University Curriculum Committee Course Proposal Form for Courses Numbered 0001 – 4999 (Faculty Senate Resolution #04–18, April 2004) Note: Before completing this form, please read the accompanying instructions carefully. 1. Course Prefix and Number: EDUC 2001, 2002, 2003 2. Date: 5/15/06 3. Requested Action (check only one box): X New Course Revision of Active Course Revision & Unbanking of a Banked Course Renumbering of an Existing Course from # to # 4. Justification for new course or course revision or renumbering: Faculty reports and student feedback indicate that students periodically want to go into more depth or extend their knowledge in a particular area that relates to the field of education. Other students request opportunities to engage in research being conducted in the field of education. An independent study opportunity offers the possibility for students to receive course credit for these kinds of endeavors. The current EDUC Trends and Issues courses are 4000 level classes. This prohibits students in their freshman and sophomore years from accessing these classes without first obtaining special permission. The requirement that students be in upper division prior to taking the course also excludes student who are from other areas of study. This course would provide an independent study opportunity for students at any level of college studies. 5. Course description exactly as it should appear in the next catalog: EDUC 2001, 2002, 2003. Trends and Issues in Education (1,2,3) (F, S, SS) May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. May not substitute for required courses. Individualized study of problems or issues in pertinent areas of education. P: Consent of department chair or program coordinator. 6. If this is a course revision, briefly describe the requested change: NA 7. Undergraduate Catalog Page Number from current undergraduate catalog: 362 2 8. The Writing Across the Curriculum Committee must approve Writing Intensive (WI) credit for all courses prior to their consideration by the UCC. If WI credit is requested, has this course been approved for Writing Intensive (WI) credit? Yes No NA If Yes, will all sections be Writing Intensive (yes/no)? Yes No NA 9. Any course requesting Foundations Curriculum credit must be reviewed by Academic Standards Committee prior to their consideration by the UCC. If FC credit has been approved by the ASC, then check the appropriate box (check at most one), otherwise leave all boxes blank. English (EN) Humanities (HU) Fine Arts (FA) Health (HL) 10. Course Credit: 1 (2001) Lecture 2 (2002) Hours 3 (2003) NA Lab Science (SC) Social Science (SO) Mathematics (MA) Exercise (EX) Per Term Credit Hours Per Term NA Per Studio Weekly OR Term NA Per Practicum Weekly OR Term NA Per Internship Weekly OR Term Other (e.g., independent study) Please explain. Credit Hours Credit Hours Credit Hours Credit Hours Weekly Weekly OR OR 1 (2001) 2 (2002) 3 (2003) Total Credit Hours 11. Anticipated yearly student enrollment: 30 12. Affected Degrees or Academic Current Degree(s)/Course(s) Catalog Page NA s.h. s.h. s.h. s.h. s.h. s.h. Programs: Changes in Degree Hours 3 13. Overlap or Duplication with Affected Units or Programs: Not Applicable X Applicable (notification and responses from affected units are attached) 14. Approval by the Council for Teacher Education (required for courses affecting teacher education programs): Not Applicable X Applicable (CTE has given its approval.) 15. Statements of Support: X Current staff is adequate Additional staff is needed (describe needs in the box below): X Current facilities are adequate Additional facilities are needed (describe needs in the box below): X Initial library resources are adequate Initial resources are needed (in the box below, give a brief explanation and an estimate for the cost of acquisition of required initial resources): X Unit computer resources are adequate Additional unit computer resources are needed (in the box below, give a brief explanation and an estimate for the cost of acquisition): X ITCS resources are not needed The following ITCS resources are needed (put a check beside each need): Mainframe computer system Statistical services Network connections Computer lab for students Remember to forward email approval from the director of ITCS to 4 UCC. 16. Syllabus – please insert course syllabus below. You must include (a) the name of the textbook chosen for the course, (b) the course objectives, (c) the course content outline, and (d) the course assignments and grading plan. Note: The course described below is an illustration of possible topics for a trends and issues course. However, due to the individualized nature of an independent study, major course expectations will be established on an individualized basis. Each aspect of the syllabus will generally be determined by collaboration between the instructor and the student taking the independent study. Course Title: EDUC 2003 Exploration in Assistive Technology Textbooks(s)/Readings: Scherer, M.J. (2000). Living in the State of Stuck: How Assistive Technology Impacts People with Disabilities (3rd ed.). Brookline, MA: Brookline Books. Course Objectives: Program of Special Education Competencies Addressed: Knowledge of Learner Characteristics and Development Development and Implementation of a Variety of Instructional Strategies for Effective Management of Teaching and Learning. Utilization of Appropriate Technologies to Plan and Manage the Teaching and Learning Environment Planning for Instructional Activities that Match Learner Needs Specific Course Objectives 1. to demonstrate awareness of the range of assistive technologies available currently 2. to articulate current research related to specific assistive technology devices 3. to analyze assistive technology characteristics as they match with specific learner needs 4. to articulate advantages and disadvantages of different assistive technology options for specific student characteristics and learning situations. Course Content Outline: I. Definitions and Purposes for Assistive Technology A. Historical Overview - Foundation Period - Establishment Period - Empowerment Period B. Definitions - AT - CAI - AT Device - AT Service - IT 5 II. III. IV. - Adaptations - Multimedia/Hypermedia C. Purposes - Mobility - Speech - Information Access - Building Partnerships - Learning - Fluency - Functional and Life Skills - Career/Vocational Development Assistive Technology Options A. Physical B. Cognitive C. Tech Team Assistive Technology Evaluation Process A. AT Assessments (tasks, context, individual, device) B. AT Effectiveness C. Process (initial referral, evaluation questions, extended assessments, plan development, implementation, periodic review) Connecting AT to Individual Student Needs Course Assignments: Literature review of research-based assistive technology options: This project will involve the review of research as it relates to assistive technologies currently available for a selected group of learners or a selected set of learning needs. (100points) Matrix of available assistive technologies: This project will provide an overview of the existing assistive technology tools currently available aligned with their purposes. It should be comprehensive in addressing AT options for a broad population of students. (50 points) Assistive Technology Proposal: Case study describing specific learning characteristics and needs of one student that culminates in recommendations for appropriate assistive technologies. An extensive review of the learning setting, curriculum, strengths, and needs of a specific student will lead to the evaluation of a variety of assistive technology tools for that student. The project should include recommendations for the student/family/teacher based this analysis. (100 points) AT handout for future teachers: This handout will be shared during a presentation to a SPED 2000 or SPED 4010 class. It should be a one page reference that identifies/defines assistive technology and provides a summary of the range of AT options for students with special needs.(25 points) Presentation to SPED 2000 or 4010 class: This 20 minute presentation should provide individuals in teacher education program an introduction to the idea of assistive technology and some of the uses they may find of AT in the public school classroom. 6 Course Grading Plan: Assignment Literature Review Matrix Proposal Handout Presentation Total possible points Grade of A Grade of B Grade of C Grade of D Grade of F Due Date Points 100 50 100 25 25 300 90% or more 80% - 90% 70% - 80% 60% - 70% Below 60% 270-300 points 240-269 points 210-239 points 180 -209 points 179 points and below