
Bylaws of the East Central Illinois Master Naturalists
approved on November 12, 2011
revised on November 3, 2012
SECTION 1: NAME. The name of this organization shall be East Central Illinois Master Naturalists
SECTION 2: GEOGRAPHIC AREA. The geographic area covered by the ECIMN shall be:
Champaign, Ford, Iroquois and Vermilion counties of the state of Illinois.
SECTION 1: MISSION. The mission of the ECIMN is to develop an expanding corps of educated
and experienced volunteers to provide service and support for sponsors, partners and others in
the conservation, restoration, management and interpretation of natural resources and natural
areas in East Central Illinois.
SECTION 2: GOALS. Pursuant to this mission are three goals:
Goal 1: Offer classroom and field-based opportunities to learn about the natural
environment of East Central Illinois and to become Master Naturalists.
Goal 2: Organize volunteers to serve as educators and community ambassadors for
environmental initiatives; as stewards in the management of natural resources in East
Central Illinois; and as stakeholders who sustain the ECIMN.
Goal 3: Facilitate cooperation and collaboration with sponsors, partners and other
SECTION 1: SPONSORS. The ECIMN is sponsored by University of Illinois Extension and other
agencies committed to a long-term relationship with the ECIMN. Sponsors and sponsor
representatives will be identified in the President’s Annual Report to the membership. New
sponsors will be approved by the Advisory Board.
SECTION 2: PARTNERS. Partners are organizations and agencies for the conservation,
restoration, management and interpretation of natural resources and natural areas in East
Central Illinois. The ECIMN members work with partners to achieve these goals and to satisfy
continuing education and volunteer requirements.
article III, continued
SECTION 3: DONORS. Donors are businesses, organizations or persons donating money,
services or supplies for ECIMN activities for no return compensation from the organization.
Donations will be reported to the Advisory Board.
SECTION 1: DEFINITION. Members are individuals who support the mission of the ECIMN as
stated in ARTICLE II, SECTION 1, complete the required training course and volunteer service
requirements for certification and pay the membership dues, if any, as set by the Advisory
qualifying individuals regardless of race, age, sex, religion, disability or national origin.
3.1: Trainee. A program participant from the time he/she is accepted into the program
through graduation from the training course.
3.2: Intern. A program participant from the time he/she graduates until completion of the
required hours of volunteer service. This internship is normally completed within 12 months of the
end of the training course. However, interns may take two years to complete their internship upon
agreement of the ECIMN Advisory Board. An intern who fails to complete the volunteer service
requirement will not be certified as a member.
3.3: Active member. One who has completed the minimum requirements of the training
course, has fulfilled the annual continuing education and volunteer service requirements,
as specified in the policy and procedure manual, has signed and submitted the annual
volunteer agreement and paid annual dues, if any.
3.4: Associate Member. An intern or former active member who participates in ECIMN
activities but does not fulfill the requirements for active membership. An associate
member can become an active member by fulfilling the requirements for active
SECTION 4: DUES. The Advisory Board may, with approval of a majority of members present at
a duly called and convened general membership meeting, set and change the amount of annual
dues, if any, payable to the organization.
article IV, continued
5.1: Termination. One who requests to be removed or who no longer participates in
ECIMN activities will be removed from the membership rolls.
5.2: Removal. Removal of a member from the organization may be made by a majority
vote of the Advisory Board for words or actions that discredit the ECIMN or violate the
volunteer agreement.
SECTION 1: ANNUAL MEETING. An annual meeting of the members shall be held each year for
the purpose of electing Advisory Board members and for the transaction of such other business
as may come before the ECIMN.
SECTION 2: SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings of the members may be called either by the
President or the Advisory Board, or by not less than one-fifth (1/5) of the members having
voting rights, for the purpose or purposes stated in the call of the meeting.
SECTION 3: NOTICE OF MEETINGS. Written notice stating the place, date and hour of meetings
of all members shall be delivered in writing or by e-mail, to each voting member not less than 5,
nor more than 60, days before the date of such meeting.
SECTION 4: VOTING. Only active members and interns shall be entitled to vote. Voting on any
question or in any election may be by voice unless a voting member requests that voting be by
ballot. Decisions shall be determined by a majority vote of members present at a meeting, so
long as there is a quorum present. Proxy votes are not permitted.
SECTION 5: QUORUM. One-fifth (1/5) of the voting members of the ECIMN shall constitute a
quorum at a meeting. If a quorum is not present at any meeting of the members, a majority of
the voting members present may adjourn the meeting at any time without further notice.
