
Christmas Basket program.
All 4-H members in Jr. High and up are
welcome to join the fun.
Don’t forget to cash
your premium
checks. They are void
after 60 days.
4-H Foundation Christmas
Craft Show
No-sew Blanket Workshop
Thursday, December 4 --5:00-7:00 p.m. at
the Pike County Farm Bureau Hall
Here is a fun workshop for all ages. We will
be making John Deere no-sew blankets and
you are invited to join us.
Cost is $25.00 which includes fabric,
instruction, scissors and pizza.
Saturday, December 6 from 9:00 – 2:00
Join us on Saturday, December 6 for the
annual Foundation Christmas Craft Show at
the Farm Bureau Hall. While you are doing
your Christmas shopping, there will be soup,
sandwiches, and drinks available. There will
also be some great door prizes, a
Longaberger blanket basket raffle and a bake
sale all day. See you there!
Please let us know if you can assist with any
of the following:
* Selling raffle tickets for the Longaberger
Blanket basket raffle filled with Pike
County products. Tickets are $1.00 or 6/$5
and are available at the Extension office.
* The Foundation is not selling pies by the
slice this year so for the bake sale we need
pies as well as cookies, candy, cakes, etc.
We also need volunteers to work at the
bake sale that day.
We appreciate the 4-H Foundation for all of
the hard work they do!
National 4-H Week
Window Displays
Thank you to the clubs who promoted 4-H
during National 4-H Week. All of the clubs
did a great job with the theme “Keeping It
Green” Milton Raise-Its were chosen as the
top window and Clover Crew, Independence
Hustlers, and Pittsfield Producers all received
an A rating. All clubs received a check from
Federation for their efforts.
The choice of fabrics includes:
 Pink : “Girls drive tractors too”
 Modern John Deere tractor
 Antique John Deere tractor
 All over John Deere logo
These would make great gifts or just make
one for yourself.
Call by November 24 with your choice of
designs so we can purchase supplies.
Leatherneck Football
4-H, FFA, and Scouts Day
at Western IL University
Saturday, November 22 @ 1:05 p.m.
WIU vs. Youngstown State
All members and leaders will receive a
complimentary ticket; parents and other
family members can purchase discounted
tickets for $5.00. Members are invited to
participate in a pre-game ceremony and
National anthem. Call the extension office at
285-5543 for a form.
4-H Premier LCP Award
An award for 4-H members who are at least
17 years old by December 1 and have not
reached their 19th birthday by September 1
of application year. Award is given to 4-H
members who exhibit outstanding leadership,
citizenship, cooperation and professionalism.
Award is sponsored by Illinois Farm Bureau
and deadline is December 15. Call for an
Mark your calendars for
upcoming events
Lincoln Forum Scholarship
The Great 4-H Debate
February 13-14
Mark your calendar now!
4-H’ers from across Illinois are
invited to converge in
Springfield to debate bills and learn about
the legislative process. The Great 4-H
Debate is for all high school age 4-H youth
who are interested in learning about how
Illinois state government works.
During the two-day event, youth will:
 meet and work with state legislators
and lobbyists
 experience the passage of bills
through the legislative system
 have the opportunity to debate,
amend and vote on bills while sitting
in the chambers of the Illinois House
of Representatives
Besides all the work, participants will meet
new friends from across the state of Illinois
and have fun at the dance Friday night.
Details for the conference are being
finalized now and registration materials will
be available at your local Extension Office
in mid-November. Registration fee for the
conference will be between $60-$75.
Chett Pease is on the planning committee.
The University of Illinois at Springfield and
the Illinois Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial
Commission are co-sponsoring a state-wide
contest in honor of the 200th anniversary of
the birth of our 16th President. This contest
is open to Illinois High school students in
grades 11 and 12 attending public, private,
parochial, home schools, or Illinois students
enrolled in high school correspondence/
GED programs during the 2008-2009
academic year.
For information about the scholarships go
Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
and Museum
In Celebration of Lincoln's 200th the
museum is offering ½ off adult priced
tickets. If your club would like to take a
field trip to the Lincoln Museum, check out
www.presidentlincoln.org to find out what
month will be offered for Pike County.
