The comedian Charlie Chaplin was left on his

The comedian Charlie Chaplin was left on his
own at a young age, he quickly learned how to
survive on London's city streets. He lived in
part from money earned as a mime he also
charmed friends and strangers alike into giving
him food and shelter. He learned how to outwit
the police, the police were not fond of a young
boy without a home; Or a job. Chaplin arrived
in the United States in 1910, he quickly got
work in silent films. Working in early
Hollywood. After that it did not take him long to
develop the character that made him famous--the
"Little Tramp." The Little Tramp dressed in
shabby clothes, begged for money; and food
wherever he could find it, and spent most of his
twenty-five years on screen avoiding the police,
Chaplin became a huge success?