SECTION 1: AUTHORITY. The control of the property and business of the ECIMN shall be vested
in an Advisory Board who shall determine the policies of this organization.
SECTION 2: ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERSHIP. Nine advisory Board members shall be elected to
serve three-year terms, with three Advisory Board members elected each year. One Advisory
Board member will be appointed by each Sponsor, and these members will serve at the
pleasure of their organizations.
SECTION 3: ELECTION OF ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS. Elected advisory Board members shall
be active members or interns. The Nominating Committee shall submit a slate of candidates
and publish the slate to the membership in writing or by email 15 days prior to the annual
meeting. Nominations will be accepted from the floor prior to the election at the Annual
Meeting. Winners will be determined by a simple majority. Newly elected Advisory Board
members take office at the start of the first meeting of the calendar year following their
election. Advisory Board officers are elected by the Advisory Board and serve for one calendar
SECTION 4: REGULAR MEETINGS. The Advisory Board shall meet at least quarterly during the
year and at such other times as may be necessary to conduct the ECIMN business. All Advisory
Board meetings are open to the membership.
SECTION 5: QUORUM. A majority of the Advisory Board then serving shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business at any meeting of the Advisory Board, provided that if less than a majority of the
Advisory Board members are present at said meeting, a majority of the Advisory board members
present may adjourn the meeting to another time without further notice.
SECTION 6: VACANCY. Any vacancy occurring in the Advisory board shall be filled by appointment of the
Advisory Board for the remainder of the unexpired term.
member may resign at any time upon written notice to the Advisory Board. An Advisory Board
member may be removed by a majority vote of the entire Advisory Board.
SECTION 8: INFORMAL ACTION BY ADVISORY BOARD. The authority of the Advisory Board may
be exercised by mail or email, without a meeting, by a majority of Advisory Board members.
SECTION 1: OFFICERS. The officers shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer,
each elected for one-year terms by the membership of the Advisory Board. The President shall
not be elected to a third consecutive term.
SECTION 2: PRESIDENT. The President shall:
Preside at all meetings of the organization.
Serve as Chair of the Advisory Board.
Appoint committee chairs.
Be an ex-officio voting member of all committees.
Present an annual report at the annual meeting.
SECTION 3: VICE-PRESIDENT. The Vice-President shall:
a. Assist the President in the discharge of his or her duties as the President may direct and shall
perform such other duties assigned to him or her by the President or the Advisory Board.
b. Act for the President in his or her absence or inability or refusal to act.
SECTION 4: SECRETARY. The Secretary shall:
a. Conduct all necessary ECIMN correspondence and preserve copies.
b. Record and preserve the minutes of all Advisory Board, General Membership and special
c. Furnish the minutes to all Advisory Board members and make them available to other
ECIMN members.
d. Keep a record of attendance at each meeting and whether a quorum is present.
e. Bring to each meeting the minutes of past meetings, a copy of the bylaws, policies and
procedures and a roster of each committee.
f. Publish notice of membership meetings.
SECTION 5: TREASURER. The Treasurer shall:
a. Oversee the budget and accounting records.
b. Receive all monies for the ECIMN in compliance with University of Illinois policy.
c. Keep an account of all income, expenses, disbursements and other financial matters.
d. Ensure the payment of all bills upon receipt of a written statement or receipt.
e. Report to the Advisory Board at each meeting.
f. With the help of the Finance Committee, develop an annual budget in time for approval
at the May meeting of the Advisory Board.
g. Present a financial report at the annual meeting of the members.
SECTION 1: COMMITTEE CREATION. The Advisory Board shall create committees as necessary
to carry on the work of the organization, with the chair appointed by the President.
SECTION 2: STANDING COMMITTEES. Standing committees shall be Executive, Finance,
Education, Membership, Volunteer and Communication.
SECTION 3: OTHER COMMITTEES. The President shall form ad hoc committees (including
Nominating Committee and Bylaws, Policy and Procedures Committee), when necessary. Task
forces are ad hoc committees formed to carry out special projects.
4.1 Executive Committee. This committee consists of the four officers of the organization.
The affairs of the ECIMN are managed by the Executive Committee during intervals
between meetings of the Advisory Board. The Executive Committee shall report on its
activities at each meeting of the Advisory Board.
4.2 Finance Committee. This committee shall:
a. be responsible for oversight of the financial matters of the organization,
b. ensure that proper books of account are kept in accordance with current policies
and procedures of University of Illinois Extension,
c. periodically report to the Advisory Board and to the membership on the financial
condition of the organization
d. handle cash safely and responsibly,
e. ensure that all state and federal laws relating to the financial conduct of the
organization are complied with.