Welcome new members
City Chiks
Jr. Leadership Conference
When: February 21-22
Where: near Carlinville, IL
Who: for 7th & 8th graders
Illini Summer Academies
When: June 29-July 1
Where: U of I campus in Champaign
Who: high school age
What: Leadership and career conference
Trystin Smith
Caylee Miller
Independence Hustlers
Wesley Bradshaw
Eli Smithers (Cloverbud)
Pittsfield Producers
Lexi Ebbing (Cloverbud)
Ethan Brown (Cloverbud)
Brianna Brown (Cloverbud)
Olivia Hobbs (Cloverbud)
Leader Corner
Livestock Projects-Please turn in your
enrollment forms to the office by January
5, 2009 so we can keep you updated about
your project.
The Croatia Culture Kit is available for
loan through November. Please call the
office to reserve the kit.
Livestock records have been revised and
are available online at
Steer Weigh-in
The 4-H Steer Weigh is Saturday, February
7, 2009 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the
Johnson/Wilke Veterinary Clinic in West
Pittsfield. All steers that plan to show at the
Pike County Beef Show on or at the Illinois
State Fair in August must be weighed and
tattooed that day. Steers must be owned by
exhibitor by February 1, 2009.
Show Cattle Clinic with Kirk Stiewalt
February 6, 7 & 8 at Lowderman Auction
Company—Macomb, IL
Registration Fee: $250 (Limit 20)
$100 Deposit by January 15th
Topics: Daily care, stall preparation, halter
breaking, washing and drying, hands on
clipping, nutrition, show day fitting and
showmanship. Participants should bring:
animal, chute, blower, clippers & supplies.
Meal provided.
Chicagoland Equestrian Lifestyle Expo &
Holiday Market at Arlington Park
Racecourse-November 22 &23
This is an all-breed, multi discipline
educational & shopping event. See
for more information.
Pike County 4-H
Great clubs start with great
leaders and our 4-H members
deserve the best! We are
hosting a series of ShareShops where 4-H
leaders can connect with 4-H experts and
leader from across Illinois. Please join us for
these informal sessions to help you improve
you 4-H club.
January 8-Positive Youth Development
January 27-Communications in a Club
February 17-Parental Involvement
February 19-Public Presentations
March 3-Risk Management
6:30 p.m.-Conversation over dessert
7:00 p.m.-Workshop topic
8:00 p.m.-Sharing session
8:15 p.m.-Wrap-up
Pre-registration is required ten days before
the session you would like to attend. Please
call 285-5543 to register.
4-H Community Improvement and
Health Improvement Grants Available
Grants are available to clubs for carrying out
worthwhile community improvement
projects. Examples include tree planting
programs, community clean-up or
improvement projects, health fairs, making
first aid kits for groups, etc. More
information and forms will soon be available
or call the Pike County Extension office.
Deadline is Jan. 30, 2009.
Nutrition & Wellness
University of Illinois Pike County Extension
is offering a series of nutrition & wellness
workshops. Many of these fit in well with
4-H food & nutrition projects. Members
under 12 should be accompanied by parent.
Call 285-5543 to pre-register or if you have
questions. Workshops are held at the Pike
County Farm Bureau Hall in Pittsfield.
November 13, 5:30 p.m.-Diabetes and the
Holidays-Participate in a demonstration of a
holiday menu fit for kings, but specifically
designed for those with diabetes.
Information on diabetic diets and a variety
of holiday menus will be distributed. Meal
included. Cost-$10
December 9, 6:00 p.m.-Holiday
Happenings-While you may not eat what
you grow in this class, knowing what plants
to choose for growing during the holidays
helps brighten up winter days. Healthy
eating during the holidays and giving gifts
from the kitchen and garden are also part of
great holiday traditions. Learn about both in
one class! Cost-$10
January 29. 5:30 p.m.-Getting Back to
Basics-Making Your Own Master MixesWith rising food costs, families are seeking
ways to cut expenses while still providing
nutritious, wholesome foods for their
families. A variety of mixes will be made
for you to try and to take home. No cost.
February 26, 5:30 p.m.-BreadmakingUSDA guidelines recommend increasing our
fiber intake to 14 grams of fiber per 1000
calories consumed. To achieve this goal, a
yeast and quick bread making/tasting
workshop will teach the art of making
breads from start to finish. Cost-$10.
May 5, 5:30 p.m.-Pies, Pies & More PiesLearn the art of making pies-including
making pie crust, fruit pies, cream pies and
meat pies! Get back to home-style cooking
for your family. Food quality and nutritional
value of foods can be controlled with foods
that are made at home. Cost-$10.
