KIN 329 Body Conditioning Syllabus Sec 2030 2047.doc

Los Angeles Mission College
Health and Kinesiology
Course Description and Content Outline
Course Syllabus: KIN 329 Body Conditioning (1 unit)
Section # 2030 & #2047
Class: TTH 7:15am – 8:40am
Instructor: San-Martin, T.
Phone: 818-364-7600 x4567
HFAC 116
Office hours: Tues. & Thurs. 10:30am – 11:00am
or call to arrange a time
Course Description:
The class will include various aerobic activities to enhance cardiovascular conditioning. Weight resistance
exercises and stretching exercises will be included to develop muscle strength, endurance, and flexibility.
Training principles and concepts along with nutritional information will be introduced.
Number and Title of Course: KINESIOLOGY 329 – Body Conditioning-HFAC Fitness Center (1 unit)
Class will consist of various techniques to improve overall strength, cardiovascular and flexibility. Class will
utilize hand weights, resistance bands, and exercise balls. Students will also be introduced to Pilates and yoga
techniques for improving overall strength and flexibility.
Course Textbook: (Required)
Weight Training LA Mission College, Hesson (Author); ISBN 978-1-3052-9722-7
Course Objectives
Throughout the course, students will progressively increase the intensity of their workout in an effort to improve
overall cardiovascular endurance.
Students will understand target heart rate and will learn how to calculate target heart rate.
Throughout the course, students will use various exercises to improve overall strength and flexibility. They will
gain an understanding of ways to increase intensity of exercises to match their physical abilities.
Students will learn basic Pilates and Yoga techniques in an effort to increase muscle strength, flexibility and
Students will learn about basic nutrition and will be taught the basic nutritional needs of the body. They will also
learn about caloric needs and how it relates to overall body composition.
Students will be taught the basic muscles of the body and they will learn the most effective and safe exercises for
those specific muscles.
Students will understand physical fitness principles and the purpose of physical fitness testing.
Assessment Measure
Pre-Post cardiovascular, muscle strength,
muscle endurance, flexibility and body
composition assessments.
Written tests.
Required Attire & Equipment:
Proper athletic shoe
Appropriate sports clothing
LAMC Student I.D.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO’s):
At the conclusion of the course,
The student will improve their fitness level by applying sound training principles and dietary
concepts learned in class. The student will be able to recognize and cite specific fitness
assessments and use discipline specific terminology in written/oral communication.
The student will be able to exercise at a moderate level of intensity sufficient to raise the heart rate
to a level that will increase cardiovascular efficiency.
The student will be able to monitor his or her heart rate and level of exercise during activity.
The student will improve his or her level of physical fitness/conditioning through incorporating
various components of fitness during exercise sessions. Improvements will be determined from
pre/post physical fitness testing.
The student will be knowledgeable of specific activities and techniques that are effective for
improving cardiovascular condition, muscle strength, and flexibility.
The student will understand the numerous benefits associated with physical fitness/exercise and
will develop an appreciation toward the importance of physical activity.
The student will understand the essential nutrients needed by the body and current nutritional
The student will know names and locations of basic muscles of the body and will understand
effective strengthening and flexibility exercises for those muscles.
The student will understand various physical fitness testing, the purpose of each test administered
and the technique needed to improve in each test.
261 – 290
232 – 260
203 – 231
174 – 202
173 or below
Class Evaluations:
Below are the required assignments for the class and the basis for your final grade.
1. Class participation
140 pts
Regular and punctual attendance is extremely important. Attendance will be taken either by roll call or by sign in
at the beginning of each class.
2. Written Final Exam
20 pts
The written final exam is an objective exam (multiple choice, T/F, fill-in) based upon the lectures and the skills
learned in class.
3. Practical Final Exam
10 pts
The practical final exam is a presentation of the skills learned in class.
4. Fitness Notebook
25 pts
Students are expected to keep a journal of all their workouts, class work, quizzes and all handouts in 3-ring
binder, spiral notebook, or journal book.
5. Chapter Review Assignments (4 pts. ea)
20 pts
Students will be asked to complete the assigned questions at the end of the chapters in the required textbook.
6. Fitness Assessments (5 pts. ea)
10 pts
All students are required to perform a pre and post fitness assessment test at the beginning and end of the semester
7. Fitness Improvements
50 pts
Pre and Post assessment test will be used to determine improvements in fitness as follows:
Demonstrates significant increased fitness level in:
4 of 7 components of fitness
3 of 7 components of fitness
2 of 7 components of fitness
1 of 7 components of fitness
Demonstrates a decrease in fitness level,
no improvement, or no assessment score.
50 pts.
35 pts.
20 pts.
10 pts.
0 pts.
Note: Fitness components included in Improvement: Cardio, muscle strength, muscle endurance and flexibility.
Assessments are the ½ mile run test, curl up, push up, sit and reach test.
8. Muscle/Exercise quiz
15 pts
This quiz is based on the muscle chart and discussions in class.
Rubric (Standard) for Full Participation credit
5 Always
 Follows rules of the facility, school, classroom and safety guidelines as indicated on the syllabus and forms.
 Follows procedures, brings and signs all policy forms and waivers by due dates.
 Brings required materials, towel, student ID, creates, organizes, and maintains a folder, notebook and/or
 Follows instructions as directed by the instructor and performs movements with proper mechanics.
 Dresses in proper athletic sportswear, ready for activity & stays active and in the classroom participating until
 Replaces equipment and practices sanitary and safe policies.
 Respectful to personnel, facility, and notifies authority personnel of recognized problems.
 Completes pre & post assessments within 5 days of class assessment time.
 Notifies instructor if feeling ill or recognizes fellow student is ill or distressed during class, does not enter or leave
the classroom without notifying the instructor, does not leave classroom unless dismissed, and only takes items
out of classroom that belong to them.