The chairperson of this committee shall be a member of the Advisory Board. The treasurer shall be
a voting member of this committee.
4.3 Education Committee. This committee shall:
a. facilitate and coordinate opportunities for members to earn continuing education
credit through such means as lectures, courses, conferences and other events,
b. cooperate with other ECIMN committees, sponsors and partners in program aspects
of their activities,
c. have prime responsibility for the ECIMN meeting programs,
d. organize and schedule the ECIMN training course that leads to certification. This
includes recruiting instructors, arranging and scheduling class and field trip venues,
monitoring the content and assembly of instruction manuals and overseeing
evaluation of students and instructors.
e. maintain the collection of books, pamphlets, reports, ECIMN photo archive, CD’s,
DVD’s and other materials held by the ECIMN, catalogue and communicate the
holdings and recommend acquisition of new materials.
article VIII, section 4, continued
4.4 Membership Committee. This committee shall maintain a list of members of the organization,
receive dues, if any, and make available a list of members when requested by the Advisory Board.
It has responsibility for seeking and monitoring reports of volunteer and continuing education
hours from the members, and recruitment of new members, including conducting interviews of
prospective trainees.
4.5 Volunteer Committee. This committee shall work with the ECIMN sponsors and partners to
encourage ECIMN interns and members to participate in projects that fulfill volunteer service
requirements of the ECIMN. It is responsible for recommending task forces that carry out projects
approved by the Advisory Board.
4.6 Nominating This committee will be formed by the President in September and shall
seek out and nominate members of the organization to serve on the Advisory Board. The
immediate past president of the Advisory Board will chair this committee.
4.7 Bylaws, Policy and Procedures. This committee shall review and revise, as necessary,
the bylaws, and the policies and procedures of the ECIMN.
4.8 Communication. This committee shall be responsible for communicating with the
members and the public about the ECIMN programs and activities. Responsibilities include
oversight of the newsletter and website and approval of reports that describe the ECIMN
SECTION 1: FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year shall be the same as University of Illinois Extension; namely, July
1 through June 30.
SECTION 2: FUNDS. All funds of the ECIMN shall be maintained by University of Illinois Extension.
SECTION 3: EXPENDITURE LIMITS. Any expenditure of more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) must be
approved by a resolution of the Advisory Board.
4.1: Authority. The ECIMN is authorized to accept and receive contributions, donations,
and grants in compliance with University of Illinois policy. All donations will be maintained
by the Champaign County Extension Education Foundation.
4.2: Endorsement. Acceptance of any grant or gift, restricted or unrestricted, does not
imply any form of endorsement by the ECIMN for the source, services, products, or
policies. Nor does it imply any benefit - past, present, or future - to be granted by the
article IX, section 4, continued
4.3: Right of Refusal. It will be the general policy of the ECIMN to accept contributions from
any source in compliance with University of Illinois policy. However, the ECIMN retains the
right to refuse any gift where, in the judgment of the Advisory Board, the reputation or
perceived image of the grantor may be deemed injurious to the ECIMN.
SECTION 5: AUDITS. The ECIMN will conduct an annual audit of the financial records of the
ECIMN prior to the annual meeting. The Treasurer will present the ECIMN Financial Books to
the Finance Committee. Results of the Audit will be reported at the Annual Membership
SECTION 1: DISBANDING. The ECIMN reserves the right to discontinue or dissolve with the
approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the Advisory Board, and the approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the
members at the Annual Meeting, or if necessary, at a Special Meeting of the Membership called
by the Advisory Board. If members vote to continue and the Advisory Board chooses not to
continue, new Advisory Board members shall be elected at either the Annual Meeting or the
Special Meeting at which this vote was taken.
SECTION 2: NOTICE. Notice of intent to vote to discontinue should be sent to members at least
thirty (30) days before a vote is to be taken by the membership. Members shall be given
written justification for this action with this notice.
SECTION 3: DISBURSEMENT OF ASSETS. Upon dissolution of the ECIMN the Advisory Board
shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all of the liabilities of the ECIMN,
convey all of the assets to another not-for-profit conservation organization as determined by a
majority vote of the Advisory Board.
SECTION 1: AMENDMENT OF BY-LAWS. These by-laws may be amended at any membership
meeting by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members present so long as written notice
specifying the amendment has been sent to members at least fifteen (15) days before this
meeting and there is a quorum present.