ASO minutes 2-27-2012 (2)

Meeting date: February 27, 2012
Call to order:
A Council meeting of the Associated Student Organization was held at Los Angeles Mission College, Sylmar, CA
February 27, 2012, in the ASO Conference Room. The meeting convened at 12:35, Vice-President Brent
Rosinsky presiding, and Randy Gamez, Executive Administrator.
3 minutes 12:35-12:38
Members in attendance:
Executive Board:
Daniel Campos, President;
Brent Rosinski, Vice-President
Randy Gamez Executive Administrator;
Michael Cortez, Parliamentarian
ASO Senators:
Leonardo Herrera,
Teresa Sanchez,
Eduardo Martin
Sandra Barahona
Robert Crossley
Elizabeth Johnson,
Lupe Llerenas
Garry Tomason
Michael Griggs
Oscar Aguayo (unexcused), Elizabeth Johnson (Unexcused), Sandra Rodriguez (Excused), Ann Marie Cantano
*Note: The Constitution allows a 5 minute grace period before a person is considered tardy
Approval of Minutes:
 Daniel Campos: Motion to Minutes for the Agenda for the February 13, 2012 meeting.
 Motion carried
 Daniel Campos: Motion to Minutes for the Agenda for the February 22, 2012 Special meeting.
 Motion carried
 Daniel Campos: Motion to Minutes for the Agenda for the February 22, 2012 Special meeting.
 Motion carried
 Daniel Campos: Motion to Minutes for the Agenda for the February 1, 2012 meeting.
 Motion carried
Approval and Adoption of Agenda:
 Correction: Standing Items should have club charter on there.
 . Daniel Campos: Motion to approve the Agenda for the February 13, 2012 meeting.
 Motion carried
Open Forum:
 Opened at 12:48
 Stanley: Requested an agenda item. School Spirit funds
 Open Forum closed at 12:48
Officers' reports:
Daniel Campos, PRESIDENT
 LA Mission only campus taking a bus to March of March
 Has requested from SAC to create committee to write Regulation on Advisor position
 Robotecas will now be using our current conference room. Our new conference room will be the old
bookstore for this semester.
 Sandra Barahona: Motion to extend time for 5 minutes
Motion carried
Has settled a contract with the Hot Dog cart and Daniel Villanueva
Brandon Batham new student Trustee for district
Will be running for student Trustee next semester
All the shirts are in
Soyla Rodriguez has informed us that
Treasurer has resigned
 motion to accept the Treasurer’s resignation
 Motion carried
 We need students to represent Mission College in the Region 7 board
 For ASACC we will be touring the White House
 Please do not ask Cal works for supplies
Brent Rosinsky, VICE-PRESIDENT
 We need to be more fiscally responsible
 ICC meeting attendance will be enforced. Absent clubs will be suspended
 ASO Fundraisers must follow Admin Regs
 Non-active clubs must recharter within 2 years if not they will lose funds in their accounts
Randy Gamez, Executive Administrator
 Went to SAC meeting
 Revised constitution
 Hosted black history month
 Bought toner for printers and paper
 In lieu of a missing Treasurer the Finance report is included in the Finance Meeting minutes
Senators' Reports:
Garry Tomason, Publications
 Put out flier for March of March
Michael Griggs , Accessibility
 No Report
Elizabeth Johnson, TECHNOLOGY:
 Updated website included Constitution
Sandra Barahona,EDUCATION:
 Attended Sylmar Community Council they are planning to redistrict.
 Sylmar High School planning a relay for life
 Created list of websites for resources
 Attended Tia Chuchas open mike. Evy Trezvant slandered ASO, Mission College and Daniel Campos
Leonardo Herrera, Social Activities
 Attended black history month and finance committee meetings
Lupe Llerenas, Athletics
 Gym has rearranged their hours
 Men Soccer playing tomorrow
 Today the woman’s softball game was cancelled
 Softball teams have new fliers
 No Report
 No Report
Advisor's Reports:
Robert Crossley:
 Business Office has come out with new policies for fundraisers
 Finance meeting needs report/minutes approved
 We need ASO folder packets
 Whoever has storage closet keys please double-check lock
 Black History month was successful
 Will be collecting ASO fee receipt
 There is a job description role for Advisor positions
Board and committee reports:
Tax Oil Committee:
 Need to set up a table for signature gatherings (Leonard Chair, Michael Co-chair
Elections Committee:
 Rolls of Committee members: Sandra R. in charge of recruiting poll workers, Garry making fliers, Brent
making ballots, Crossley creating gmail accounts Teresa in charge of supplies.