Radon Poster Contest for
Youth ages 9-14
Here is an opportunity for students age 9-14
to win money and a trip to Washington D.C.
for the national radon poster contest. This is
a fun, educational way to learn about the
health effects of radon. For information
about the contest visit
Web site for project support:
Illinois Livestock Trail Website
Includes sites on Beef, Dairy, Horses, Pork,
Poultry, Sheep, Goats, Pasture, and much
Animal Science Website
An interactive website that allows youth to
test their livestock knowledge is available
through U of I Extension and the Dept. of
Animal Sciences
Get Up & Move
Check out the club activities, leader and
parent resources at:
4-H Fairbook Cover Contest
We are looking for your creative ideas for
the cover design of our 2009 Pike County
fairbook and Achievement night book. The
winning entry will receive a gift at
Achievement night.
Entries are due March 1, 2009. Please note
the rules and guidelines:
1. Design should be 8” by 8”.
2. Include the title: 2009 Pike County 4-H
3. Include your name and club’s name in the
4. Black ink on white paper.
5. If the 4-H Clover is used in the design use
only the official Clover pictured here.
International Travel
Opportunities Await 4-Hers
Illinois 4-Hers, 12 – 18 years of age are
encouraged to make the global connection
by participating in a 4-week homestay
exchange in Australia, Costa Rica, Finland,
or a 4-8 week homestay Japan.
Through 4-H international exchange
programs 4-Hers become a member of a
host family in another country. Participants
gain first hand experience and knowledge of
their new country as they work along side
host siblings and parents to experience daily
life, culture, special customs and traditions.
For more information contact the Extension
office at 285-5543.
You can find the official Clover at
or call the Extension office and we will
help you. We have a handout available on
the proper use of the 4-H Name and Emblem
available upon request.
6. Do not place any objects or letters over
the 4-H Clover unless you omit the H’s on
the leaves. In other words, you may use a
plain clover in your design.
7. No copyrighted images such as Mickey
Mouse or sports logos will be accepted.
8. Entries are due into the Extension
office by March 1, 2009.
Thank You Notes
If you received an award at Achievement
Night, please don’t forget to write a thank
you note to your donor.
Winter and holiday Cloverbud activities:
Celebrations Around the World
Mall Mania and the Sharper Shopper
Fall Festival-A Harvest of Fun
Experiencing Disabilities
Experimenting with the 5 Senses
Making Healthy Food Choices
Home Hobbies
Building Character
Digging Those Dinosaurs
Lesson plans are available for loan at the
Pike County Extension office.
New deadline for adding or
dropping projects:
April 1
Pike County 4-H
Calendar of Events
Croatia Culture Kit
National Family Volunteer Day
Club re-enrollments due to the office
Federation Christmas Party 4:30 p.m.
No-sew John Deere blanket workshop 5:00-7:00 pm
Foundation Christmas craft show/bake sale
Farm Bureau 4-H Premier LCP Awards due
Livestock enrollments due
Federation 4:30 p.m.
4-H Leader ShareShop- Positive Youth Development
4-H Leader ShareShop-Communications in a Club
TBA Livestock Sale Committee meeting 6:30 p.m.
TBA Cloverbud Celebration
TBA New Member Party
Federation 4:30 p.m.
Steer Weigh-In 1:00 – 3:00
13-14 Great 4-H Debate
4-H Leader ShareShop-Parental Involvement
4-H Leader ShareShop-Public Presentations
4-H Foundation fundraiser lunch-Taters to Go 11-1
21-22 4-H Jr. Leadership Conference
19-22 Illinois Beef Expo
Pike County Extension Director: Jennifer Mowen
Youth Development Educator: Kelly Pool
Community Worker: Cheri Myers
Newsletter written by: Cheri Myers
If you have any questions or comments
regarding this issue of
Clover Power please contact us at:
Holiday Office
The office will be
closed on November
27 and 28 for
For Christmas-the
office will be closed
at 4:30 on December
23 and will re-open
on January 5
State/County/Local Groups/United States Department
of Agriculture Cooperating.
University of Illinois Extension
provides equal opportunities in programs and
If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in
any programs, please contact University of Illinois
Extension, Pike County at 217-285-5543.