Graduate Council Executive Committee June 2, 2014 Ragsdale 211 3:30-5:00 pm

Graduate Council Executive Committee
June 2, 2014
Ragsdale 211
3:30-5:00 pm
Present: Cox, Kathy; Decker, Jim; Gemperline, Paul; Keiper, Brett; Ries, Heather; and Bob Thompson
Guests: Belinda Patterson and Tom McConnell
Call meeting to order
3:35 PM
Minutes Approval of May 5, 2014 minutes
Motion to go in closed session 3:38 pm
Moved out of closed session 4:15 pm
Calendar developed in order to avoid delays by the council and Faculty Senate
BIC report graduate faculty status for elections
Contact Dr. McConnell or Amy Tripp if there are any questions or concerns
Vet policies to a more refined state for the fall
 Policies will be split up and vetted
 Check on the current status of SU of students that withdraw
Other Business
 Consider graduate assistantship eligibility and work-load policy
 Next meeting July 7