 Would like to make a new flier for elections
Mission College Day Committee (1st Tuesday each month):
 Not Addressed (lost quorum)
Welcome Week Committee:
 Not addressed (lost quorum)
ASO Elections Committee:
 Committee Chair Leonard updated dates for elections and added four new rules.
 Randy: Motion to approve suggestions from election committee.
 Motion carried
 Randy: Motion to adopt a paper ballot for this year’s election
 Motion Carried.
CASM-SFV Committee:
 Emailed Gina for instructions
Black History Month Committee:
 Randy: Did have a table for black history month during Welcome week. Black Student Union participated on
a couple of days.
 Tentatively planned to have a Breakfast Panel with Black Educators, Politicians, and Entrepreneurs.
Vendor Committee
 Covered in President’s Report
March in March Committee:
 Has been recruiting people publishing the event
 Possibility of renting vans instead of bus
 Daniel Campos: Motion to open bus to all other campuses and their ASO’s
 Randy Gamez: Motion to amend original motion to only allow campuses who don’t have rep fee
 Amendment carried
 Original motion with its amendment carried
 Will have a special meeting to finalize plans on wednesday
New Business:
Celebrating Words Festival
 Daniel Campos: Motion to support event with a $200 donation and logistical talent and supplies
 Motion carried
Budget Proposal for AGS Conference 2012
 Discussion: Would like financial support to send 5-8 members to AGS Conference
 Daniel: Motion for ASO to approve $1195 for AGS Conference to send 5 people with ASO determining
accounts to withdraw money from.
 Motion carried
Coffee Maker:
 Discussion: Daniel’s Coffeemaker was broken during welcome week would like to have it replaced or
reimbursed. Daniel will purchase one and it will be reimbursed
Ice Chest/Security in Conference Room
 Discussion: Daniel’s Ice Chest Stolen during welcome week. Will get reimbursed. Minutes stolen out of
Exec. Administrators mail box. Randy to take to the issue of video cameras to Fac. & Planning committee
Tax Oil initiative donation
 Will go to Alarcon’s Office to get petitions printed
Abuse of ASO Conference Room
 Library rules will apply in the ASO Conference Room as of now.
ASO Orientation Forum (Maria Saenz)
 Discussion: Would like to get buttons to promote services for students.
 Leonard: Motion to buy button machine for ASO/LRC/Club use
 Motion carried
ASO Task Force, Ad hoc committee to investigate contracts with vendors, (Daniel Campos)
 Discussion: competition for new ICC logo.
SHARP March in March Sponsorship (Oscar Aguayo)
 Discussion: Would like to get progress report on bus quotes
 Sandra: Motion to extend time 4 minutes.
 Motion carried
Unfinished Businesses
Constitution Amendment Recommendations
 Discussion create position Senator of Accessibility
 Randy: Motion to create a position Senator of Accessibility
 Motion carried with 2/3 vote
Shirts/Welcome Week Packages
 All the shirts are in except for a dozen custom pink ones which will come in the next few days.
 Randy worked for free to help make the shirts in order to get them at such a low cost for ASO
 Daniel got a $250 donation from Foundation as a sponsor on the sleeve that lowered overall shirt price
ASACC Conference
 Would like to get letters from College, Foundation, and ASO President to go to the White House.
Standing Items:
Club Charter
 AGS for re-chartering
 Randy: Motion to re-charter AGS as a Campus club
 Motion Carried
The meeting was adjourned at 3:22 pm.
Next Meeting will be held March 12th, 2012.
President, Daniel Campos
LAMC Associated Student Organization
Date of approval
Executive Administrator, Randy Gamez
LAMC Associated Student Organization
Date of approval