4 Demonstrates most of the listed participation behaviors, most of the time.
3 Demonstrates some of the listed participation behaviors, some of the time.
2 Demonstrates few of the listed participation behaviors, few times
1 Does not demonstrate the participation behaviors
Daily participation points: (Attend, Dress, Participate, Clean up, Stay)
5 points
4 points
3 points
2 point
1 point
0 points
full participation per class, level 5 on the Rubric (see above).
most, but not all are demonstrated
some are demonstrated
awarded if few are demonstrated
awarded if one is demonstrated
earned if participation behaviors are not demonstrated
Non-Participation & Tardies:
The first non- participation will not result in a penalty. However, each non- participation thereafter will result in a
ZERO for the day.
Three (3) consecutive non- participations will result in your exclusion from the class.
Six (6) accumulated non- participations will result in your exclusion from the class.
Every third (3) tardy will result in a ZERO for that day.
Class will begin on the hour. MAKE-UPS for missed class time will be discussed in class. Notes or written
emails excusing you from not participating have no value. If you do not participate in class on any day, for
whatever reason, points cannot be earned or added to your total.
Inappropriate behavior or conduct unbecoming will be grounds for removal from the class and a ZERO for the
General policy: please…safety first!
Never do any movement, skill or activity during class that you have not been instructed to do, or have been given
instruction on. Do not use any equipment without instruction or instructors knowledge.
1. Do not bring guests or children. They are not allowed in the gym, studios or classrooms.
2. Remove outside street shoes before entering onto the studio floor or gym floor. Only clean exercise shoes are to be
worn on the floors.
3. No gum, candy, food, or drinks. The exception is water in an unbreakable container.
4. Wipe down all fitness machines and replace all gym weights after use. Put all equipment back in its proper place.
5. If you feel dizzy or sick, stop working and notify the instructor.
6. Notify the instructor if you must leave the classroom, notify upon your return. Thank you.
7. IN THE EVENT OF A DISASTER OR HOSTILE EMERGENCY, your safety comes first. Do whatever it
takes to survive.
To reduce the risk of injury, consult your doctor before participating in this or any other exercise program. The
instructions and advice presented are in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling.
Code of Honor and Integrity
Los Angeles Mission College
Students at Los Angeles Mission College, because they are members of an academic community dedicated to the
achievement of excellence and the pursuit of honor, are expected to meet high standards of personal, ethical, and moral
conduct. These standards require personal integrity and a commitment to honesty without compromise. Without the ability
to trust in these principles, an academic community and a civil society cannot exist. Los Angeles Mission College students
and faculty are as committed to the development of students with honesty and integrity as they are to the academic and
professional success of its students.
The Code of Honor and Integrity is an undertaking of the students, first and foremost, both individually and collectively,
that they will:
1. not give or receive dishonorable aid during exams, quizzes or assignments
2. do their share and take an active part in seeing to it that fellow students, as well as themselves, uphold the spirit and
letter of the Code of Honor and Integrity.
Some examples of conduct that are regarded as being in violation of the Honor Code include:
Copying from another’s examination or quiz, or allowing another to copy from one’s own papers
Using any unpermitted source of information, human or other, during an exam, quiz or assignment that influences
the grade; this includes the use of technological devices
Any student-to-student collaboration that is unpermitted
Plagiarism (plagiarism is defined as the use, without giving reasonable and appropriate credit to, or
acknowledging the author or source, of another person's original work)
Representing as one’s own work as the work of another
Giving or receiving aid on an academic assignment under circumstances in which a reasonable person should
have known that such aid is not permitted
As a part of the effort to promote an environment of honesty and integrity during quizzes and examinations, the following
guidelines will apply for any courses in the Health/KIN department:
1. Students will leave all books and all other non-essential items (e.g. paper, electronic devices) on the floor so that they
are not useable nor block the sight line between professor and student. No electronic devices will be in reach.
2. Students will not communicate in any way that will dishonorably assist themselves or another student.
3. Students will leave the room during an exam only if permitted by the professor’s policy. If permitted, only one
student may leave the room at any time and be gone for only the average length of time needed for the stated purpose.
Students will leave all purses, bags, books, phones, jackets, etc., in the classroom during the absence.
4. Students will promote the spirit and letter of the Code of Honesty and Integrity by dissuading fellow students from
dishonest activity and, when such casual persuasion does not work, informing the professor of the possible dishonest
activity, either anonymously, or otherwise.
5. Students will make every effort to avoid even the appearance of dishonesty or lack of integrity
Violation of this policy will not be tolerated and violators will be subject to severe penalties. The success of the Code of
Honor and Integrity is based upon the collective desire of students, faculty and the community to live in an environment
that embraces respect for that which is right – both in the college and in society as a whole.
Here are some additional resources on campus that you may find useful.
LAMC Bookstore: For hours of operation, book availability, buybacks, and other
information call 818-364-7798 or 364-7768 or visit:
Counseling Department: For appointments and information call 818-364-7655 or
Disabled Students Programs and Services: For appointments and information call
818-364-7732 or visit
Extended Opportunity Programs and Services: For appointments and information
call 818-364-7645 or visit
Financial Aid: For information and applications call 818-364-7648 or visit
Library: For information on library hours, resources, workshops, and other services
contact 818-364-7105 or 364-7106 or
Tutoring Services in Learning Center: Laboratories for Learning, Writing, Math &
Science. Walk-in and appointment services offered. Call 818-364-7754 or visit
Student Health Center: For general health concerns and information. Call (818) 362-6182 or visit
Monday: 10:00am - 6:30pm
Tuesday-Thursday: 8:00am - 4:30pm
“If it doesn’t CHALLENGE you,
it won’t CHANGE you”