Present: Atkinson, Terry; Gemperline, Paul; Keiper, Brett; Ries, Heather... Absent: Cheryl McFadden and Paul Schwager Graduate Council Executive Committee

Graduate Council Executive Committee
November 4th 2013
Ragsdale 211
Present: Atkinson, Terry; Gemperline, Paul; Keiper, Brett; Ries, Heather and Bob Thompson
Absent: Cheryl McFadden and Paul Schwager
Guests: McConnell, Tom and Belinda Patterson
1. Call meeting to order
3:38 PM
2. Minutes
a. Approval of the 09/30/2013 GCEC minutes
b. Review of draft 10/13/2013 GC minutes
 Approved with revisions
 Attach new roster along with GC minutes (posted on Graduate Council website)
c. Review of GCC minutes
Tentative minutes for November 6th for consideration
3. Request for exceptions
a. Approved
b. Approved
c. Approved
d. Approved
4. Plans for election of replacement for Annette Greer
Cannot serve as Vice Chair – open up election for replacement at the next meeting
5. Report on 5000 level course meeting
Discussion of 5000 level course draft memo
 Put in place a mechanism to require chair of departments or GPD to provide written
permission for undergraduates to enroll in 5000 level courses
 Undergraduates must complete prerequisites to be enrolled in 5000 level course
 Intention to meet requirements for SACS 3.6.1
 Does not require an institution to design classes to apply to both graduates and
Undergraduate students can take course but will have the same set of expectations as
graduate students
Current concern are courses already on the books in which more than 50%
undergraduate students enroll
6. Additional information on MBA request for waiver of GMAT
 Council requested report of peer institutions and whether or not they utilize a similar
 Decision to postpone MBA discussion in order to discuss MSW at the same time
 Consensus of the group for this not to be the standard for programs
7. Ad-hoc Thesis and Dissertation report, next step
 Bob Thompson will email Andrew Morehead for further clarification regarding
thesis/dissertation requirements
 Add to GC agenda
8. Steve Serck’s comments/suggested revisions to Appeals Policy
 Many changes, including formatting
 Guiding principles are that students afforded due process while protecting both the
student and the Graduate School
 Need to make clear that if insufficient GPA, there is a grade appeal process that the
student must follow; though that process is for a course, not a program
 Need a clear process to establish grounds for an appeal e.g., not for insufficient GPA in a
program, with standards clearly spelled out
 “Legalese” language should change, and context should be put into a positive
perspective as much as possible
 Appeal review panel must find that the dismissal is based on something other than poor
academic performance or professional behavior.
 The dean will work with Steve Serck, rewrite, and send out new version of this revised
Appeals Policy
9. Request change in newest revision of Nursing Graduate Faculty document from “supervision of
student research and/or teaching;” to either “supervision of student research and/or student
teaching” or “supervision of student research and/or teaching of graduate courses” whichever
of the two is the specific intent the purpose being to remove any ambiguity about the context of
“teaching” in this clause
10. Develop agenda for November 18th 2013 Graduate Council Meeting
11. Announcements
a. Policy action items from October GC meeting sent to Academic Council
b. Funding for mentor awards and student awards – update
Paul will request information from VC Mitchelson
Respectfully submitted,
Amy Tripp